Dear Friends,
Today, the House Resources Committee held yet another hearing on the California water crisis. Predictably, the Democratic leadership blocked consideration of any legislation that would actually make a difference.
However, the American people are finally seeing the fruits of many months of hard work on the part of Congressional Democrats. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her team now plan to pass legislation that authorizes stimulus money to be used on fish screens (I’m not joking). Apparently, smelt, salmon and killer whales everywhere are celebrating Congress’ commitment to the environment. But food lines in the valley are getting longer and no relief to the government-imposed drought is in sight.
The hearing today came on the heels of another propaganda victory by radical environmentalists – this time in the Sacramento Bee. In a 2,500 word editorial, long by any editorial standard, a radical environmentalist associated with High Country News boldly attempted to re-write history. Using the regurgitated talking points of President Obama’s water czar David Hayes, the author sought to marginalize my effort to turn on the pumps. Read more about the column in the Bee on my blog (click here).
Thanks for your interest in these important issues. If you have questions or comments about this issue or any other issue, please let me know. As always, the best way to reach me is via my homepage. I can also be found on Facebook.
Devin Nunes
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