So, why NObama County?
Is this just the latest unjustified complaint list by a bunch of "malcontents" and "sore losers", or a truly serious commentary on the actions (and inaction) of the Obama Administration, its allies and sycophants in Government, and the blatantly self-serving "Environmentalist" Lobby?
Depending on where your loyalties and aspirations lay, it's either or both. If you side with political persons and entities that espouse control of "the People", and are willing to use any and all means to achieve that control, you'll say we're spoiled babies who aren't willing to give up what "They" deem to be a destructive way of life.
If you side with those Citizens of the former "Fresno" County who have made their livelihoods and spent their lives in the vocation of Agriculture (while advancing in the span of less a century from a desert to the most productive "Farm County" in the world) you know that you and your fellow Citizens are being "screwed over" with "Environmental Opinions" used as an excuse to favor not just smelt, salmon, striped bass & "Killer" whales over the NObama County Citizenry, but to further the interests and livelihoods of numerous "special interests", political action groups, legal professionals, ad infinitum ... and Politicians. Especially Politicians.
So, lets start out with the really scary "Conspiracy Theory", the one that screws us completely.
We'll follow the trail of events through the link list, so just take it from me that there really are nearly 500,000 acres of the most fertile land on earth that has been forced to lay fallow due to Government edict.
The really scary Conspiracy Theory goes like this: The water is turned off, the land goes fallow ... awww, what the heck, lets just put it in the grimmest (is that a word?) possible terms ... the land is made barren. The Corporate Farmers, like Boswell & Harris, are badly hurt but not wiped out.
However, the Family Farmers are soon devastated. Their livelihoods gone, they are forced to sell out at pennies on the dollar, are foreclosed upon or their land seized for "back taxes." They are pauperized by both the direct opposition / malicious inaction of the Obama Administration and Congress, aided at every turn by the very ones who used to be considered reliable allies of the Farm Worker, the Unions. The "Environmentalists" (sic) side with those who will assure they are well fed, no matter who else is hurt.
So goes the first stage of the Conspiracy.
In short time, the Family Farmers are gone, the food supply is directly affected, and the People are made dependent upon the Government to assure both the supply and safety of food that now, due to Govt. "Environmental Protection", must be imported from other countries.
Strangely enough, we begin to see more talk of "local-ism" in food production, though precious little action is actually taken. Remember, building dams is expensive, but talk is cheap, and mollifying the People with "We're working on the problem" has always worked for the Politicians before, hasn't it?
(Oh, be sure and look up Famine on Wikipedia. And remember just who caused the famine this time.)
Soon, the increasing restrictions on available water lead to the statewide acceleration of residential & commercial water costs, and water from the East Side of NObama County and the Friant and Pine Flat Dams are wholly diverted to either "restoration of historic fisheries" or thirsty metropolitan areas to the north & south. (See Owens Valley & California Water Wars.)
Meanwhile, the municipalities of the Sacramento region continue to dump untreated sewage into the Delta, and both the Delta Smelt & crops begin to fail.
At this point, the remaining Corporate farms of Western NObama County have gone the way of GM ... That is, they've been "saved" (sic) by the Obama Administration, and are now "owned" by the People. Sadly, they are controlled by those who wish most to control the People, as long as they're in control.
And as always, as California goes, so goes America.
I hope this is as bad as it can get ... But, I may be an optimist.
P.S. If you find this alarming, please be sure to go to our "Good Guys" links and get educated.
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