Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can you say "Martial Law?" President Obama can!

As reported by a savvy listener of KMJ 580 AM on the Chris Daniel Show, President Obama stepped that little bit closer today to making Martial Law "fears" a reality:

President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors

is the headline of this page, brought to us by the miracle of Current TV. Yes, it's a real White House page, but never fear, the Gov't won't be planting any cookies on your 'puter. Current mirrors the page, protecting your ID. 

Shades of "My very own Politburo!" I'm still looking and analyzing this one, but it seems to be a Congressionally mandated requirement to establish a "Ruling Cabal." Be ready for the inevitable "stacking" of the Council, and be aware that this is yet another move to "spread the blame" for any "tough decisions" that He might have to make. Can He get any more passive/aggressive? 


1 comment:

cbn said...

Thanks, Kris. Oh, you bet I'll stay tuned! Sad to say, the more "logical" and "benevolent" current Federal edicts I see, the more determined I am to see us return most USA business back to the people. It seems most likely we're always much safer in the hands of a motley crew, b/c it's a lot easier for God to stay in the mix.