Deanne answered them in a serious, plain and thorough fashion.
Yet they still came across as rather puzzled or, more fairly put, completely baffled.
It's clear that there's a deep puzzlement, a deep "disconnect" in the understanding of The People by the "elite" ruling class, and their associates, the "Mainstream" Press. Yes, I state that partly in sarcasm and ridicule, but also in the very personal understanding that those words so often describe what "they" feel and believe about themselves. However, the Press don't realize that, rather than asking "What?" they should be asking "Why?"
The "Why?" behind the "Why?" surfaces in the fact that the current grassroots political tsunami after the election was a surprise to Obama supporters in the electorate, was of little surprise to the unwashed Independents such as myself, and most of all, deeply dismaying to those of us who understand the political uses of psychology.
The use of "memes" such as "Hope" and "Change" were, to me, enormous red flags about Obama.
I am suspicious of many things in this life, but nothing makes me more suspicious than a Politician who goes around spouting amorphous "keywords," words that have a different, gut level meaning to each and every person. And the Users who used the memes were more than happy to let everyone who would buy their bull ascribe their own, oh-so personal meaning to those declarations.
Was this use of the psychology of subterfuge an open and undeniable fact? Oh yes. We have admissions, not of a conspiracy, but of open manipulation in plain sight. Comments such as "never waste a good crisis" and the clueless attitude of the President as to "what went wrong, " as illustrated in the following clip from Glenn Beck:
The saddest fact of the "ruling class" is that they have little or no understanding of the abject absurdity of their continual assertions of superiority. They show open contempt for the electorate that elected them, and prove themselves totally oblivious to any exhortations upon them by that electorate to act in a a sensible and sane manner. They act in a puzzling and irresponsible fashion, continually making commitments in the name of the People which show no benefit to the People. Why? Because it benefits THEM, personally.
Here in California, we have an out in the open object lesson of what happens when a "ruling elite" are allowed to "take over." Even when they run on a platform of "Responsibility," as Gov. Ahnold did, it turns out that what they desire most is the adulation and admiration of individuals who're just as vain, callous and irresponsible as they prove themselves to be.
So, just one short week ago, the People of Massachusetts sent a message to Washington, a message that should have woken them like a bucket of ice water. Clearly, some Politicians were jarred awake. The loss of the Kennedy "hereditary" seat in the Senate was a clear message.
The "politics of privilege" are in open peril, if not already dead.
Hail Teddy, Long Live the "Man who would have been King!"
We now see the "Why?" that the "ruling elite" need to see, understand and FEAR. "They," the Elite, the "Mainstream" Press, the Progressives and Users, have been unmasked in their irresponsibility and greed. Their plan to bankrupt first California, and then the Nation, has been made apparent to all who will see.
The open admissions by California's Senior Senator, Dianne Feinstein that she chose to ignore the People's email, phone calls, petitions and letters on more than one vote make clear the obvious message; She votes not in our interests, but in her perceived self interest. The same is made apparent by Rep. Radanovich's admission of voting first against, then for the original TARP bill.
The rise of the Tea Party scares the hell out of the politicians! It is proof simple that a rising segment of the population not only sees their lies, malfeasance and self service, we aren't going to buy the cries of "Wait 'til they see what's in it for them!" anymore. Their falsity has become openly apparent, as has the fact that they serve only their own interests.
"Is He live, or just Memorex?"
"Why?" Because it's become apparent that what's in it for us is nothing less than the tightening grip of yet another regime of elitist, Progressive idealists. It's easily and readily apparent that the President and His cronies are just the latest in a never-ending parade of Ruinists, bent on the creation of a personal Utopia for themselves and their "equals" at any cost, and ready to crush the necks of all who oppose them.
So, "What is the Tea Party?" It is a group of Individuals, brought together by the realization that if we all stand alone, we will all fall together!
I can guarantee you that, when they first saw me, with my long hair & beard, many of the more personally conservative of my fellow Tea Party members were unsure of this loud mouthed blogger.
I know for certain that I've annoyed many of them. But, one thing that is never in question among those who stand with the Tea Party is that I will defend their personal freedoms and liberties with the same fervor that was shown by our Founding Fathers.
"Why?" Because I know, by the record of History, that if I chose not to do so, the politics of an even older philosophy than is taught in our Constitution will return. We will bow before "our betters," kiss the rings of the Kings, and live in a world where we pay for the dictates of others, without any choice of our own.
I stand with the Tea Party, and it's members will stand with me. How do I know? Because they have.
1 comment:
You provide a fine definition of the "ruling elite": "that what they desire most is the adulation and admiration of individuals who're just as vain, callous and irresponsible as they prove themselves to be."
"Ruinists", you bet.
Good wordsmithing - and great encouragement for this old tea drinker!
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