Friday, April 2, 2010

"The Excuse"

"The Excuse"

Throughout history, the "Straw Man" has been a time tested instrument of tyrants, despots and just plain power mad bastards.
From the Popes, Bishops and feudal Lords of  Medieval Europe to the decimation of the American Indian Nations to the violent reaction of the British Government to the passive resistance of Mahatma Ghandi, the Straw Man has been used to create "the Excuse."
The Indian Moghuls and Chinese Emperors used the trumping up of "Enemies" to impose brutal domination of perceived and convenient foes.
Even in the Land of the Free, the Straw Man has proven to be a useful tool of political control for many now vilified political figures. Sen. Joe McCarthy & President Nixon are simply the most prominent examples, but examples abound.

From W.R. Hearst to Adolf Hitler, those who would control and rule others for their own Power compose an ever present, countless horde. And their excuses are countless as well.

Hitler had the Jews, McCarthy the Communists, and Che Guevara had ... Well, anyone who stood in the way of his thirst for Power. The same for Mao, Stalin and countless others.

Now, the path of the despot isn't easy, and the quest to demonize and vilify for Powers sake requires many collaborators. Hitler had the ruin of the Weimar Republic, a willing Press & a depressed, desperate populace. McCarthy had the Communist "threat" and a Press that was hungry for a sensation and a target. Nixon was afraid of pretty much anyone who spoke out against him, especially the Press.
Which of the above "gentleman" fell with comparative ease, was disgraced and vilified by all and sundry, and spent years in exile? Nixon, of course.

The determining factor in all "successful" despotism has always been a willing and cooperative Press. From the Town Crier to Lippmann & Linkletter, the Media has been key in guiding and sometimes dictating the amount of Freedom the Populace expects and enjoys.

Nixon was taken down by his failure to court, flatter and seduce the Press. There is no doubt that his open distrust and contempt for the Press was his undoing. It wasn't his lies, which the Press are quick to forgive "their" Friends. It wasn't his "crooked" behavior or any incompetence.

Nixon was "taken down" by a hostile & confrontational Press, a supposedly "Free Press" which had openly taken sides, and was determined to prove that no man could become and remain "King" without their consent and approval.

The Medieval Press was controlled by the Church, Bishops, Kings and Lords. The early 20th Century Press was controlled by the "Yellow Journalists," and the euphemistically coined "Progressives."
And the Press proved in the 70's that they could depose "King Richard" and elect President Carter.

And then came Obama.

We've been given a President who enjoys, even in the midst of a continually falling approval rating and despotic (and Constitutionally suspect) legislative collusion, a smiling and proud Press. They crow of his "accomplishments" while ignoring faults, foibles and outright lies, actions that would destroy any Republican or Conservative. They ignore and openly make excuses for the failures to keep his campaign promises of  transparency & accountability. They continually, and with ever louder voices, vilify "the Opposition," even though that opposition is currently powerless to stop any legitimate and truly sensible legislation.

So, why the continued acceptance of the crooked behavior of men (and women) named Dodd, Rangel, Stupak & Pelosi. Why the conspicuous lack of fanfare upon the passing of (the openly conniving) Sen. Murtha, compared with the near deification of Sen Kennedy?
The answer; They know who their "friends' are ... At least for today.

The simple fact is that they are beginning to truly understand that We, the People, are now being considered an open threat to the Power of the Press. And those who teach and promote a "conservationist" attitude are vilified for not "giving" what the "Progressive" Press dictates should be considered "entitlements."

"Bread and Circuses for All" is the attitude of the Press. The Press espouses a philosophy of forcing more productive Citizens to "pay for it" since they have been "more fortunate." The reality of confiscatory taxation is now upon us.
The reality is, since I don't have and have not had for over 20 years any health insurance, and have depended upon my self to maintain my health at a minimal cost, I will now be "fined" (i.e. pay a head tax) for my choice.
And it has been by choice.
I am not a VICTIM.

The Press has now openly become the puppet of the "Progressives." And the People have become aware, and are slowly, so slowly, turning away from them.
And, as the People turn to sources of information, commentary and entertainment that are "free" as well as truly Free, the "King making" Press flails and whines over its waning Power and Profit.

The Press now, instead of becoming truly Free, cries over their falling readership, listenership, and PROFITS. They make noises about Government subsidies, since they're so (self) important to the maintenance of the ("Progressives") Power.

The People now hold the Power, the Power to comment, inform and demand the Truth. We the People now constitute the truly Free Press.

So, dear friends, fellows and Citizens, stand ... Well, sit at your keyboards and write.
Stand with your signs, raise your voices, and inform your neighbors. Email your "Representatives" and call and visit their offices and, above all, do so with good cheer and unfailing good manners.

Do as Ghandi taught us: Resist with your voices, and your vote. But do so with peaceful words, and stubborn actions. Don't raise your fist.
Instead, sit down, and decline to move.
And raise your voice as you do so.

Don't give them their "Excuse."

Become and participate in being the New Free Press, and We the People will WIN.

For they rely on our terror, and we're less and less afraid (and more angry) every day.


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