Friday, October 30, 2009

"Distorted Water" - answering the Enviro-Hypoctrites - from Rep. Devin Nunes

Dear Friends,

I recently updated my blog with a new document – Distorted Water.  In this piece, I have answered the most common distortions used by radical environmental activists related to the man-made drought.  It is important for us to understand these distortions and to be equipped to answer them as we work to restore the flow of water to San Joaquin Valley communities. 

I hope you have a moment to check out the blog entry and encourage you to download the print version to share with your friends and neighbors (a high quality print edition is also available).

Thanks for your interest,

Devin Nunes


If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at
This public announcement is re-published without the express permission of Rep. Devin Nunes, and should be viewed as an endorsement by the NObama County Register, and it's Editor.

Time to "Make the Pledge."

There comes a time when "We, the People" see what is needed, and it's something that we'll have to do ourselves. This is one of those times.
The "Oath of Office" is now being proven to be little more than a bad joke. Open abrogation of, and even more open calls for the wholesale abridgment and abolition of the United States Constitution have been ( and are being ) suggested by even the highest office holders of this land.

Some time ago, a discussion was started on my.Central Valley Tea about having a "Candidates Pledge."

Here's some of the discussion, and what's being done to make "the Pledge" a reality.

Bill said:
A few other things I would like to see enacted.
1. When a politician votes on a bill, they must sign that the read it and it will be a matter for record as to how they voted.
2. One bill, one vote, no riders.
3. All laws have a 5 year experation date. If they end up as a good law, then they can be continued. If they turn out to be bad, we aren't saddled with them for eternity.
4. End the cycle of welfare dependence. When you are born you get a total of 2 years in your lifetime to collect welfare and only 2 years. This way it is a helping hand and not a hand out.
5. Only US citizens may collect aid paid for by the taxpayer.
6. Put Sheriff Arpaio in charge of homeland security Which comes toprison reform. Prisoners are not entitled to TV and other luxuries.
7. Government employees (all of them) are held to the same laws that everyone else must follow. Congress cannot exempt themselves. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Mike said:

I agree with these and so many of the other comments. My only problem with a pledge is that they do not follow the pledge to protect and defend the US Constitution as it is. We should impeach those that do not follow their pledge and some need to be tried for Treason.

Mike, the pledge that they now take has become easy for them to ignore, since their "Peers" and the Judiciary are the only judges of whether they keep it or not. We will give a Pledge to EVERY Candidate that they will ignore at their own

It can't be a "legally binding" pledge, since the Lawyers now make all of the rules, and will find an out. It must be a pledge that say's "If you break this Pledge, every Citizen whose name is assigned to it will work against you, and campaign against your reelection. if you refuse to sign it, we will campaign against you even harder, for you will have said that you're plainly against us."

It will require that every Citizen who wishes to have a hand in making the final Pledge draft also be willing to sign their name to it. This will be our guarantee, our promise, OUR PLEDGE.

We ALL must say "We've signed this Pledge. If you sign it, and KEEP it, we will support you. If you refuse to sign it, we will work against your election or re-election. If you break it, we will work even HARDER for your neutralization and ultimate defeat."

I have put my name to this effort, and will sign the Pledge that we craft.

If you wish to join in, sign on, and commit, come to Make the Pledge and help to craft the Pledge.

The ideas that have been put forward here will be posted in the next week, and considered first. There will be meetings of Pledgers announced as soon as we have a warm, committed venue, and will be on Saturday afternoons.

I've also started this my.CVTP Group, "Make the Pledge" - Beyond the Party System, Choosing Great Candida... to give Tea Party Patriot Members a chance to have a pivotal role in crafting this message.

My thanks go to all who've put their word in here, and all who decide to come & "Make the Pledge!"

Kris Rowe, Editor of The NObama County Register, Tea Party Patriot, Pledger

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"The End of Party Politics and the Rise of the Individual."

It's been my contention for some years now that, with the great equalizing force of the Net, it was simply a matter of time before we saw the mass dynamics of Party politics give way to the power of a truly educated and activist electorate.  What we are now seeing is the stripping away of the Emperors clothes, and those of his simpering sycophants.

The near blasphemous "do-si-do" that the Obama puppet masters have tried to use is crumbling before them, as the sheer weight of their own lies catches up with them.
Not only was there never any truth to the campaign promises, they've proven that what they really intended was a wholesale reinforcement of "business as usual."
The Oz-like calls to "ignore the man behind the curtains," as I like to think of the Czars, have given way to a paralyzing path of indecision that has lead the President to take 2 months to even admit that a decision must be made on Afghanistan.
As one news source put it, with the accelerating death toll among U.S. troops "it appears that a decision must soon be made."

The "Mainstream Media" (sic) has ignored until this week the fact that Gen. McCrystal was appointed commander by President Obama. The Bush bashing isn't working. The President is ignoring his own appointee!

Indecision won't work, and
can't be deflected!

What we are now witness to, in forms such as the Presidents insistence, is a defiance of reality. The repeated statements that "all flu's are H1N1 now" are policy, not reality.
When Doctors and nurses come out and openly advise patients not only to not take the vaccine for the "swine flu," but that they've been instructed to report ALL flu's as H1N1, the Emperor has "cried wolf" too many times.

Now, look at Harry Reid's "no-answer answer" to the question of whether he has the votes to pass his promised 'Government Option Health Bill' in the Senate. After repeated questions by multiple reporters, he had to admit that Sen. Snowe had reiterated her opposition and intention to post a 'No' vote on any such Bill. The Bill will, as his failed S.B. 1776 (oh .. yeah .. sure ... like that Bill number was a co-incidence!) also FAIL!

And good 'ole Harry will spit fire and brimstone at those "obstructionist" Republicans, all the while trying desperately to ignore the truth that the "Leadership" plans for the grand takeover, and their "Final Solution" to Conservatism, were doomed to failure from the very start.

What Harry, Nancy, Michelle and "His Excellency" refuse to see is the bedrock truth of America. People just aren't that stupid!

They may, in an excess of hubris and desperation, elect an empty suit when promised "Hope & Change."
But, when the promises turn out to be bald faced lies, and the only change is that the new President doesn't restrict his attacks to terrorists and despots ( No, not at all ... They're His FRIENDS!) but attacks everyone who dares to disagree with him, the American Citizen slowly starts to turn.

So, my friends, buckle your seat belts and return your tray tables to the upright and locked position, 'cause the fun's just starting ... and it's gonna make "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" look like a Sunday stroll in the Park.

And remember, dear friends, that Sen. McCain and the majority of the "Minority" Party Politicians are just Dem's in Elephants clothing. That Party is on it's way out, too.

Now, we of the Tea Parties, diverse and pissed off, have risen to the challenge; Stand up, raise our voices, grab our cell phones and keyboards, pick up our signs, and make NOISE!

The rise of the Outsider as a political force has begun ... and the "Business as Usual," and "Never waste a good crisis" gang have only themselves to blame.

Oh, and while you're watching the fun, be sure to participate, too. Call your Sen's and Rep's, send them email & snail mail, fax 'em, too ... In other words ...


Because, dear friends, we were happy being the "Silent Majority," but we're even happier being vocal!
And the thing we're most vocal about is ... WE WANT THE TRUTH!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Plain Language Legislative Act - My first contribution to Contract from

Bill Whittle of suggested we go use this great site,
So, I went! It's sponsored by the same outfit I belong to, Tea Party Patriots.

The idea is this: Write a new Contract, a Contract from America. Here's my first contribution:

The Plain Language Legislative Act

Any and all legislation emanating from either house of Congress shall be written in plain English, so that it is understandable to any average Citizen with an education level of grade 5. There will be no exceptions.

Technical language will be restricted to descriptions of function or form. There will be a panel of 5th graders chosen by random lottery from among the schools of the Nation. They will review and approve or disapprove any and all legislation, and judge it as to understandability and sensibility.
Any legislation that elicits a reaction of "I don't get it" or "That's NUTS!" will be sent for rewriting, or discarded, both at the discretion of said 5th graders.

There will be no re-writing of laws from this form by the Supreme Court, or any lower court. Any person wishing to insert language other than in this simple form will be required to first stick their head in an operational and operating gas oven for a period of no less than 8 hours.


It may be a hoax, but the message comes through loud and clear ...

Going on a lead that was sent by C. Brooks Nielsen, I tracked down this pithy audio - gone - video file on

Aussie Public School answering machine:

Nothing more needs to be said.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Willful Malfeasance: The writing has hit the fan, but the wall will be painted over.

"Willful Malfeasance."

It's a frightening phrase, but it's the only phrase to describe the horrifying trend that has come out of the shadows and into the open "light" of the "Mainstream Media."

From the amazing sight of Andrea Mitchell chiding Sen. Orrin Hatch with "I don't think George Soros is a Liberal" to the revelation of Senator Feinstein's bald self interest in totally ignoring her own words of a 1994 letter on Friant Dam and San Joaquin water diversions, the examples are almost literally infinite.

In the last week, President Obama has gone from studying the situation in Afghanistan, to overturning the election results, to "hoping" that He can make a decision on whether to provide the troops that Gen. McCrystal requested in AUGUST!
To any thinking individual, this is unconscionable, open and willful malfeasance. If the former President had dared to "dither" in this manner, he would have been impeached. Yet, here we are with the "Mainstream Media" reporting this malfeasance as though it were a sage and studied response.

For a sitting President to act in such a manner can only be described as malfeasance. For the same President to have weekly parties with Kobe beef & "Guest Chefs", and to fly to Copenhagen to boost his former "hometown" (sic) to host the Olympics, to accept a Nobel Prize for Peace when he has created none, is tawdry, and dis-graces the office of the President.

Add to this his San Francisco visit to lecture rich supporters on "human rights" while studiously not only ignoring but repressing every attempt by the people of NObama County and their true representatives to relieve the Federal Government imposed Regulatory Drought. He couldn't even be bothered to fly over the Valley to laugh at our deprivation. This is willful malfeasance.

We keep hearing the National Conservative voices say that there'll soon be a real example of what Obama & Gang are going to do to us all. Meanwhile, voices such as mine are literally screaming "LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE!"

Malfeasance surrounds us; some willful, some simply by  the sheer weight of the s**t storm the Progressives are throwing at us.
You need only watch to see each example. Today's example is there right now; Please take time to look it over, and be informed.

That way you won't be one of those who ends up saying, "I never knew it was that bad."


From the Mouth of Ray - "The smelt are dying anyway!"

Announced this hour on KMJ's Ray Appleton Show was the latest study on the Delta Smelt, which shows that, even with the pumps turned off, the smelt are "still declining" (DYING!)!!!

Lets see whether this makes it to the "Mainstream" Media today. I know that it won't.

Ray did say that something "BIG" is coming.

I'll link to the podcast of the show a.s.a.p.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liberal Politicians And Ag Organizations Team Up To Keep Water Shut Off - From Rep. Devin Nunes

Dear Friends,

Please read my latest blog entry which explains some of the serious challenges we face related to the water crisis, as well as a call to action.


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Monday, October 19, 2009

Liberal Politicians And Ag Organizations Team Up To Keep Water Shut Off

What’s good enough for New Mexico isn’t good enough for California

I have fought aggressively to bring our water crisis to the attention of Congress and the American people. In the past year, we have achieved an important milestone – we are part of the national debate.

There should be no confusion as to what the goal is. The legislation I have been offering to my colleagues is virtually identical to legislation passed in 2003 for the people of New Mexico. That bill passed the Senate unanimously and passed the House with an overwhelming bipartisan vote.

Recently, Senator Dianne Feinstein said of my efforts, "I've been very disappointed in his approach, to hit and hit." And that, "We have a problem and it won't be solved by saying, turn the pumps on, turn the pumps off." (see the article here)

My response is two-fold. First, Senator if you don't turn on the pumps in the short-term, you will preside over the mass conversion of our nation's most fertile and valuable farmland into desert. Second, since the Senator and her allies in the House were willing to vote for an ESA waiver for New Mexico in 2003, I would like to know what exactly has changed. Why was an Endangered Species Act (ESA) waiver good enough for the citizens of New Mexico but not California?

In the meantime, I will continue to force Feinstein and others to vote with or against the people of California. To date, every time we've brought the issue up the vast majority of Democrats chose fish. That's not partisan. That's the way it is (see my remarks at Interior).

If Senator Feinstein wants to know how many times I am going to keep hitting, she should know that I will keep doing it – finding every creative way to make use of the House and Senate Rules - until Democrats do what's right. That means passage of the same type of relief they unanimously accepted in 2003 for New Mexico. In that instance, the three inch bait fish causing all the trouble was called the silvery minnow.

Why are Democrats blocking any effort to bring swift relief to our region? Just listen to their statements on the House Floor and it becomes clear that they are proxies for the radical environmental movement:

Congressmen Sam Farr (see here), Earl Blumenauer (see here), and Mike Thompson (see here) have all decried the San Joaquin Valley’s illegal use of water. The very water that keeps our communities alive and transformed the San Joaquin Valley into the most productive farmland in the nation has been taken because we have benefited from “illegal water deliveries.”

Congressman Farr believes we live in a desert (see here). He blames the massive public projects, built by Democrats like President Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, for the destruction of fisheries throughout the West. Keep in mind that these are the same fisherman that the government paid more than $100 million not to fish.

During his diatribe against my efforts to gain support for common sense water policy, Natural Resources Chairman Nick Rahall suggested we all do a rain dance (see here).

These statements, as well as others made during the water debate, represent damning evidence of a lack of compassion for the people of the San Joaquin Valley. Worse, they have proven that Democrats are held hostage by radical interests in the environmental movement - people who believe balanced environmental policy means returning our region to a desert.

Not only have House Democrats blocked progress, but so too have California's U.S. Senators. Senator Jim DeMint, representing the interests of the people in our state, tried to gain approval of a watered down New Mexico amendment – a one year ESA waiver. Our Senators led the charge against it. Feinstein cried ambush, likening the move to Pearl Harbor (see here), and claimed not to understand the goal. In truth, she understood it. She was given nearly six hours to read the one page amendment and was approached prior to the debate with both a copy of the amendment and the rational (see here).

The contrast in leadership could not be more striking. Jeff Bingaman, a liberal U.S. Senator from New Mexico, worked with Republicans in 2003 to get an ESA waiver to restore the flow of water to his constituents. Senator Feinstein supported Bingaman's effort, acknowledging the urgency of the situation. However, when it comes to her own state, she claims not to understand the provision and opposes it.

Let me be clear for those who continue to plead ignorance – both in Congress and in various agricultural organizations in our state. My goal, the only goal, is for the water supply to be restored to our region – water that has been flowing to San Joaquin Valley communities for 50 years. My temporary measure, the New Mexico language, is the only way to grant the San Joaquin Valley relief while larger and more ambitious plans are debated.

As a side effect of my work, I have exposed the relationship between Democrat politicians and the radical environmental movement. During a public forum, Congressman George Miller went so far as to take credit for lawsuits that have devastated our region (see his admission during a speech at Interior here).

In addition, I have exposed a weakness in our own community – rural California. I have discovered a prevailing mentality among some agriculture industry leaders that favor appeasement in all matters. In defense of inaction, these political appeasers and defenders of the status quo have signaled their true loyalties. They would rather farming communities be transformed into desert than any of their friends in government be held accountable. They are providing permanent political cover to Democrats whose loyalty has long since left rural California.

Some of our state's agriculture community 'leaders' have even become an extension of Senator's Feinstein's public relations staff. Apparently concerned about the Senator's reputation, one career ag leader responded to my efforts with Senator DeMint by saying "it was wrong on his part." (read the story) Several others have issued press releases praising the Senator for her work on behalf of farmers.

These organizations, through their actions, have undermined my work to restore the flow of water in our state. At the same time they have clung to a host of symbolic acts and misled their members. For example, some agriculture groups have decided studies are an adequate response to the man-made drought. Meanwhile, little or no leadership is being shown when it comes to delivering real relief to the people.

Californians know the status quo isn't working. What they want to know is how many times their representatives will compromise in order to gain political favor? Is being part of the discussion worth selling out rural communities?

Aggressive representation is how the radical environmental movement has been able to take control of California's water supply. At the same time, pacifists and apologists in our own community have hastened our losses. Every time we turn around, courts, legislators and radical environmentalists are demanding more water from increasingly dry California communities. Yet they give us nothing in return. No additional water sources; No way to transfer water around the Delta; No plan to deal with shrinking ground water aquifers.

Worse than nothing, they give us failed policies. More fish species are endangered today than in 1992, when Congressman George Miller and his allies diverted more than a million acre feet of our water to protect the Delta ecosystem. That water giveaway, known as CVPIA, was the first major blow to our way of life in the San Joaquin. Since then, we have endured more water give-aways – including the San Joaquin River Settlement Act.

Dry farmland and high unemployment is where "compromises" have gotten us. We can thank passivism for CVPIA, the San Joaquin River Settlement, various biological decisions and lawsuits. Further compromise is certain death – something Senator Feinstein understood in 1994 when she said, "I oppose any efforts to take water from Friant Dam for the purpose of restoring a long gone fishery on the San Joaquin River (click here)." Unfortunately, representatives of rural communities weren't done compromising and thanks to Senator Feinstein's legislation earlier this year, the San Joaquin River Settlement Act is law and the Eastside of the valley is poised to suffer the same fate as the Westside.

Now is the time for strong representation, not political expediency. We have clear legislative language that passed Congress in 2003 that is capable of delivering us the short-term relief we need to survive.

Now is not the time for agriculture industry representatives to make excuses for politicians. You should insist that the people who represent you are more concerned about our region's future than their continued access to choice political discussions. You must insist that your association unequivocally endorses the New Mexico amendment and a temporary waiver to the ESA for California.

Finally, we should thank the Fresno Bee and Mike Doyle for helping to uncover some of the serious issues we face. The paper helped expose leaders in our own community who are obstructing a resolution to the water crisis, while claiming to represent rural communities and farmers. Now it is time for the Bee to tackle another tough question. Why did Senators Feinstein and Boxer support the New Mexico language in 2003 but continue to block similar language for their own constituents in 2009?

Posted by Congressman Devin Nunes

If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at

To echo the Congressman, I decry the openly hypocritical actions and words of Senators Feinstein & "Ma'am" Boxer. Your constituents have the Constitutional Right to pick you; There is no Right for you to ignore them.
For Senator Feinstein to lecture  effectively, she would have to lecture on "effective hypocrisy." Thankfully, those who elected her are waking up, as their friends and family in the Valley ask them to look at where their food is coming from, and to remember why the price of gasoline has been beyond our control: 
Because we aren't producing it here.

Soundtrack to a Dream ... And My Greatest Nightmare.

Have you ever had a waking dream with a soundtrack? A song you hadn't thought of in years?
I did today.
Before I tell you the song, a little background is needed ...

I cut my Political "teeth" in the Nixon Re-election Campaign of 1972.

At the ripe old age of 13, I was a staunch Young Republican, and manned the phones and watched the local office of the GOP some evenings. Of course, these were different times, and Madera was still a "farm town" in a safer, more trusting age. I was also 6' tall, and over 200 lbs.

Being a sorta geeky, personally Conservative church boy, I wore my "Nixon in '72" button most proudly on my overalls and knew all of the "talking points" against Sen. George McGovern. I defended the Nixon Presidency, and passed out campaign fliers to my newspaper route customers.

Still, I was sometimes uneasy. The Eagleton "crying" incident was hard for me to understand, since we youth were being prompted to accept crying as a legitimate outlet for our emotions, at least in family counseling.
The upstanding clergymen I had as my male influences maintained that there was nothing disgraceful in tears.
My own Mother taught me that tears were a "lubricant for the soul."
So, when Mr. Eagleton wept, I felt sympathy, not scorn, and didn't understand why he would have to leave Mr. McGovern's campaign over a few tears.

I'd been through the "Summer of Love" at Fresno State College, spending my days wonderfully at the Library while my Mom attended class. I was definitely precocious, and felt like I was let loose in a candy store of knowledge. And, strangely enough, I was usually accepted by the college students, since I was there in the (very) loose supervision of one of Mom's fellow students. I watched and listened, and remember the strings of black balloons that flew over the College on Black Monday, and the tremendous noise and shouting from the College Amphitheater.

I remember my mom defending President Johnson when I asked questions about the Vietnam War. She felt that it was best to teach us to support the President, no matter whether she disagreed at her core. Also, having 4 small children and desiring a teaching career, she had to keep a reign on her viewpoint. She often had to deflect uncomfortable questions that popped from my mouth.

There were so many questions, and so few easy answers.

But, I didn't mind the uneasy answers ... I simply wanted to know "why?"

I still do.


Today, I awoke to a dream ... No, a Nightmare.
As sometimes happens to me, this dream had a soundtrack.

Here's the song ...

Buffalo Springfield - "For what it's worth"

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

As this old, sad song began, images, crisp and clear, flashed forth from my memory ...
Images that have haunted me since childhood ...

A Vietnamese Politician holding a gun to a man's head and pulling the trigger.
A little girl ... Screaming, running naked down a road, burning napalm splattered across her body.
Tanks and jeeps on a Vietnamese main street, filled with sad, dirty men carrying guns ...

The scene *morphs* ...

The City became my hometown ... but the tanks and jeeps changed, and color washed in ...
The Tanks were still tanks, but newer, and no mud clung to their sides ... The jeeps became armored personnel carriers, all in desert camouflage ...

And as they passed City Hall, the star on their sides was sharp and white.

Again, the scene shifted, as if searching in Google Maps:

It soared, arching through the sky, and the scene was clear ... no cars moved in the streets ... no one stirred ... all was quiet, but for the soundtrack.
And the tanks and APU's patrolled the streets ... startlingly few, but unopposed, so it seemed from above.

The scene zoomed in, to a middle class neighborhood ... silent, empty streets, wisps of smoke wafting from the fireplaces (strange, wasn't it a "no burn day?") ... and plunged right through a roof, into a living room. A family of 5 sat upon the floor inn front of the firplace, swaddled in blankets, shivering ... their dining room table and chairs piled in pieces beside the hearth. Green cans marked MRE sat beside them.
Outside, the sun shone down on empty streets.

Arching again through the sky ... and down into what looks like a swarm of ants, crawling around, into and out of what appears as a pile of blocks ... dropping as a rock ... into a yelling crowd of people, Black & White, Hispanic & Asian ... familiar faces, yet strangely contorted ... fear, greed, need painted as if with a toothbrush upon these faces ... trade goods in their arms ...

Through the soundtrack, sounds like walnuts being cracked on a sidewalk ... red splatters appear upon random crowd members ... they fall, now mere "bodies" ... the scene arches yet again ...

And falls into a void of blacktop, a wide gulf between sweating, screaming Citizens, armed with whatever they could lay their hands upon ... and sweating, fearful troops, armed to the teeth ...

And here the scene split ... on one side, Citizens rushed the troops, bodies blossomed blood, and fell ... the streets ran red ...

And on the other side ... silence fell and reigned ... quiet faces peered into other quiet, fearful faces ... A chant rose ... "no" ... "more" ... "NO" ... "MORE" ... "NO" ... "MORE" ... "NO MORE!"

It began with one quiet voice ... spread like a wave of oil ...  anger expressed, resolve adopted ...
A stand taken.

And the Troops laid down their guns.

(Here the music ended)

The scene arched away a final time ... this time to the familiar, Mason designed streets of Washington, D.C. ... and dove through a marble dome ...

Below, finely dressed folk danced ... drinking fine wines ... ate delicacies rare & expensive ...
And in the distance, the faint sound of sirens ...

A rock crashes through a window ...

And I woke up.

Theodore, my big, gray "Daddy" cat was "making muffins" on my arm, making the silly chirping sound he does when he wants to be fed & loved.

I felt like bursting into tears and, wiping the sleep from my face, found that I already was.

The last thing I felt like doing was getting up and writing about this dream.
But I knew that I must ...

Maybe then, it wouldn't happen.
Now, I've got to wipe away the tears and decide what it means.

What was my sleeping mind telling me, as I awoke all too slowly?

Here's my take:
Totalitarianism has made it's way into our Government, and "We the People" have voted it in. As the sage wrote, "If they find that they can vote themselves whatever they want, they will fall."

It's so easy, so seductive to look across the continent or the county line, and speak about "those people."
It's so simple to fall into the place of the "Partisan shill" as this writer of opinion in the S.F. Chronicle has done. (Thanks to KMJ-Now for posting the opinion piece.)

After all, it's good for him, isn't it? It gives him a paycheck this week, to go buy his Chilean grapes and Chinese carrots and Japanese maguro tuna ...

The Partisan "player" thinks first of themselves, always. They look at the "blank slate" of Barack Hussein Obama, a slate upon which each voter ascribed their own selfish desires.

"Hope & Change" was the ultimate expression of selfish desire, and raw self interest. It means something different for each self-interested voter.

Unfortunately, what "Hope & Change" seem to mean for us, here in NObama and surrounding counties, is that we're the first to be screwed.

So, what else do I see within my Nightmare?
I see the future of Fresno, and if it falls to a Totalitarian Federal Government, a precedent for dealing with "dissident voices."
A "legal"precedent that will be slowly & surely carried out against those who dare to disagree with this Totalitarian Government in any way.
My Nightmare is completely and starkly predictive in it's single conclusion: The People, or a significant fraction of them, will not stand aside and act like the sheep that the majority will be.
The Majority will be wooed into sitting in their cold, dark homes, waiting for the electricity to come back on, and the gas to be turned back on, and the water to come from their taps once again ...

And out there, where the sheep decide not to be, the Patriots will rise ... with no barriers of race or color, no divisions between us ...

The question that survives my Nightmare scenario is, why 2 paths, with a single outcome?

Because carrying out the same scenario with the same folks will almost uniformly achieve the same result.
The real question is in the People, and the Military that is sworn to uphold the Constitution.

And, in the event that my Nightmare does take place, the People must stand firm & resolute, but not exceed their Constitutionally guaranteed rights and attack the Military. And, the Military must follow the Constitution, reject any un-Constitutional orders, and put down their weapons, rather than wield them against their fellow Citizens.

I reject the "solution" that wastes the "blood of Patriots." Violence will create an answer, but needless violence will only create ruin.

It did at Kent State, My Lai and Cambodia, and if all falls to violence, it will do so here.

"George Miller's Valley of Revenge" - From Rep. Devin Nunes, with commentary

I gave this entry much thought before posting it, and it needs to be said. The first part is from Devin Nunes. The second is my opinion and viewpoint, and represents me alone.

Dear Friends,

Last week, Congressman George Miller (D-CA) attempted to gain passage of a water recycling bill for the greater San Francisco Bay Area.  Congressional leaders pursued passage of this bill on the House schedule reserved for non-controversial measures, meaning it required a 2/3 vote to pass. 

As you know, the Speaker and Mr. Miller have refused to allow San Joaquin Valley water legislation to be debated.  For this reason, I asked my Republican colleagues to help defeat the Bay Area water bill.  In doing so, we insisted that valley water problems be debated along-side legislation related to Bay Area water. 

In my view, it is irresponsible for Congress to consider spending tens of millions of dollars on Bay Area water recycling programs while communities in the San Joaquin Valley are being deprived access to water and ignored by CongressNo one in the Bay Area has had their water taken from them and Congressional attention should be focused on helping those suffering from the government-imposed drought.

Instead of recognizing that he needs to allow a debate on the valley water crisis, Congressman Miller responded by seeking revenge against Republicans who fought for our voices to be heard. 


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Devin Nunes
If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at


From Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel, 10.08.09

From the Editor:

When discussing "reeking, puss filled gasbags" or Partisan hacks, one would generally hope that they weren't talking about a United States Congressman.
Sadly, there are proving to be exceptions to this "Hope."  Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez) seems to have skipped the part of Primary school where "co-operating with others" was discussed.
He also seems to have ignored the call's from the House Leader Nancy Pelosi for "bi-partisanship" and "accountability." Revenge is something that he does ahead of time, and is unthinkable for the "opposition" to engage in.

I do try to make sure that I don't let blind anger and unfocused hatred cause me to act without wisdom. Unfortunately, Rep. Miller doesn't care to adhere to this course of action, a fact that is plainly demonstrated in his constant stream of vengeful actions when others don't just lie down and give up.
To use the same tactics that he does is somehow unfair, and revenge must be exacted. A Lesson must be taught, and people must be punished for their impudence in defying his Royal Will.

Yet, Rep. Miller shows constantly how small and mean a man he is. He insists that he be kowtowed to, and not just allowed, but endorsed when he insists that he is the exception. In this, he heads down the same historical road as all Tyrants, choosing favoritism, partisan division and popular regional bigotry in his quest to avenge his own failures.

As I did in Concord, standing outside his office, I call out "Where's George?!?" Doesn't he, or for that matter, President Obama, have the GUTS to come and see the human misery that they are responsible for causing?


Unfortunately, this "Leader" is likely to be found spewing hypocritical sewage of the same level as Delta communities. Be sure to juxtapose his words with his actions. He doesn't introduce legislation to clean up sewage inn the Delta, or to develop water supplies. He doesn't offer any answers, only deprivation and suffering, as long as it serves himself.
I'm sure that, after seeing this video, you'll come to the same conclusion as I did, and ask the same questions.

George doesn't work for his constituents, or America. George works only for himself.

"The time has come for all good men to come to the aid of their fellows."
The time of Partisan politics in America has passed. The Republican & Democrat Parties are one in the same. You need only look to the actions of Republicans who "negotiate in good faith," knowing that there is no "good faith"in these Partisans souls.
You've watched George Miller in the above video. You can see that he knows what works, "Traditionally," but tosses it aside, since it doesn't work for him.

Partisan politics is destroying our country. Partisan politics, and those who practice it, have decided this is a "fight to the death."

And they intend to be sure that we're the ones who die.

Monday, October 19, 2009

For those who still respect the Constitution ....

While listening to Glenn Beck today, I heard about this strikingly ethical organization that puts their oath where their mouth is ...
In their own words;
"Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution:
Our motto is "Not on our watch!"

There is a great deal of fear among the Conservatives of our Nation, having seen the "whatever it takes!" mentality and blatant use of Progressive & radical Socialist tactics such as were described by Saul Alinsky in "Rules for Radicals",  that the present Administration will find excuse to declare martial law and circumvent the Constitution in it's present push to overwhelm, "re-form & remake" America. The stated purpose of Oathkeepers is dedicated to thwarting any attempt to circumvent our Constitution by such illegal and intentionally precipitated means.

While we're truly skeptical of "conspiracy theories" here at the NObama County Register, we have our eyes wide open. We've seen moves that are straight out of Alinsky, are constantly bombarded with overreaching attempts to usurp Constitutionally delegated powers & destroy the Middle Class, and are lectured as to how we must "get out of the way" so the President can create his Utopia of "fairness & economic redistribution."

Friends, it's weird and getting steadily weirder. It's time for every single individual Citizen to stand and say their peace. Here's mine:

"I support and will defend with my life, my blood and my treasure, the Constitution of the United States of America.
I will fight, with words and deeds, any and all who would deprive Americans of our Constitutionally defined Rights, Rights which have been conferred upon us by God.
I will raise my voice, and encourage others to do the same, in defense of our Constitution.
I will fight those who would require, for their own selfish purposes, the abridgment of any American Citizen's Constitutionally guaranteed Rights."

I'm sick and tired of being urged to give up my Rights, especially for some illusion of security such as "Universal Health Care." Government Health Care Insurance is not "single payer." It will be paid for by everyone, and subject all to an unequal level of deprivation. It will, despite all protestations to the contrary, require rationing and imposition of artificial controls upon the market. and Politicians will build in exceptions that will make some unequal by dint of age, sex, color or philosophy.

So, despite my strong urge to disbelieve, I see the evidence of the Obama Administration's willingness to actually do anything that will gain themselves more and more power. If they will deny us water, they will deny you water. If they demonize Fox News, they will not hesitate to demonize or deny the Rights of you or I.

Do you remember the last President to openly demonize "the Press?" Does the phrase "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism!" mean anything to you?
Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew committed these acts and said that phrase. It begs the question: Why demonize when you can simply ignore? Is what Fox is reporting the Truth, or too close to the Truth?

And, in the light of the past, what is the Obama Administration in need of hiding? They openly lie, so what more could they possibly be trying to pull on us?

The only thing I'm absolutely sure of is that I don't have proof of anything positive where Mr. Obama is concerned, and plenty of proof of negatives. I don't trust him, his Czars, or his associates.

I'm not yet sure whether I will join the Oathkeepers, but I applaud their determination and guts. And we here at the NObama County Register support their Right to defend themselves and all Americans, from those who would usurp the Constitution.

For more commentary on Oathkeepers, check out "Oath Keepers vs. oath breakers"

A Modest Proposal to Reform the Congress - From & PJTV

Bill Whittle

A Modest Proposal to Reform the Congress

by Bill Whittle

You know how it is when you’re watching a slow-motion train wreck – Britney, say – and just when you are absolutely convinced it can’t get any worse… it does?
Congress has an approval rating of 21%. And when I heard that Harry Reid is actually discussing plans to sneak single-payer, National Health Care legislation not only past the will of the people, but sneak it past the lower house of Congress by attaching it as a rider to a completely unrelated bill…
…Well, that is an act of such unremitting and bastardly sinfulness that it simply has to be addressed.
GetAttachmentClick Image to Play
I take a look at the four Senators and twenty-something Representatives currently under ethics investigations of one kind or another, and present to you, the American people, my Modest Proposal to get government back in the hands of the governed.
I’ll save the details for the video, but suffice it to say that the Whittle Plan, at $935,000,000 is not exactly cheap, but it is definitely a bargain at .0003 of the Federal Budget for 2008.
I don’t want to spoil the delicious details, but here’s the elevator pitch:
We already pay farmers not to farm. Why can’t we pay legislators not to legislate?  
It’s bold and it’s foolproof. Congressional greed and mendacity have been allowed for.
I dare say it is an idea whose time has come.

It might not be the answer, but I've heard worse ideas! Thanks to C. Brooks Nielsen for finding this great commentary.
The only real problem I could find with this idea was that it woukd give the Prez an excuse to declare "shenanigans!' and martial law, and simply can the Constitution ... Which brings us to the next Blog post ...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Republican Family Feud Breaks Out! - Posted at a Tea Party site ... No, REALLY!

Well, I'm not so sure it was good unless you're a CNN fan. Aside from the epithets, sneers, and snide references to teenage girls that any Conservative would have been pilloried for, it was mostly useless.

(Note to Newschick; Teenage girls don't give wedgies. That's teenage boys, which you'd have known if you'd gone to High School.)

However, there was at least one relevant point made: Liberals will always make fun of Conservatives for showing behavior that they contend is normal and acceptable, if not outright admirable, for themselves.

I did enjoy the Lindsey Graham (Weenie-SC) excoriation scene. It's refreshing to hear Patriots calling a passive-aggressive greedhead on his selfish & irresponsible behavior. The entire "Mainstream News" (sic) machine is fast reaching a new nadir of self parody. The sad and sordid part is they contend that they're serious.

I really appreciated the repeated "chicken" references when the Newschick spoke of Tea Party members getting "egged on" by Republicans. Someone should explain to these self important ninnies that the "chickens & unherdable cats" certainly don't need the Dempublicans to get them "riled up" when we have condescending sneers like this to point to.

Personally, I'm seriously considering hiring a 4 year old girl in a pink tu-tu to (too many tu's?) spin around while shrilly screaming "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" and schedule her against these dweebs. At least it would be honest, rather than the smirking wise-ass display this clip proved to be. It would certainly be more entertaining and enlightening.

The great thing about seeing this clip on the Tea Party site is that it completely saves me from spending the money to subscribe to a pay service for this garbage.
Bill Gates should be thoroughly chagrined, if not openly ashamed to be paying part of this Newschick's salary.

If this was posted in ironic humor, you need to smirk back. If this was posted as seriously relevant commentary, watch it a few more times. Meanwhile, I'm getting a bi-carb for my sour stomach.

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Welcome, President Chamberlin! "

Well, it's official, President Obama has earned a new nickname, and I get to coin it!

So, let's all give a great big NObama County WELCOME to our new Commander-in Chief ...

"President Chamberlin!"

Citizens, it is indeed a serious time, and a deadly serious circumstance. When I look around during one of our Tea Party Actions, I see fellow Citizens who are angry, scared, fed up ...
But their greatest concern is the lack of a true Leader.

Now it appears that the Taliban aren't actually our enemies, they just happened to be "hanging around" or some such. What this actually signals is an open declaration of an "appeasement mentality."

Ask the British what appeasement will accomplish over the long run, and they'll tell you:


Of course, the White House waited to release comment until the Midnight News update. True to form, and about as "Politics as Usual" as a "Chicago Machine" Democrat could possibly get. This bunch is a case study in passive-aggressive behavior.

So, what we're looking at is a repudiation of the "Terrorist State" concept, and a guaranteed resumption of a full scale terrorist assault on our values, our economy, and ultimately, our physical existence.
I can also guarantee to "Prime Minister" Obama that his new Totalitarian 'buddies' will milk him for all that they can, then stab him in the back as soon as is convenient.

"President Chamberlin," I hope that you and your Statist cronies are taking predictions, cause this one's a doozy:
Sooner than later your "supporters" will learn, to their everlasting (one can hope!) dismay & disgrace, that no matter how many times you elect James Earl Carter, the diplomatic failures of his Administration will still remain. You can rewrite history texts, but you can't change the realities of the lifeless bodies of dead American soldiers and civilians,American Citizens you are condemning to certain death.

You see, the Presidency is no more a "trainee position" than it was when James Earl Carter was elected. And a fool in the White House is not relieved of being a fool through mealy-mouthed and ultimately hypocritical declarations of "Hope & Change."

The adoption of a "pro-Taliban" policy, and the inevitable reality of a President who's dedicated to "sucking up" to the Taliban, signals a new level of willful neglect of reality. It gives the Taliban a green light to resume their human rights abuses on a wholesale level.
Can you say, "Bring on the Burkas, boys!"?

So, remember this when you are helping mop up the bloodstains, dear Patriots:
Treason comes in all flavors and all sizes, but Death comes in only one flavor ...

 You'd think we'd still remember that flavor from Vietnam, wouldn't you?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Todays "Letter to the Senator," and "your tax dollars at work."

Hi, Patriots!
Here's the letter I just sent off to Sen. Feinstein, with her reply to my first letter following it. I hope you'll pick up on her letter and send your own to her at Sen. Feinstein's email page.


Dear Senator Feinstein,
I'm relieved to know that you are "on the case" with "President Obama's" Health Care Re-Form Bill. However, I want to make my stance quite clear:
I truly don't wish to be insulting, but I don't trust you.
If you simply look at where I live, and your professed ignorance of and lack of speed in addressing our all too real problems, perhaps you will see why there is a "trust deficit" at issue here. I have less than no interest in your Party, their "interests," or the promotion of ANY political Party. As far as I am concerned, and indeed, the Constitution is concerned, the only interests are those of ALL Citizens.

Perhaps when you show that you truly care about we "little people" and come out to talk with us, instead of intimating our ignorance of the "Big Issues" and accusing us of "ambush," we will trust you. For now, I will simply say that I do not support any Health Care Bill that is not designed to "take effect" before the 2010 elections, and that does not resolve the problems with Medicare, Medicaid, and other "entitlement" programs before imposing further restriction upon the private sector. In fact, I support a Federal ban on State imposed health insurance restrictions. I see no valid reason why I should be forced to pay for a level of health care that requires I be covered for breast & uterine cancer, since I am a male.
And as you and I'm sure, your close associates in the private sector know, competition always drives prices down. I'd appreciate seeing proof of that knowledge, and in the absence of that proof, will interpret its absence as an implied endorsement of a Government Monopoly.

Again, my thanks for your lovely form letter. It's comforting to see that our tax dollars are going to pay for such lovely writing, though it was disconcerting to see that your office didn't match fonts when pasting in "talking points."

Kris Rowe, The Nobama County Register -

"I want to believe!" - The Amazing Randi

P.S: Why is it that, when it's a "Democrat issue" it's dealt with with speed, but if it's simply "our" issue, it's got to be studied and hemmed & hawed over for weeks, months or years?
Can't you "feel our pain?"

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:59 AM, wrote:

Dear Mr. Rowe:

Thank you for writing to me to express your opposition to healthcare reform. I appreciate the time you took to write to me, and I welcome this opportunity to convey my opinions on how we should reform our health care system.

I support reforming our healthcare system. The key is to find a healthcare plan that provides coverage, as well as limits cost. My colleagues in the Senate and I have been working on this, but it is a difficult issue and must be carefully thought out. I hope that when the Senate Committee on Finance considers a healthcare reform proposal, the Committee will pass a bill which can accomplish these goals and can be effectively merged with the bill passed by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Other health reforms are also necessary. I strongly believe that any healthcare reform legislation should prohibit coverage denial based on preexisting conditions. Reducing healthcare premium costs is absolutely essential. Between 2000 and 2007, combined profits for 10 of the country's largest publically traded insurance companies rose 428 percent. I am also concerned about the astronomical growth of entitlement spending, which makes up 56 percent of all federal dollars spent in 2009. Health reform must bend the healthcare cost curve, slowing the growth of entitlements in order to reduce our nation's debt and budget deficit.

Any Senate health reform bill must improve California's complex health care system, and please know that I am working hard with my colleagues to make health care affordable for all Americans, without adding to the federal deficit.

Again, thank you for contacting me. If you should have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Where next for "Adventure?" - Let's finish Afghanistan first, okay?

So, my friend, you've decided that we need to attack Iran ... But, how do you support this choice?

In this World of incredibly difficult choices, you've zeroed in on one of the worst we could make ... To begin another "Adventure." In my tired eyes, I think we need to end what we've begun, first.

From Prez George, who left the "tough stuff" in His last year to Dick Cheney, to Prez "Brak" (anybody remember Brak? Check The Brak Show.) Obama, the gestalt mood-swing is like day & night.
Cheney's "uber-man" toughness was outdone only by his rampant "pro-corporate interests" stance. The reality index, however, was far higher than the "Beta-Male" yes-man-ism of Prez Obama. If this was only an economic choice, I would applaud his reluctance to make any "sudden moves."

The sad and ultimately shameful fact is that the lives of our best citizens are being wasted by the Presidents hesitation to do "the right thing." But, just what is "the right thing?"
The moral path was laid out by President Bush in the weeks after the Taliban crowed over their involvement with Al-Queda. "Remove & replace" was what we heard.
Sadly, this was not the reality. The devolution into the Vietnam standard "Military-Industrial" opportunity came all too soon, and was disgustingly thorough. The opportunity for all "sides" to play Politics was too attractive for Patriotism to overcome, as was raw commercial opportunism. "No-bid" contracts were not only expedient in our "fast food" society, they made great opportunities for officials to build & reward personal alliances.
So was set the sordid proof that, as with McNamera & Johnson, the "interests" of the Administration, not the interests of the People, would guide and command "Military" Policy.

And "we the People" must share the blame. In the national "head-rush" of our consumer orgy, we decided that what we'd been told were "rights & entitlements" truly were such. Our selfishness knew no bounds, as did our overweening demand for someone to "blame." We rushed headlong to try and prove to ourselves that what the Terrorists made plain was actually a strength. We gladly said, "Here, do with our Rights what you will, as long as we don't have to doubt that we're 'safe.'"

Iraq proved that America still had not learned "the Law of the Jungle:"
The Tiger who has the Biggest Teeth must use them.

Herein lies the basic fact of Nature: Do, or Die. Speak Boldly, and Use the Big Stick.

In Afghanistan, "Papa" Bush screwed the pooch. We had, and gave away with a will, a great opportunity. Papa Bush could have decided to help the Mujaheddin after their victory over the Soviets in the 80's, and we would have been Afghanistan's first true Allies, and their Mentors. But, for reasons that are long, complicated and ultimately, self-serving, he chose not to do the right thing.

The Afghani's were left with a power vacuum, and as any student of physics or Nature knows, every vacuum is sooner or later filled. The Taliban rose.
Iraq was treated in the same way, with the same concurrent results: Hundreds of billions of dollars, and many thousands, if not millions of lives were wasted. Our children may well pay for our hubris, and our childish self-indulgence.

So, for the final point: There are only 2 correct paths to take in Afghanistan.

One is to pull out, and let the chips fall. This will be ruinous, but at least we'll be out of "the Money Pit," for awhile. Iy will lead, as did the Vietnam pull out, to the same sort of action as lead to the Iranian Revolution. It will also necessitate "Fortress America," and the police state that would require.

The other is to put our full support and efforts behind what is actually best for ourselves and the Afghani People. simply put, that is to stop screwing around with maintaining a "balance of terror,' and overcome the Taliban wherever they choose to hide.
Make it clear, in no uncertain terms, that any Temple, Village or entity of any sort that harbors them will be destroyed. Make clear where a "safe haven" will be, and make it safe. This can be done, if President Obama has the cojones to stand up and be a Man.

This will require him to displease those he wishes most to serve. He will be reviled and despised by many in the World.

But, in doing this one defining act, he would become more than the wounded "child of the streets" he still obviously is, deep inside. He would become an Alpha-Male, a maker of Nations, a Man of Decision ...

A Maker of Peace.

And let those who would "Play Games" be damned.

But, will this happen? Will the second path be taken?


Why? Because, no matter how deft a Politician He is, Mr. Obama doesn't have what it takes to be a Great Leader.

He craves the approval of others. Simply, He doesn't know how to lead.

So ...

Learn to duck.

The Balancing Act - "Fear & Loathing in the Central Valley', or "Talk about a REAL letdown!"

This is a weighty post, but please give it your attention;
from our Roving Correspondent, C. Brooks Nielsen: 

Please note the photo and its caption below.
Perhaps this fuels Senator Feinstein's argument for ending irrigated farming.  I have noted concerns, also, that irrigation matters deplete the ocean. Meanwhile, I worry about losing our produce.

I'm wondering now if this water issue of ours might be an excellent illustration of the balancing act human beings are charged with in the matter of remaining fit to survive?  As such, I see some great contradictions with regard to current healthcare concerns.  On one hand, the government seems to want to protect us from the cost of healthcare for the old and the fat while, on the other hand, frantically mandating protection for all from a "pandemic" flu.  And then there is the question of another all-time population leveler - war.  As for those who build their reputations on the nobility of equitable distribution of wealth, why bother with such trifles until we save the planet from ecological destruction?

I suppose it's no wonder we live in such interesting times.

Reprinted from The Madera Tribune
October 2, 2009
By Don A. Wright

The first release of San Joaquin River water for salmon restoration is slated to begin this month. In response, about 50 people gathered Thursday afternoon at the foot of Friant Dam for a press conference by Families Protecting the Valley.

The association argues that the water release is a threat to farming on the San Joaquin Valley's east side equal to the economic setbacks experienced by Westside farmers.

Madera grower and FPV member Denis Prosperi told those gathered that 200,000
to 300,000 acres in the Friant delivery area are threatened by the releases.

The one-million-acre Friant area includes Chowchilla and Madera at its northern end and extends to Kern County following the Friant/Kern Canal down the Valley's east side.

"You see those brown hills behind us," asked Prosperi. "That's what the Valley floor will look like. Today's releases are only the first step if the Westlands model is followed."

Clovis grower and packer Bob Smittcamp echoed Prosperi's sentiments, "People are starting to get it. There is a zero water allocation projected for 2010. You ain't seen nothing yet."

I passed on this message to my Bay Area contact and appreciate his thoughtful reply.

Incredible photo if it’s accurate.   Shows the paradox of a lot of things.  Unregulated use of land and water resources.  What’s the incentive for any individual property owner not to pump groundwater when the impacts are felt by everyone?  Overpumping allowed a lengthy period of prosperity/yield, but overtime the underlying aquifer gets smaller (squished) and the water levels go down making it harder to pump and more expensive. 

Seemingly the argument now is ? ? ? that because the aquifer pumping can’t continue like it has that the surface water being released to the rivers for ecological reasons should be diverted to maintain the unsustainable amount of agriculture produced through groundwater pumping of an ancient aquifer?  That doesn’t make a lot of sense either.

The sprawl creep going on around Exeter Visalia (everywhere in the valley really) is another paradox.  All those extra people and houses and lawns, take water too.  Flat farm land is easy to develop into houses and the local governments see the quick profit from converting ag land to residential/commercial (people have to live somewhere, right).  Then the new homeowners, don’t like being next to farms (smell funny, pesticides, dust, etc) and the land values of the nearby farm land go up and encourage the next guy to sell to developers.  Pretty soon everyone has a cheap house, but no job and water is scarce.   How to control?  Through government?  Seemingly only way, but that would be telling private property owners what they can and can’t do . . .

No easy answers.
Since I have never seen easy answers to anything important - or a bottom line from any one person, I am always grateful when the conversation keeps going. I sure wish we could count on that from our all public servants!cbn

Thanks, C. That photo is worth it's weight in gold! I've tried to hammer this in, and folks are watching, listening and searching for answers like we are.
After a weekend of hearing all about D. Letterman & how "noble" his "openness" is, I'm ready to gag. He wouldn't have been open if it would have been cheaper to pay the extortionist off.
But, this is about Water.

USGS is "studying" the problem of ground water depletion and subsidence. Apparently, those who're "studying" have never looked at what happens to a sponge as it dries. Being a mineral & geology enthusiast, I know how aquifers work. Depletion not only dries out formations, it changes the chemistry of the very rocks.
 Remember what happened in 3rd grade science class when the teacher poured vinegar into the glass with the sodium bicarbonate? Many of the same sort of reactions take place as depletion occurs, porous limestone formations alter, and sedimentary collapse occurs.

Immediate dangers are well known, and virtually ignored by Politicians & Bureaucrats. Ask any chemist or geologist, and they'll tell you that things get very sketchy when you remove water from limestone, sandstone and fluid filled formations. Combine this with radical changes in alkaline/acid balance, and you're going to see disasters that I'm not qualified to predict.

I'm getting over my head already. Even without assessing the possible effects on tectonic faults , limestone & calcium carbonate structures will be damaged in bizarre & disastrous ways. Search "geology of sinkholes" & "limestone caverns" and you'll get some idea of what is being precipitated below our very feet.
The geology of the eastern valley is such that limestone.calcium carbonate formations tend to outcrop on the surface, evidence of surface/near surface deformation ("crumpling") as the eastward moving crustal plate sub-ducts (moves below) the North American plate, continuing the lifting of the Sierra Nevada. I know this is getting a bit thick, but bear with me.

I've spent a great deal of time pondering and discussing geology over the past few weeks. The conclusions I'm drawing is that, even though the "Environmentalists" DON'T know how to "Save the earth," they DO know how to work with Politicians to create a constant "State of Crisis." And, as we know, Statist Politicians LOVE "a GOOD CRISIS." Remember, in the (sadly, all too) mortal words of R. Emmanuel, "NEVER let a good crisis go to waste!"

Here's the outcomes:

1. Ground Subsidence (GS) will cause deterioration of the California Aqueduct, and all other concrete structured canals that are not on granite bedrock, i.e: ALL VALLEY CANALS. Sectional leakage will necessitate a "crisis" requiring drastic water rationing and extreme measures to get water to SoCal. If you need an example, think of a road with "frost heaves." Can you say, "LEAKS!"

2. Effects of subsidence upon fault structures are totally unpredictable. The effect of shifting of literally Billions of TONS of silt, gravels & sedimentary structures in so short a time are unknown, though I'm investigating what has occurred in the Owens Valley. The depletion patterns are similar, save for the fact that water replenishment levels are drastically different, due to a vastly different structural base. (There's no way to say it simply, and I don't know if you have the vocabulary to understand the nomenclature.)
Try to imagine what would happen if you build a house of cards, park a truck on the roof, then slam a door. The resultant disaster would be mild compared to the devastation created by what is happening, where water bearing structures have acted like shock absorbers. Remove the water and you get a multiplication of earthquake effects.Think of putting that house of cards on one of those Circus "balance boards," only we're the Clowns.
Subsidence could not only cause earthquakes, it could make the damage in the Central Valley vastly more severe than it has historically been.

3.  Sinkholes. Caverns. The effects of groundwater subsidence include these and much worse. See Homeowners Blame Water Agency for Damaging Their Homes. Think of this on a level almost beyond belief. Who do we sue to get our lives back? Personally, I'm tired of seeing Lawyers become Politicians, then stall until a situation has been made that mainly supports the continued livelihood of more LAWYERS. Most Lawyers THRIVE on others MISERY!

C., these are just three small facets of the potential problem. What really, truly frightens me are the things that I simply haven't imagined. What happens when, due to a lack of drinking water, refugees stream into the Valley? What happens to San Francisco when "their" water pours into the Bay after the Hetch Hetchy tunnel collapses in "The Big One?"

I'm ready to go lock myself in the bathroom, throw up for awhile, then spend a few hours screaming into my pillow ... it's truly that frightening.

But I can't do that. So, lets "go to Press," and lay on the pressure. I'll get the Tribune piece into the Register, get some additional stuff to you, and you run with it. Get this and other facets to your contacts in the Bay Area, since they're the most exposed to the worst threats from this, and most able to sway their Politicians.

The Big Link is from : "Groundwater subsidence in the Central Valley" search results. Please spam everyone, Nunes, Applleton, Inga, Paul R. etc.

Keep your chin up, and remember, we can always move away.

P.S: If anyone thinks that I'm just trying to scare them, well "DUHHHH!!!"
How stupid & blind do we have to be to see the Forest for the fire?
P.P.S: The "Simple Answer" really is simple:
Do what works! If we want to have better control over water, build more Dams & Canals. Upgrade sewage systems, and clean runoff before returning it to the rivers. Make Business true partners, rather than fee-ing & taxing until they leave. 
Stop giving in to anti-abundance, "Environmentalist" forces. They refuse to negotiate in "good faith," so don't negotiate with them.

Americans are starting to notice that they aren't getting the choice produce from NObama County anymore. They're starting to pay attention to us ...


But it's a long way to Tipperary (WWI) - Will it be Obama's Vietnam?

Gleaned (with bloodshot eyes) by our Roving Correspondent C, Brooks Nielsen, 

Re: the new Vietnam:
Americans should pay close attention to the path President Obama chooses in Afghanistan, since his decision will prove critical to America's national security interests, write Heritage Foundation experts Lisa Curtis and James Phillips.
"There appears to be some wishful thinking within the Obama Administration regarding the U.S's ability to negotiate a political solution with the Taliban," write Curtis and Phillips. But negotiations have yet to work with al-Qaeda and Taliban, who are now more unified than ever by their anti-Western aims. As Henry Kissinger wrote in Newsweek, "even so-called realists -- like me -- would gag at a tacit U.S. cooperation with the Taliban in the governance of Afghanistan."

RE: amnesty for illegals:
Aware that granting amnesty to lawbreakers may provoke a strong reaction, President Obama and one of the bill's key authors, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) have decided to keep it under wraps until the new year. In fact, the administration is drafting the legislation itself behind closed doors, rather than in the usual Congressional committees. That means Congressmen won't even see the "hundreds of pages of complicated legislative language" until the bill is brought to the floor.
"After witnessing the firestorm over health reform, Obama apparently has decided never to go down that 'let Congress lead' route again," explains Carafano. This means the proposal won't reflect Congressional debate -- including input from those skeptical of granting amnesty -- but instead will reflect only the President's priorities.

Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition! - cbn