Friday, July 2, 2010

Okay, I've had enough ...

Time to start it up again!

Early this year, I followed my own advice and did a "self assessment." This laborious process consists of asking myself a bunch of questions, the most important of which is ...

"In what mood am I spending my day?"

I looked at what I as writing, how I was communicating and what I was telling others to do ...
Not that I expect anyone to listen, of course.

Whatever. (By the way, don't you hate when someone says that to you?)

ANYWAY ... I spent a few days asking myself that question, looking at what I was projecting and writing, and came to a singular conclusion:

I was ANGRY!

Now, I know that I wasn't projecting that all of the time and to everyone, but that anger was the filter I'd started looking through, and humor had begun to slowly creep away. I was starting to take myself too seriously, to imagine that I was more than a "little cog."
I realized that there was little more I could do or say that was worth my being angry.

So, it was time to step back for a look at my life, and to concentrate on new and long desired goals for a few months. And great gains were made, new doors opened.

But ... With the primaries over, and the silly season upon us, it's time to pick up the lantern again, and see who I can shine the light on.

Jeeze, it's hard to start doing this again ...
Naaaaaaaahhhh, not really ... They give me soooo much to work with!

From the "And the Dweebs just keep coming" file ...

Career twerp and well known "Jerk o' the World" U.S. Rep. (D-Hades) Pete Stark has made a life's work out of saying and doing things that would have caused a mere mortal to lose, by dint of fist, most if not all of their teeth. He's sooooooo obviously the fella for whom the line "Some guys just never learn ..." was coined.

But, who needs more of a screed from me when Pete can explain it so well by just being his own scabrous self, eh?

At least we know what to point to when trying to explain the fruits of "Voter Apathy," eh?

 Which brings us to B. O. ...
And His latest stinker ...

Gee, what a great Prez ... Isn't it great to have someone in charge to tell us how things could be so much worse? It almost eclipses the moment at the G-20 when he told the World that America can no longer be expected to lead the World out of Crisis ... But wait, aren't we supposed to "Never let a good Crisis go to waste"?

And now for our own "Big Stinker" ...

For sheer gall, Central Valley residents can always point to Gov. Arnold Scharzenheimer. After treating us to a cacophonic symphoney of self-back-patting for the past year as he "lead the fight" (sic) to get us more water while constantly declaiming how he couldn't get us more water, Ahnold told us this week how the "Water Bond" must wait until 2012. Supposedly, by waiting until 2012, the "Legislative Leaders" (sic) will magically come up with a new revenue source to replace the loss of tax revenues that were formerly generated by such ruinous pursuits as farming, ranching & logging. 
Add, or more pointedly subtract the loss of revenue to San Benito & Fresno Counties by continually restricting Public Land Access for recreation & tourism, and Gov. Ahnold is looking more & more like Prez Obama in whiteface.

However, I do have to give Ahnold kudos for holding a great "Town Hall" meeting in Fresno yesterday.
Of course, I didn't attend, having not been INVITED. Still, I don't feel any more slighted than most Fresnans, since they weren't invited either. In fact, only (some of) the Press and a few carefully chosen "Community Leaders" were given the signal privilege of being "chosen" to attend. Not that they were "allowed" to ask any questions.
No, there were no "impromptu" or "off the cuff" questions at this "Town Hall" meeting. No embarrassing demands for answers or solutions, no troubling questions of why the Governor hasn't done his job, or why he is attempting to go back on his word on the "Water Bond."

No, there we NO pesky calls for inconvenient & truthful answers. The fact is, an exhaustive FIFTEEN questions were asked of our harried and overburdened Governor. Add to this a wonderfully self congratulatory statement about how he's spent so much time "advocating" for the Central Valley, and how he'll still "fight" for the Water Bond after he's left office, and it was clearly a "Peachy!" Town Hall.

However, I really can't tell you too much about this fine, historic "Town Hall" ... Since it won't be aired until July 17th, if I remember correctly. I wonder if there'll be any movement on the historically (and traditionally) late budget by then.

Yeah ... Sure ... As if!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Socialism or Feudalism?

It seems as though the chant that the Conservative pundits have been tarred and feathered for uttering repeatedly over the past few years has been proven: the redistribution of wealth has come out of the closet.

From "Uncle Joe" Biden to Sen. Dodd to Jeremiah Wright to Jim Wallace, the "Progressives" have been pulling their pants down and mooning us since the passage of the Obama Health Entitlement Takeover Bill. Even good ol' Howard Dean came straight out and admitted that the Bill is simply redistribution of wealth.


It becomes crystal clear that the forced redistribution of wealth is the ultimate control tool in an affluent society. But who should be "allowed" to determine whose wealth must be redistributed?

The use of euphemism "Social Justice"isn't new as an excuse for taxing and spending as the "Elect" see fit. Here's a good analysis of Social Justice:

What Glenn refers to is a good start at the Truth. But I think that Glenn is an optimist.

As always, what the "Progressive" says to the Press is always milder and more benign than their actual intent. Like John Holdren, the President's Science Adviser, they will claim that they've "progressed" since the publication of their ultimate goals, earlier in their careers. What they've actually learned is that their allies in the Press will pooh-pooh and cover for them, since their ultimate goals are the same; Power for themselves over the very lives of the "common man."

and what they actually intend is not "Marxism":

It's Feudalism.

The "Elect" have pledged to bring Social Justice through such religious mind tricks as "Cap n' Trade," the universal government approved form of "Papal indulgence" for a populace which is expected to buy that WE need to feel guilty for our affluence. We must be forced into charity by such hypocrites as "Global Warming" Pope Al Gore, whose average monthly utility usage is more than 20 times the average American household.
Of course, Al is expected, as were the feudal Popes, Kings and Lords, to take profits for leading others to righteousness in the form of Social Justice. and so he already has, swelling his already considerable wealth to unforeseen (Well, at least by us) levels.

The analogies are plentiful, and easily made. Nancy Pelosi is Prince John, and Harry Reed is the Sherriff of Nottingham. Or vice versa.

So, remember this simple fact of life; What the Progressives have planned is ALWAYS worse than what they announce. And as the Priesthood of the Medieval Church did, the "Mainstream" Press will continue to minimize and obfuscate for the New Feudalists, since it's clearly to their personal advantage.

After all, it's obviously their job to make sure that we "common people" have plenty of great laws to make sure that we're as righteous as they can force us to be. And it's ALL for our benefit ...

Yeah ... Right ... Sure.

"The Excuse"

"The Excuse"

Throughout history, the "Straw Man" has been a time tested instrument of tyrants, despots and just plain power mad bastards.
From the Popes, Bishops and feudal Lords of  Medieval Europe to the decimation of the American Indian Nations to the violent reaction of the British Government to the passive resistance of Mahatma Ghandi, the Straw Man has been used to create "the Excuse."
The Indian Moghuls and Chinese Emperors used the trumping up of "Enemies" to impose brutal domination of perceived and convenient foes.
Even in the Land of the Free, the Straw Man has proven to be a useful tool of political control for many now vilified political figures. Sen. Joe McCarthy & President Nixon are simply the most prominent examples, but examples abound.

From W.R. Hearst to Adolf Hitler, those who would control and rule others for their own Power compose an ever present, countless horde. And their excuses are countless as well.

Hitler had the Jews, McCarthy the Communists, and Che Guevara had ... Well, anyone who stood in the way of his thirst for Power. The same for Mao, Stalin and countless others.

Now, the path of the despot isn't easy, and the quest to demonize and vilify for Powers sake requires many collaborators. Hitler had the ruin of the Weimar Republic, a willing Press & a depressed, desperate populace. McCarthy had the Communist "threat" and a Press that was hungry for a sensation and a target. Nixon was afraid of pretty much anyone who spoke out against him, especially the Press.
Which of the above "gentleman" fell with comparative ease, was disgraced and vilified by all and sundry, and spent years in exile? Nixon, of course.

The determining factor in all "successful" despotism has always been a willing and cooperative Press. From the Town Crier to Lippmann & Linkletter, the Media has been key in guiding and sometimes dictating the amount of Freedom the Populace expects and enjoys.

Nixon was taken down by his failure to court, flatter and seduce the Press. There is no doubt that his open distrust and contempt for the Press was his undoing. It wasn't his lies, which the Press are quick to forgive "their" Friends. It wasn't his "crooked" behavior or any incompetence.

Nixon was "taken down" by a hostile & confrontational Press, a supposedly "Free Press" which had openly taken sides, and was determined to prove that no man could become and remain "King" without their consent and approval.

The Medieval Press was controlled by the Church, Bishops, Kings and Lords. The early 20th Century Press was controlled by the "Yellow Journalists," and the euphemistically coined "Progressives."
And the Press proved in the 70's that they could depose "King Richard" and elect President Carter.

And then came Obama.

We've been given a President who enjoys, even in the midst of a continually falling approval rating and despotic (and Constitutionally suspect) legislative collusion, a smiling and proud Press. They crow of his "accomplishments" while ignoring faults, foibles and outright lies, actions that would destroy any Republican or Conservative. They ignore and openly make excuses for the failures to keep his campaign promises of  transparency & accountability. They continually, and with ever louder voices, vilify "the Opposition," even though that opposition is currently powerless to stop any legitimate and truly sensible legislation.

So, why the continued acceptance of the crooked behavior of men (and women) named Dodd, Rangel, Stupak & Pelosi. Why the conspicuous lack of fanfare upon the passing of (the openly conniving) Sen. Murtha, compared with the near deification of Sen Kennedy?
The answer; They know who their "friends' are ... At least for today.

The simple fact is that they are beginning to truly understand that We, the People, are now being considered an open threat to the Power of the Press. And those who teach and promote a "conservationist" attitude are vilified for not "giving" what the "Progressive" Press dictates should be considered "entitlements."

"Bread and Circuses for All" is the attitude of the Press. The Press espouses a philosophy of forcing more productive Citizens to "pay for it" since they have been "more fortunate." The reality of confiscatory taxation is now upon us.
The reality is, since I don't have and have not had for over 20 years any health insurance, and have depended upon my self to maintain my health at a minimal cost, I will now be "fined" (i.e. pay a head tax) for my choice.
And it has been by choice.
I am not a VICTIM.

The Press has now openly become the puppet of the "Progressives." And the People have become aware, and are slowly, so slowly, turning away from them.
And, as the People turn to sources of information, commentary and entertainment that are "free" as well as truly Free, the "King making" Press flails and whines over its waning Power and Profit.

The Press now, instead of becoming truly Free, cries over their falling readership, listenership, and PROFITS. They make noises about Government subsidies, since they're so (self) important to the maintenance of the ("Progressives") Power.

The People now hold the Power, the Power to comment, inform and demand the Truth. We the People now constitute the truly Free Press.

So, dear friends, fellows and Citizens, stand ... Well, sit at your keyboards and write.
Stand with your signs, raise your voices, and inform your neighbors. Email your "Representatives" and call and visit their offices and, above all, do so with good cheer and unfailing good manners.

Do as Ghandi taught us: Resist with your voices, and your vote. But do so with peaceful words, and stubborn actions. Don't raise your fist.
Instead, sit down, and decline to move.
And raise your voice as you do so.

Don't give them their "Excuse."

Become and participate in being the New Free Press, and We the People will WIN.

For they rely on our terror, and we're less and less afraid (and more angry) every day.


Friday, March 19, 2010

One last chance ...

It's been awhile, dear friends. The health care "Reform" debate has raged onward, and none of us have given up. My life has become more complex, and the scope of folks to talk to much larger. I've begun  working harder on my personal future.

The Congressional Democrats appear to have decided to stop listening, as if a childish insistence that the polls are wrong will allow them to skate past the People. It's obvious that they wish us to give up, to concede and shut up. So I have a simple idea.

Some years ago, I read a novel that introduced a novel idea to resister your vote, a very direct method of doing so. That novel introduced the idea of taking up your flashlight, your lighter, even your candle, turning off every light you could.

Then, at the appointed hour, you and yours step outside and light 'em up! From space, any orbiting satellite "spy" camera could count the light sources, and directly register your opinion.

Yeah, so it's corny. Yes, your neighbors would immediately know what your real feelings are. So what.
If they don't already know, you've already failed, my friends. And the call to "Go to the Moon!" was corny, too.

But, if we all decide to do it, it could work. I'm going to do it. If you decide to join me, and wish to urge others to join in, go to the Facebook Groups page "Shine a Light Against Health Care Reform!"
Don't give up without making your opinion known!

Friday, February 12, 2010

So they knew, and betrayed us on purpose ...

Stranger and stranger plays the tale of Water Crisis and political betrayal.

As the "Delta environmental review begins amid skepticism", Sen. Feinstein has gone and done it; She's actually decided to serve the best interests of ALL of her HUMAN constituents.
As detailed in the Fresno Bee ( "Senator pushes water delivery" ) the embattled Senator from California has announced that she is crafting a "solution" to the Water Crisis affecting the farmers of NObama County:
"I believe we need a fair compromise that will respect the Endangered Species Act while recognizing the fact that people in California's breadbasket face complete economic ruin without help," Feinstein said Thursday.
Once made public, the conversation raised alarms among skeptics who fear unintended consequences and weakened environmental protections.
Environmental Defense Fund analyst A. Spreck Rosekrans, echoing several other environmental advocates, cautioned that "we're very concerned" about a maneuver that appears to exempt certain irrigation decisions from a key environmental law.
"A political judgment on the science seems unwarranted," Rosekrans said.
But Andrew Fahlund, senior vice president of the environmental group American Rivers, warned that increasing water pumping to Valley farms "could be the end of the West Coast salmon fishery," and angry environmental negotiators Thursday threatened to walk away from broader California water talks convened around the Bay Delta Conservation Plan.
The group effort includes public agencies, farm groups and environmentalists who seek consensus on a new water conveyance system around the Delta.
Ann Hayden, a senior water resource analyst with the Environmental Defense Fund, said Feinstein's proposal would weaken short-term species protections and make long-term planning difficult.
"We're thinking about possibly suspending our participation in the process until and unless adequate protections are in place," Hayden said."
 A front page article in the San Francisco Chronicle today said;

Bay Area Democrats were livid, accusing Feinstein of concocting the plan in secret, upending fragile water negotiations that Feinstein has supported and pitting California's Central Valley against its coast. Telephone calls flew as lawmakers learned of Feinstein's plan.
"I was pretty shocked," said Rep. Mike Thompson, a St. Helena Democrat and ally of North Coast salmon fishermen who support efforts to save fish species that are declining.

Friday, February 5, 2010

From Rep. Devin Nunes; "Fish Screen Stimulus"

Dear Friends,

Today, the House Resources Committee held yet another hearing on the California water crisis. Predictably, the Democratic leadership blocked consideration of any legislation that would actually make a difference.

However, the American people are finally seeing the fruits of many months of hard work on the part of Congressional Democrats. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her team now plan to pass legislation that authorizes stimulus money to be used on fish screens (I’m not joking). Apparently, smelt, salmon and killer whales everywhere are celebrating Congress’ commitment to the environment. But food lines in the valley are getting longer and no relief to the government-imposed drought is in sight.

The hearing today came on the heels of another propaganda victory by radical environmentalists – this time in the Sacramento Bee. In a 2,500 word editorial, long by any editorial standard, a radical environmentalist associated with High Country News boldly attempted to re-write history. Using the regurgitated talking points of President Obama’s water czar David Hayes, the author sought to marginalize my effort to turn on the pumps.  Read more about the column in the Bee on my blog (click here).

Thanks for your interest in these important issues.  If you have questions or comments about this issue or any other issue, please let me know.  As always, the best way to reach me is via my homepage.  I can also be found on Facebook.


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Devin Nunes
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is "theTruth" acording to Jim Costa? Ben Bergquam knows.

When I received an email from Ben Bergquam yesterday, I was quick in opening it. Ben is one of the "bright young men" of the Central Valley Tea Party, the fellows who're learning early to do what I've learned late.
Watching Ben bloom has been a wonderful and hopeful process. He's gone from where I've spent much of my own life, wishing to avoid unpleasant confrontation and seeking a more reasonable course, to shaking papers of proof in a Congressman's face, demanding explanation.

Ben's learned, from the confrontation we shared with George Miller's "shills" in Concord and the forces that he's witnessed aligned against the interests of the People of the Central Valley, that concessions only give away what freedoms and wealth the People have worked hard to accrue.
He now knows first hand the fact that politicians cannot be trusted, and that the current "batch" of California Democrat "Representatives" are aligned only in their own self & Party interests, and will gladly lie to the People when it suits them.

Ben's current aim is at finding an explanation for why Democrat Congressman Costa apparently lied about his "support" for Rep. Devin Nunes H.R. 3105, the "Turn on the Pumps Act."

Here's Ben in action:

Now, a portion of Ben's message;

"The question still remains - why did Costa lie?  In Los Banos he claimed to have voted with Devin (Nunes) all but one time.  In fact - as the record shows - out of the five actual votes, Costa voted against the legislation and his people three times (60% of the time he voted against his people).  One of the no votes was even on a bill that he co-sponsored!  So he helped write the bill and then voted against it! 
For Costa (and Cardoza) to claim that they have done "everything" they can to fix the problem, and then in trying to prove it for Costa to lie and say he only voted against his people one time (one is still too many), when he actually voted against them three out of five times, is unacceptable.  Just as Radanovich and others who co-authored the San Joaquin River Settlement sold out the people of the 19th District, Costa and Cardoza have misrepresented themselves, and have betrayed their constituents.  They must be held to account. 
After sitting through the federal hearing in Fresno yesterday, it is clear that our farmers don't have the luxury of time.  We need Congress to act NOW!  What I want to know, now that the facts are straight; will Costa apologize to the people of the Central Valley and step down from office?" 
After checking Mr. Costa's official House website, it's also abundantly apparent that there is no willing answer forthcoming on this question. Accountability is, for Democrat Costa, simply a "keyword" to be used and discarded as easily as a pair of old socks.

Many of Mr. Costa's statements and actions of late have brought forth calls for his resignation from his constituents, from his voting record to the cancellation of "his" Health Care Town Hall meeting at Fresno Community Hospital. 
I have to wonder how many of his constituents will welcome "by invitation only" meetings on the Water Crisis, meetings to which they weren't invited. 
Perhaps they are unaware of his absence from last Monday's public Water Crisis Hearing at Fresno City Hall, which was attended by Rep's Nunes, McCarthy, McClintock and even Rep. "Doc" Hastings of Washington's 4th District. Also missing were Interior Sect. Salazar (or anyone representing the DOI), any representative of the Obama Administration, any representative of our (Democrat) Senators, or for that matter, any Democrat politician of note.
It seems as though we're being told to "eat cake," doesn't it?
So, my thanks go out to Ben Bergquam, Piedad Ayala and all of the Folks with Water For All and Families Protecting the Valley. We may have started learning "politcking" late, but we're learning.
Now, the real question is:
Will Rep. Costa's constituents EVER hear the truth from the Congressman? Or will he simply be allowed ... No, encouraged to attack and call everyone who takes him to task a "liar"?

Monday, February 1, 2010

In the last week, or ... "Why is my head swimming?"

Y'know, sometimes you have a week that just astounds you to look back upon.
Last week was just one such week for me.

Forget the overstuffed days. Disregard the business fun. Accept the lost days due to a virus. Put aside the personal details. Overlook the obvious "blogger overload."

Here's the facts, from my perspective and in simple terms:

The week began with attempting to take the true measure of Scott Brown's Massachusetts Senate win.
Will Obama and Co. get any sort of clue? Willl Brown be "different?" Will The People see any "change?"
The Verdict? A big "We'll see."

On Monday, Valley leaders, citizens and four Republican Congressmen gathered in the Fresno City Council chamber to hold a public hearing on the ongoing Water Crisis. Here's a statement from Rep. Tom Mc Clintock, given on the House floor, following the hearing. The voices were loud, the message strong, but one message was clear; A "sea change" must take place in Washington.
The Interior Secretary has made clear that no real help will be forthcoming from the Obama Administration.

In fact, the Interior Department is determined to thwart ongoing scientific efforts that do not support the destruction of Valley Agriculture. The most notable recent example of this ongoing bureaucratic stance is seen in the DOI refusal to allow the experimental "Two Gates" project to go forward. It's clear that they fear that a solution will actually be found, and that the ongoing "excuse" of the Delta smelt will be lost!

Tuesday saw a small milestone, with past Fresno mayor and current candidate for Congress Jim Patterson speaking in the shadow of Friant Dam.

Citing the dishonest & hypocritical actions of "Environmentalists"in continuing to seek additional diversions of water that were allocated by agreement to the Ag industry and municipalities of the Valley, and the Department of the Interior and its continued actions against Central Valley economic interests and refusal to propose any actual solution to the Water Crisis, Mr. Patterson made his first definitive campaign pledge.

In simple, strong words, Mayor Patterson stated that his first action as Representative of the 19th District of California would be to introduce legislation for the immediate repeal/reform of the San Joaquin River Settlement. In addition, he signaled his steadfast support for the development of additional water storage, Delta community water treatment and conservation solutions.
Reform of the Endangered Species Act was also a key point within his statement.

He received endorsements from Piedad Ayala & Families Protecting the Valley, Dennis Prosperi, Robert Smittcamp, Kole Upton & many other Valley Farmers and Ag leaders.

Andy Vidak, candidate for the 20th Congressional Districtand several other candidates for Congress were in attendance, and voiced strong support for Mr. Patterson's efforts in insuring secure & steady water supply for the Valley, and all Californians.

According to the Fresno Bee, the Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar also announced on Tuesday that between 350,000 and 400,000 acre-feet of additional water will be delivered. He said the water would come on top of the standard water allocation scheduled for February.

"The steps we are taking will help provide water users and growers critical assurances for the year ahead," Salazar said in a prepared statement.

Unfortunately,  he was lying.

From the Fresno Bee article; "San Joaquin Valley farmers, while conceding the Interior Department's announcement offered a sliver of help, largely denounced it as more spin than substance. The farmers said the water described by the Interior Department will not increase irrigation supplies, as farmers already have purchased most of it.
"I would like to give the secretary the benefit of the doubt, that maybe he was confused," said Tom Birmingham, general manager of the giant Westlands Water District. "Otherwise, this looks like an intentional effort to mislead the public."
In part, the Interior Department simply moved up on the calendar a water scheduling announcement usually made later in the year. Much of the water touted by Salazar already has been bought by farmers and is being stored in the San Luis Reservoir.
Once again, the spin lacked any substance.

Wednesday was fairly quiet, which was okay, because Thursdays "State of the Union" address made up for it, in spades. ("Oh, my goodness! Did he call the president a shovel???")

I confess, I didn't sit down to watch "the Savior" in His "godlike" splendor go out of His way to "diss" the Supreme court while they were seated politely at His feet, nor was I watching as He gave a "shout out" praising His wife. Unfortunately, I had something more important to do with my evening. But, I guess that's what His point really was.
What I was able to gather was that He was terribly disappointed in how so many Americans, myself incidentally included, didn't want to just turn our lives over to Him and His to control. I heard how it was actually the fault of G. Bush that He "inherited" such a messed up Nation. I heard how this "smartest President ever" had no intention of taking any responsibility for anything, much less even His own votes in the Senate.

"Again we are tested, again we must answer history's call ...' was His first "rallying cry." But His answer has been to defer any responsibility for the "mess" the Nation faces.

I'll write more later on this speech, since I've not yet had time to digest it, other than to gather how disappointed He is with dissenters. Funny, when He wasn't "Community Organizer-in-Chief" he praised dissenters.

Friday saw Chris Matthews again proving that it's okay to be racist, if you're an Obama supporter;

Personally, I can't help but observe that the only people who get "a pass" when they make a statement like that are Liberal hacks like Matthews and Sen. Harry "light skinned, articulate" Reed.

And then there's Speaker of the Hose, Nancy "Pee." With the revelation that her liquor bill tops $1,000 a week, I'd had enough for that week.
But then I heard that the "paltry" $1,000 a week bill was just for alcoholic beverages on her plane,
well, all I could do was shake my head.

That is, shake my head, and pledge within my heart to defeat these wastrels.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Republican Congressmen Blast Administration’s Misleading Announcement on Water Delivery to San Joaquin Valley Farmers

Reprinted from Sen. Nunes Newsletter;

Dear friends,

Today, House Republicans responded to the Obama Administration’s announcement that it would deliver nearly 400,00 acre feet of water to our communities.  The statement we released is included below.


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Republican Congressmen Blast Administration’s Misleading Announcement on Water Delivery to San Joaquin Valley Farmers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Republican Members from California and the House Natural Resources Committee criticized Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar for his misleading announcement yesterday that his Department is taking “additional steps” to provide relief to California’s San Joaquin Valley farmers who are suffering from a man-made regulatory drought.

The Department of the Interior announced that it would “make available” nearly 400,000 acre feet of water from the San Luis Reservoir.  Secretary Salazar failed to explain that this is not “new” water, but actually saved water bought and paid for by water users.   In this case, at the end of every year, farmers conserve water to ensure that they will have enough water for the beginning of the next planting season.  Farmers have paid for this water and store it in the San Luis Reservoir, as they do every year.  The Department of the Interior is under contract to deliver this stored water back to the farmers.  Secretary Salazar’s claim that this “assured water supply” is a result of recent storms is misleading and provides false hope to Valley residents.

“The actions of the Department of Interior are a classic ponzi scheme that would make Bernard Madoff jealous.  In this case, the Secretary is providing water users with the water they already bought.  The Secretary’s generosity knows no bounds. Mr. Salazar seems to think he can gift to farmers their own water. This kind of thinking is exactly why radical environmentalists dominate Washington. Salazar, the Obama Administration, and the Democratic Congress refuse to recognize property rights. Whether the property in question is your water, land or hard earned tax dollars, everything is fair game to them. If you are lucky enough to get to keep what you have worked hard for, Obama and his crew will send out a press release and take credit.” - Congressman Devin Nunes, sponsor of H.R. 3105 (CA- 21) 

“The Administration is publicly patting itself on the back for doing exactly what they are obligated to do – provide farmers with the water they already own.  Political spin will not help the thousands who are unemployed, and it will not help the farmers who have had no choice but to sell their land and lay off workers.  They need real action, and they need it now.  We have the ability to solve this problem - all we have to do is turn on the pumps.  If Secretary Salazar wants to prove that this Administration hasn’t turned its back on San Joaquin Valley communities, he will support legislation to restore the flow of water.” - House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Republican Doc Hastings (WA-04

“The day after our water forum in Fresno, the Interior Secretary used his authority to “release” up to 400,000 acre-feet of water already owned by Central Valley farmers.  Having demonstrated his authority to act, he now needs to follow through and release the water that he holds hostage to the Delta Smelt,” said Congressman McClintock – House Water and Power Ranking Republican Tom McClintock (CA-04)

“This is just one more example where this Administration gives the appearance of addressing a problem, when all they are really doing is providing window-dressing.  Secretary Salazar is playing politics when we need real, long-term solutions that bring people back to work.  As I heard at our recent Congressional Water Forum in Fresno, the time to act is now.” - Western Caucus Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01)

“We are in a dire water situation in California, and are facing a situation where a tiny fish is taking precedence over our local farmers and workers, which is killing jobs and our local economies.  The Central Valley should not be ignored as we suffer thorough a man made drought caused by regulations resulting in mandated water reductions.   Our farmers, families, and communities are tired of the continued lip service paid to our problems, and it is time for the Administration and the Democratic Leadership to wake up and get the message that jobs grow where water flows.” - Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-22)


On Monday, January 25th, Republican Members of Congress hosted a Water Forum in Fresno, California on addressing the San Joaquin Valley water crisis.  Secretary Salazar turned down an invitation to participate in this forum or send a representative from the Department of the Interior.

Hundreds of famers and residents throughout the Valley attended the meeting and expressed the urgent need for the government to take action to restore the flow of water to farmers. 

Congressman Devin Nunes has introduced Turn on the Pumps Act (H.R. 3105), to provide immediate relief.  This bill would suspend portions of the Endangered Species Act to turn the pumps on to full operating capacity.  Secretary Salazar and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have refused to support this legislation. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This week's "Videos You Can Use!"

This week's "Videos You Can Use!"

This one's recommended by our 
Roving Correspondent,C. Brooks Neilsen:

This video speaks for itself, and speaks eloquently of the lies that we've been taught all of our lives. Send it to a friend, and help them to wake up, too. I think you'll agree that it should be a mandatory part of civics classes.


Next up is the landmark program by Glenn Beck from January 22, 2010:

"Revolutionary Holocaust."

When my life partner and I sat down to see this, "rapt attention" would be a pale description of our attitude. Don't expect to sit down to dinner with this one. The Truth has seldom been quite so raw, quite so grim, and quite so appropriate. 

See it, or you may live it!

Not "What?" ... "Why?"

This last Saturday, the Visalia Times-Delta published it's own "stab" at answering the persistent and puzzling question of "What IS the Tea Party?" They were very lucky. They asked Tulare County Tea Party Coordinator Deanne Martin-Soares to answer their questions.
Deanne answered them in a serious, plain and thorough fashion.
Yet they still came across as rather puzzled or, more fairly put, completely baffled.

It's clear that there's a deep puzzlement, a deep "disconnect" in the understanding of The People by the "elite" ruling class, and their associates, the "Mainstream" Press. Yes, I state that partly in sarcasm and ridicule, but also in the very personal understanding that those words so often describe what "they" feel and believe about themselves. However, the Press don't realize that, rather than asking "What?" they should be asking "Why?"

The "Why?" behind the "Why?" surfaces in the fact that the current grassroots political tsunami after the election was a surprise to Obama supporters in the electorate, was of little surprise to the unwashed Independents such as myself, and most of all, deeply dismaying to those of us who understand the political uses of psychology.
The use of "memes" such as "Hope" and "Change" were, to me, enormous red flags about Obama.
I am suspicious of many things in this life, but nothing makes me more suspicious than a Politician who goes around spouting amorphous "keywords," words that have a different, gut level meaning to each and every person. And the Users who used the memes were more than happy to let everyone who would buy their bull ascribe their own, oh-so personal meaning to those declarations.
Was this use of the psychology of subterfuge an open and undeniable fact? Oh yes. We have admissions, not of a conspiracy, but of open manipulation in plain sight. Comments such as "never waste a good crisis" and the clueless attitude of the President as to "what went wrong, " as illustrated in the following clip from Glenn Beck:

The saddest fact of the "ruling class" is that they have little or no understanding of the abject absurdity of their continual assertions of superiority. They show open contempt for the electorate that elected them, and prove themselves totally oblivious to any exhortations upon them by that electorate to act in a a sensible and sane manner. They act in a puzzling and irresponsible fashion, continually making commitments in the name of the People which show no benefit to the People. Why? Because it benefits THEM, personally.
Here in California, we have an out in the open object lesson of what happens when a "ruling elite" are allowed to "take over." Even when they run on a platform of "Responsibility," as Gov. Ahnold did, it turns out that what they desire most is the adulation and admiration of individuals who're just as vain, callous and irresponsible as they prove themselves to be.

So, just one short week ago, the People of Massachusetts sent a message to Washington, a message that should have woken them like a bucket of ice water. Clearly, some Politicians were jarred awake. The loss of the Kennedy "hereditary" seat in the Senate was a clear message.
The "politics of privilege" are in open peril, if not already dead.
Hail Teddy, Long Live the "Man who would have been King!"

We now see the "Why?" that the "ruling elite" need to see, understand and FEAR. "They," the Elite, the "Mainstream" Press, the Progressives and Users, have been unmasked in their irresponsibility and greed. Their plan to bankrupt first California, and then the Nation, has been made apparent to all who will see.

The open admissions by California's Senior Senator, Dianne Feinstein that she chose to ignore the People's email, phone calls, petitions and letters on more than one vote make clear the obvious message; She votes not in our interests, but in her perceived self interest. The same is made apparent by Rep. Radanovich's admission of voting first against, then for the original TARP bill.

The rise of the Tea Party scares the hell out of the politicians!  It is proof simple that a rising segment of the population not only sees their lies, malfeasance and self service, we aren't going to buy the cries of "Wait 'til they see what's in it for them!" anymore. Their falsity has become openly apparent, as has the fact that they serve only their own interests.

 "Is He live, or just Memorex?"

"Why?" Because it's become apparent that what's in it for us is nothing less than the tightening grip of yet another regime of elitist, Progressive idealists. It's easily and readily apparent that the President and His cronies are just the latest in a never-ending parade of Ruinists, bent on the creation of a personal Utopia for themselves and their "equals" at any cost, and ready to crush the necks of all who oppose them.

So, "What is the Tea Party?" It is a group of Individuals, brought together by the realization that if we all stand alone, we will all fall together!
I can guarantee you that, when they first saw me, with my long hair & beard, many of the more personally conservative of my fellow Tea Party members were unsure of this loud mouthed blogger.
I know for certain that I've annoyed many of them. But, one thing that is never in question among those who stand with the Tea Party is that I will defend their personal freedoms and liberties with the same fervor that was shown by our Founding Fathers.

"Why?" Because I know, by the record of History, that if I chose not to do so, the politics of an even older philosophy than is taught in our Constitution will return. We will bow before "our betters," kiss the rings of the Kings, and live in a world where we pay for the dictates of others, without any choice of our own.

I stand with the Tea Party, and it's members will stand with me. How do I know? Because they have.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Action Alert! Support the Fleming Amendment: Make Congress have the same Health Care the People will "enjoy!"

A newsflash from C. Brooks Neilsen informed me of Congressman John Fleming's Amendment  to the Health Care Bill that would urge the members of House & Senate to "enjoy" the same care as the People eventually get.

The text of HR 615 follows:
Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Members who
vote in favor of the establishment of a public, federal government run
health insurance option are urged to forgo their right to participate
in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) and agree
to enroll under that public option.

Now, I don't personally feel this is strong enough, but so far, Rep. Fleming is the only House Member inviting the People to comment on such an Amendment.

You can make your voice known to Congressman Fleming and the entire Congress by going to his House web site. He's serious about this Amendment, and has devoted the FRONT PAGE of his site to a comment form that you can send to support OR oppose his Amendment. Go for it, folks!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can you say "Martial Law?" President Obama can!

As reported by a savvy listener of KMJ 580 AM on the Chris Daniel Show, President Obama stepped that little bit closer today to making Martial Law "fears" a reality:

President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors

is the headline of this page, brought to us by the miracle of Current TV. Yes, it's a real White House page, but never fear, the Gov't won't be planting any cookies on your 'puter. Current mirrors the page, protecting your ID. 

Shades of "My very own Politburo!" I'm still looking and analyzing this one, but it seems to be a Congressionally mandated requirement to establish a "Ruling Cabal." Be ready for the inevitable "stacking" of the Council, and be aware that this is yet another move to "spread the blame" for any "tough decisions" that He might have to make. Can He get any more passive/aggressive? 


2010: Facing Reality ... "When opportunity knocks ..."

Happy 2010! Happy New Year!

It's been awhile since I posted on this Blog, and a few folks have actually contacted me wondering where I went, and why I stopped posting.

The answer is, strangely enough, pretty simple; I decided to get some things done that I needed done.

The Blogging, the demonstrations and marches that consumed my time and attention last year were good,  admirable and necessary, but did little to further my long range personal goals. Add to that the tendency to sit at the computer all day Blogging about what innumerable other individuals were being paid to write about, and my own life was being consumed in a seemingly never-ending game of "I told you so." And that game has no winners, just angry participants.

My life partner has a business that I participate in, a fact of which I'm most thankful for, but which we both wish to someday leave behind, since it requires us to be "home bound."
Being cheap, this works pretty well, but leads to an inevitable outcome; I've become a "motor mouth." I tend to, at the first opportunity, to jump in and take over any and all conversations.
This is ok sometimes, but ultimately, some folks feel, well ... overwhelmed.
Sorry 'bout that, folks. It may be a character flaw. Maybe.
So, instead of "just" shutting up, I'll ask your forgiveness and thank you for your understanding, my friends, as well as your forbearance in the face of my verbal onslaughts. I'll try on to be too strident.
If overwhelmed, just "duck & cover," and I'll get your drift.

My darling partner and I are in the Child Care business, which is, as are all businesses, endlessly challenging, and sometimes rewarding.
The small bright children we care for every day are wonderful and wondrous, but provide precious little intellectual feedback when conversation occurs. They're also rather "unsophisticated," leaving me to conclude that my attitudes toward them could easily become the same as Democrat politicians attitudes toward "mere" Citizens have proven to be.
I do my best to not do as our legislative "Representatives" have done, and not just stop listening.
To do so would brand me the same sort of fool that our Senators, Representatives and all of the innumerable Bureaucrats, Lobbyists and Elites who seem to be their actual Constituents, have proven themselves to be.

Now, it's a proven fact that, whenever someone asks what business anyone is in, conversation revolves around how challenging said business is in comparison with the questioners business.

Think about it. Go ahead, I'll wait right here. (Filing fingernails, folding underwear, blowing bubbles in my coffee ...)
See, I knew that you'd agree with me.

So, rather than going on ad nauseum about changing diapers, wiping sticky substances from diminutive body parts following lunchtimes that are often actually just bellowing contests between 2 year olds, and all of the myriad joys and duties, I'll make it quick:

I've decided to have a Life. I've decided that it was a good thing to be different.

Because, when you have only one small 'topic of conversation,' folks tend to drift away after awhile. No matter how well intended, how earnest, how incredibly sincere you truly are, you have to give in to the fact that someone, somewhere really does care about 'Dancing with the Stars.'

Really, someone does.

And, if you're going to keep anyone's attention, you need, at the very least, to have some information, some 'frame of reference' about what they want to talk about.
You need a "touchstone" beyond water, or politics or even our mutual dislike and disdain for elected Representatives who turn into shills for interests that are contrary to the Citizens of the District they were elected to Represent.
You need to actually tell them something about yourself, and not just make a "game" of seeing who can quote or cite the newest "thing" that Rush or Glen or Sean or whoever said today or last week or whenever.
You need to help them see how much you're really like them, the way your life is like their life, without allowing your life to be as boring as they think their life really is.

My Life is, well, different. It's been "a Life less ordinary." So I've decided to live it, and talk about it, a little more.


I am blessed with having the life experience of suffering with a genetic neurological syndrome.
It causes me to have, among myriad other things, constant pain, a noticeable hand tremor, nervous "tics," and an immune system that guarantees that I catch & suffer through every virus or cold or whatever that's "going around" this week.

Now, why would I say, "I'm blessed"?

Because, in the wee dark hours, I know that I have learned some things that others have not come to know.
I am more patient than most folk, and also more "matter of fact." Patience is born of that which cannot be avoided, and Reality comes easier when you live in terms not of "Will I hurt today?", but of "How am I going to hurt today?"
Truth isn't an option for me, since "going along" with whatever silliness others may partake of, such as getting a "little tipsy" or "overdoing it" can mean days or even weeks of recuperation for me.
Truth starts with owning my decisions, since I know that I will pay a price for any excesses I commit.

I am blessed with good days and bad days. A good day is always relative, since my good days are always accompanied by "types" of pain. At my last count, these "types" include over 300 different and distinct sensations, allowing me to be thankful that at least the pain isn't boring!
A good day is one without too much fatigue, and when the pain is not too terrible. A great day is one that doesn't start with fatigue.
Patience is unavoidable, since I'm going to hurt whether I like it or not. This brings us to the question of my attitude, which some friends have described as "remarkably sunny." (I'm sure that it doesn't always show through in my blog posts. Lucky you, eh?)
Back in my childhood, and the pain which is now old and familiar first began, I was already a "sunny" child. I made, at that time, a conscious decision to be happy.
I had noticed that pain often made people seem angry or sad or somehow actively unhappy. I had already almost died in childbirth, and had almost drowned when I was 6, so I was aware that my very survival, my life was a gift from God.
But for His hand, in the form of what others who'd been unwilling to give up had done to save me, I would have been but a memory.

My Mom was a Special Ed teacher, and so many of my friends were "physically challenged." Looking at the pain that they faced, my own seemed so much less. Their challenges required braces and wheelchairs, whereas my own had required only orthopedic shoes, and eyeglasses. My blessings in life always seemed to outweigh my sorrows. Thankfulness was, it seemed, so much better a way of living than bitterness.
It was apparent that happiness was a choice, as I made my way through a childhood filled with people who laughed, even as they knew that they really might not wake the next day. A sobering reality, to be sure, but one that saw the opportunity that could not be passed up.

The best way to meet pain is with laughter. After all, isn't every joke you know about some kind of pain?

Now, I can hear you asking, "What about politics?"

Well, you don't need me to lecture you about politics anymore, do you? If you're not awake and aware by now, you're likely a Democrat shill. Or a Progressive who asks only "What's in it for me?"

For this is the answer that President Obama gave us. His take with Health Care Reform was and continues to be "Wait 'til they see what's in it for them! Wait 'til they see what we're giving them!"
President Obama was, and seems to still be, blind to the fact that Americans are aware of just what they're going to "give us." He also seems to be unaware that we know just what they intend to take from us, as well.

How can we possibly applaud a Health Reform Bill that is filled with exceptions and favors and favoritism, that requires us to surrender so many freedoms and so much treasure, granting us in return only the "right" to the level of Health Care that the Government decides we deserve, according to their heretofore blatantly faulty "Wisdom?"

To attempt to cite examples here is pointless, as we all have a favorite example of how incompetent the Federal Government is in its execution of its largely self assumed, extra-Constitutional 'duties.' I don't need to give even one, much less chapter and verse.
The saddest testimony to the evils of the Federal government is the fact that so many honest, well meaning folks who try desperately to do a good job for the People are so consistently thwarted by Bureaucrats whose only concerns seem to be "What's in it for me?!!!"

So, what can we do? My answer is "UP THE VOLTAGE!"

Keep bombarding the Government, lest they think we've given up. Don't accept the excuses anymore, and don't give them an excuse to make excuses.
Anyone who doesn't get my drift need only look to the plaintive defenses and apologies of Senator Ben Nelson in the last weeks. They need only to look to the "strategic retirements" of such luminaries as Christopher Dodd to see the continuing political game that the Politicians are attempting to play upon what they think is a gullible and unsuspecting public.
And any who think that this is a "Democrat only" game should look at the juxtaposition of what Micheal Steele is saying as opposed to what is actually being done in the Republican Party. The continued attention to the Media cry of "Where are the Moderates in the Republican Party?" should be answered with "Why should there be Moderates running the Republican Party?"
The painful Truth continues to be that Moderate Republicans are still trying  to "Just get along" with Democrats in Congress! And the painful Truth to that is that it requires them to be and act like the very Liberals they claim to oppose.

The politics of appeasement must end. The never-ending bargaining by Moderates such as George Radanovich has been proven to be, most literally, "Giving away the FARM!"
Bargaining with those who, as in the case of the San Joaquin Settlement and the "Environmentalists" who forced it and then betrayed it and have no "good will" or good faith, much less any real answers, must be brought to an end. For, even as they "enjoy" the fruits of that settlement, they break their word and seek to deprive the People of NObama County of their livelihood by commandeering even MORE
of the less than sufficient water that has been left for Agriculture.


So, even as I say "NO MORE!", I'm dedicating my energies more selectively. My online collectors mineral business is "getting there," and other plans continue to bear fruit. Life is good, even in these poor economic times, since I know how bad it can be.

Be well, dear friends.