Thursday, December 3, 2009

Climategate's Fallout: Has Galileo finally died?

With the shattering of the Ivory Tower in which "Climate Scientists"had ensconced themselves, the question now falls on all Science; Are conclusions of Man-induced environmental effects so easily justified?
Take this piece from The Wall Street Journal, for example:

So, is the skeptic truly coming to the fore in Climate Change science? As one commentator noted the other day, Science is about exploring hypothesis by disqualifying one likely cause after another, rather than trumpeting one favorite cause as "the consensus." In the absence of disproving a myriad of possible environmental effects upon climate change, the dishonest scientists in question and their political masters declared a "consensus" that clearly has not been proven.

So we now see that "Economic Suicide" is not a truly popular or populist political option, especially for an Administration that seems to be in a swift decline.
Will the Administration see that it's also "Economic Suicide" to sacrifice the Ag Economy of Central California for dead or dying fish?

Stay tuned!

Climate Change IS REAL ... It's just NOT OUR FAULT!!!

Ask any geologist about Climate Change, and they'll tell you it's a constant. That means it's ALWAYS HAPPENING.

With the advent of "Climategate" and the exposing of the fraud of Man-Caused "Global Warming," we learn the simple truth of the "Climate Change" Industry.
I use the term "Industry" since Government calls it that, even though it's a fraudulent use of a positive term. But then, Government uses the term "Industry" to describe all sorts of entities that produce nothing of value or good.
Such as the "Tax Preparation" Industry. And no, I don't agree that "it's a necessary evil."

But I digress.
As any student of Geology, any Rockhound, Farmer, or even "Lawnmower Guy" will tell you, Climate Change is always happening, and always has. It happened BILLIONS of years before man appeared, if you're a believer in the Fossil Record.
Now, I'm NOT going to argue about fossils and Religion ... That is, with one exception.

That exception is the newest of Religions, the Religion of "Man-Caused Climate Change."

Huh? It's a Religion?

Well, step back and take a good, long look.

"Man-Caused Climate Change" has every aspect of a classic Religion. We'll use a number of examples from various Religions, and please don't accuse me of throwing stones, ok? I see the Good in Religion, and the Bad, and if you're offended by my references, look at History. God is Good, Man is Flawed.
Live with it.

What makes "Man-Caused Climate Change" a Religion, you query? Well ...

It has "Facts" (i.e. Scripture) which are not to be disputed, or discussed in the negative.

It has a Patriarchal Figurehead, Al Gore, whose words and assertions are to be taken in the Pontifical sense, as infallible.

It has a "Savior," who brings the word of "Saving the Earth" to Man, who is judged as "Killing the Earth."

It has a God, "Gaia," Earth.

It has Indulgences (Carbon Credits) that are "sold" by the Patriarch and required by Edict.

It has Evangelical Movements ("Green Power") that revere Poverty & the Ascetic over Abundance, except for the Elect ("the Elite") such as the Patriarch. As with every other Religion, the Elect i.e. "Priests," Scientists, etc. are held in high regard, and touted as being "infallible."

It has a Moral Code, by which one can become "Righteous" and "Save the Planet," making those virtuous adherents "Better" than those who don't follow "the Path."

It has Guilt and Sin: Those who use more power, water, etc. than others are "Sinners," with the specific exceptions of those who are Patriarchs or "the Elect." The Patriarch is given "alms" (Nobel Prize, Academy Award, etc.) and exceptions, for His words are Holy.

By "paying a tithe" i.e. buying Carbon Credits, paying more for using less energy, using CFL's, the Adherent gains Righteousness and Favor with their peers and the Elect.

Okay, enough of that for now. I could go on all day.
The simple fact is that this is a Religion for people who don't believe in God.
This Religion gives the Adherent all of "the Power." Or so it claims.

It claims that by adhering to a Standard of Poverty, they will achieve the Righteous Objective, "Saving the Earth."
That, if you give Control over your home thermostat to "the Elect" (the Legislature, Bureaucrats, PG&E, CARB, etc.) you're "Saving the Earth."

Somehow, at least for me, this hearkens back to the Medieval days when, in starkly realistic terms, the Lord of the Castle owned the People, and was required to pay taxes & tithes to the actual owner of the Land, the Bishop, the Pope and The Church.

These taxes & tithes were collected from whom?


This is what our President wishes to "Roll Back" to. This is obvious to anyone who listens to His words, and doesn't indulge themselves in saying "Oh, He didn't meant that, He meant ..."
What He means is that we're going to be FORCED into Poverty by our Lords, the Elect.

Now, to answer those who will be offended that their fantasies & fallacies are being violated, I'm speaking from a strictly historic viewpoint, a viewpoint of Truth.
I blame every evil man, not God, for the wrongs and evils done in "the Name of God." They have been done by ALL Religions, without exception, because all Religions have attracted men who were willing to use the Religion for their own selfish purposes.

In closing, I look to members of my own family, who've said by way of apology (look up the word, and see what it means) for Al Gore, Prez Obama and all those who wish to feed us the Kool-Aid, "Oh, but they mean well! They just want to save the Planet!"

BALDERDASH! They mean to do the same as all others who resort to Tyranny;
Command & Control, in Service of THEMSELVES by any means necessary.

By using the "Fact" of the now disproved "Man-Caused Carbon Dioxide buildup causes Global Warming" argument, the Elect were justified in their course toward ever wider means of Control over the daily lives of the People. In the revelation that the assertions were based on fraudulent ("cooked") data, their "Scripture" has been proven as false as it was limited.

But why did the Scientists ("Priests") "cook" & "homogenize" the climate data, discarding that which didn't prove their assertions? Well, self interest! They'd lose their funding if they didn't prove what the Elect wanted them to prove! It would be "Off with their HEADS!" (See Alice in Wonderland, written by an Anglican Priest.)

The simple Truth is that the Elect want what They want, no matter what it takes.
They wish, as did the Medieval "Lord with the Sword," to tell us what we can eat, where we can go, what we can grow, who we can see, what we may say, what we must think, etc ...

They desire CONTROL.

It's that simple.

"Climategate" Protest This Saturday!!!

If you don't live in Fresno, start one in your town!

Street Protest

Saturday Dec. 5th
12 noon - 2 pm
 Blackstone/Nees at Riverpark
Meet at the In-and-Out Burger Parking Lot

"Climategate" is the name of the latest global warming scandal.  It was discovered that leading global warming scientists were falsifying facts about global warming to promote the lie.  On top of that... this weekend starts the beginning of meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark that uses this false science to subject the United States to a global international body on all subjects pertaining to energy.  It will use "carbon credits" to tax American business and individuals.  It is essentially a transfer of wealth from the U.S. to other countries... and the U.S. will lose its own sovereignty over energy production and use.  This is unacceptable.  Please join your fellow patriots in sending a message!
We will not stand for this!!!

Please create your own sign (or we will have some extras) and join us!!!  It will be a short two-hour protest right in the middle of holiday shopping... many people will see us and most will support us... but we must let our voice be heard!!

Prizes for best 3 signs!

   If you want to share ideas for a sign please go to
and Join the new