Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Climategate" Protest This Saturday!!!

If you don't live in Fresno, start one in your town!

Street Protest

Saturday Dec. 5th
12 noon - 2 pm
 Blackstone/Nees at Riverpark
Meet at the In-and-Out Burger Parking Lot

"Climategate" is the name of the latest global warming scandal.  It was discovered that leading global warming scientists were falsifying facts about global warming to promote the lie.  On top of that... this weekend starts the beginning of meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark that uses this false science to subject the United States to a global international body on all subjects pertaining to energy.  It will use "carbon credits" to tax American business and individuals.  It is essentially a transfer of wealth from the U.S. to other countries... and the U.S. will lose its own sovereignty over energy production and use.  This is unacceptable.  Please join your fellow patriots in sending a message!
We will not stand for this!!!

Please create your own sign (or we will have some extras) and join us!!!  It will be a short two-hour protest right in the middle of holiday shopping... many people will see us and most will support us... but we must let our voice be heard!!

Prizes for best 3 signs!

   If you want to share ideas for a sign please go to
and Join the new


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