Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The (hey, 2 days in a row!) Daily Bug: California's Chief Offender ... Sen. Levin says, "Tax 'em!" ... Back to the trough, Progressives!

Oops! Looks like the "Elites" need some time with Miss Manners ...

Just a week after California's "First Lady" was caught parking in a red zone, guess who's been caught doing the very same thing? Just watch:

Unlike the reporter, I DON'T FEEL BAD! I feel vaguely queasy, and just plain betrayed. I voted for this train wreck of a "Chief Executive," who turned out to be just another Liberal in Republican's clothing.
However, I do thank Arnold and the current crop of Dempublicans for one big helper; they're too arrogant to hide the fact that they expect to be treated as "special" & "privileged." After all, they're much too important to be required to follow the same laws as we "little people" are expected to, right?

Keep up the good work, Arnie!

Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the great link!


Another "Promise" broken ...

Proving once again that there's no one quite as "deef!" as a Democratic Senate "Leader," the "Honorable" (sic) Sam Levin said this about funding further troops for the Afghanistan "Conflict":

Oh, by the way, my handy-dandy Dictionary defines fungible this way:

"fungible |ˈfənjəbəl|
adjective - Law
(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable : money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another."

So, Sen. Levin is telling us that regarding a war tax,"well, the money's fungible, and that would be the stated purpose" of a tax on those making over ... wait, is it 200 or 250 thousand dollars? According to Sen. Levin, "they have done incredibly well!"

Again, the great thing about the Dempublicans is that they provide you with ready, easy examples. No, he's not a hypocrite ... It was President Obama that said "not a penny of new taxes."
And y'know, when Prez Obama signs the Bill, it'll be just like when Prez Clinton sadly told us he'd worked harder than he ever had in his life, and there was no way he could "give" us a tax cut.

And oh, Mr. Levin? We think that it's important that you pay for this, if you possibly can. WEthink that you should at least come out and tell us that your candidate was lying.

Chugging the Kool-Aid by the six-pack ..."

This pithy offering from the Bloodthirsty Liberal shows just how deeply the "Mainstream Media" has guzzled at the trough of Progressivism:

The Fraud Estate

November 24, 2009 at 5:06 pm · Filed under Health Care, Media Morons

I can’t tell you how dispiriting it is to read this exchange quoted by James Taranto at BOTW:

NewsBusters.org captured a fascinating exchange about so-called health-care reform on “Inside Washington.” The panelists were columnist Charles Krauthammer, Newsweek’s assistant managing editor Evan Thomas and National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg:

Krauthammer: The fraudulence of these numbers is absolutely staggering, and I’ll explain to you why. The benefits kick in in 2015, so outlays are only for half of that decade. The taxes and the cuts, the presumed spending cuts, all kick in at the beginning. You’ve got 10 years of money in and five years of outlay, so of course it will produce a deficit–I mean, a surplus. If you start of 2015 and go until the end of time, the amount of deficit added every decade is going to be about half a trillion. So once you start–when the program starts, it will be annually–it will cause a huge deficit annually. That is an absolutely phony number that [Sen. Harry] Reid gave us.

Thomas: Charles is right. This bill is a fiscal fraud. I’d still vote for it, because I think it’s a good thing to extend benefits and start down the road to universal and–because of the health insurance. But we have to be–if we were honest about it, we would say that we have not dealt with the money piece of it, with the cost thing, that we’re going to have to deal with. We’re going to kick that down the road and have to deal with it later.

Krauthammer: How do you do that?

Totenberg: The thing about the health care bill, though, is that–the Senate bill–is that it actually tries to do something about costs. It its starts down that road.

Thomas: It doesn’t! It doesn’t, it’s as fake as a $2 bill [sic]. You don’t get serious about costs.

Totenberg: Unlike the House bill, it tries to do things about cost. I am not saying it’s ideal. But we have to start this. But if we don’t get a health care bill this time, it is probably the last chance.

So here we have an editor of what used to be a newsmagazine endorsing what he himself calls “a fiscal fraud,” and an NPR reporter referring in the first person to partisan advocates of a controversial piece of legislation.

Exactly. And I can’t tell who is worse: the irresponsible fraud who sees bankruptcy looming, but calls to push ahead anyway; or the “true believer” who accepts Reid’s lies, and shouts down any dissent. Both of whom are members of the press.

This is bumming me out.
I was letting it bum me out over the weekend, too. Then I went and spent some time with my friends, and talked to my Mother, and checked in with my best buds ... and found that, to a person, they were feeling the same way. So we talked, reinforced each other in our solidarity, and decided that this too can be changed.

So, keep talking, Patriots!


The Daily Bug appears (2 days in a row! *YES!*) in the NObama County Register.
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