Friday, April 2, 2010

Socialism or Feudalism?

It seems as though the chant that the Conservative pundits have been tarred and feathered for uttering repeatedly over the past few years has been proven: the redistribution of wealth has come out of the closet.

From "Uncle Joe" Biden to Sen. Dodd to Jeremiah Wright to Jim Wallace, the "Progressives" have been pulling their pants down and mooning us since the passage of the Obama Health Entitlement Takeover Bill. Even good ol' Howard Dean came straight out and admitted that the Bill is simply redistribution of wealth.


It becomes crystal clear that the forced redistribution of wealth is the ultimate control tool in an affluent society. But who should be "allowed" to determine whose wealth must be redistributed?

The use of euphemism "Social Justice"isn't new as an excuse for taxing and spending as the "Elect" see fit. Here's a good analysis of Social Justice:

What Glenn refers to is a good start at the Truth. But I think that Glenn is an optimist.

As always, what the "Progressive" says to the Press is always milder and more benign than their actual intent. Like John Holdren, the President's Science Adviser, they will claim that they've "progressed" since the publication of their ultimate goals, earlier in their careers. What they've actually learned is that their allies in the Press will pooh-pooh and cover for them, since their ultimate goals are the same; Power for themselves over the very lives of the "common man."

and what they actually intend is not "Marxism":

It's Feudalism.

The "Elect" have pledged to bring Social Justice through such religious mind tricks as "Cap n' Trade," the universal government approved form of "Papal indulgence" for a populace which is expected to buy that WE need to feel guilty for our affluence. We must be forced into charity by such hypocrites as "Global Warming" Pope Al Gore, whose average monthly utility usage is more than 20 times the average American household.
Of course, Al is expected, as were the feudal Popes, Kings and Lords, to take profits for leading others to righteousness in the form of Social Justice. and so he already has, swelling his already considerable wealth to unforeseen (Well, at least by us) levels.

The analogies are plentiful, and easily made. Nancy Pelosi is Prince John, and Harry Reed is the Sherriff of Nottingham. Or vice versa.

So, remember this simple fact of life; What the Progressives have planned is ALWAYS worse than what they announce. And as the Priesthood of the Medieval Church did, the "Mainstream" Press will continue to minimize and obfuscate for the New Feudalists, since it's clearly to their personal advantage.

After all, it's obviously their job to make sure that we "common people" have plenty of great laws to make sure that we're as righteous as they can force us to be. And it's ALL for our benefit ...

Yeah ... Right ... Sure.

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