From the Editor -
Well, dear readers, we've actually made it to Friday! Another 'work week' is fast nearing its conclusion, and I'm ready to ask my weekly question; "What have we learned this week?"
Here are my questions and conclusions:
#1: "You LIE!"
Well, lets see ... The President was called a liar in a special session of Congress, the Republican Politician apologized, the President accepted the apology, the Democrat Leaders of Congress (who seem to think they can just "make it up" as they choose) refused to accept the apology and rammed through a vote excoriating the Republican Politician but doing absolutely zip as far as censure, and failed in trying to oust the Republican OR derail his re-election campaign by assuring that he would get twice as much money from supporters as the challenger would garner.
Alas, sadly, it was proven that the President actually was lying, which is further proven by the fact that His Health Care Bill still hasn't seen the light of day, though He seems to think it has.
#2: Ex-Pres. James Earl Carter calls "dissident" Citizens racists.
For some unknown reason, in his greatest failure since his failed Presidency, James Earl Carter asserted that "opposition to Obama is racist."
Pathetically Weird, and truly offensive to free speech believing Americans, since it apparently wasn't racist for Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson or Rev. Wright to call ex-Pres. Bush any number of nasty things, since ex-Pres. Carter never defended 'Dubya' or any other American against innumerable instances of what appear to me to be 'racist' remarks.
#3: ACORN "Jumps the Shark."
What do 2 'kids,' dressed like cartoon versions of a hooker and her "boyfriend" who show up at, from last count, 5 ACORN offices looking to get assistance with incredibly, blatantly illegal & immoral acts aimed at financing a fictional Congressional run by the 'boyfriend' get?
No, silly, they don't get thrown out the door by morally outraged employees, nor do the employees call or alert the authorities.
No, they actually get the illegal and immoral assistance they are 'seeking!" And not only do they get assisted, the employees make additional suggestions of incredibly immoral, racist and oppressive illegal acts!
And all of this is recorded on video & audio!
No, this isn't a Cohen Bros. comedy, this is real life! No, I'm not jerking your chain! REALLY!!!
#4: Why would Pres. Obama choose to make an announcement declining to put "advanced missile defense" in Eastern Europe on the 50th Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Poland?
Yes, Inexplicably Weird! And this brings forth such a torrent of questions that seem obvious to me; what exactly is the President telling (A) Iran, (B) The NATO Eastern Allies, (C) The Soviets, (D) Everyone Else who thought they were our Allies? What's next? Inviting Pres. Putin to move into the White House?
#5: "Welcome to America's Neediest President!"
And for a capper before dinner, lets point out that Pres. Obama will be on 5 (Yes! F-I-V-E-!) of the 6 Sunday Political Shows, selling His still "yet to be announced" Health Care Bill.
Anyone for "The President's Analyst"? Oh no, there's no 'Cult of Personality' going on here ... after all, Pres. Obama has only given 100 more interviews and appearances that the former record holder, Pres. Clinton.
And I haven't even covered half of the real fun! More after dinner, folks ... or maybe tomorrow.
I have a headache.
#4: Why would Pres. Obama choose to make an announcement declining to put "advanced missile defense" in Eastern Europe on the 50th Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Poland?
Yes, Inexplicably Weird! And this brings forth such a torrent of questions that seem obvious to me; what exactly is the President telling (A) Iran, (B) The NATO Eastern Allies, (C) The Soviets, (D) Everyone Else who thought they were our Allies? What's next? Inviting Pres. Putin to move into the White House?
#5: "Welcome to America's Neediest President!"
And for a capper before dinner, lets point out that Pres. Obama will be on 5 (Yes! F-I-V-E-!) of the 6 Sunday Political Shows, selling His still "yet to be announced" Health Care Bill.
Anyone for "The President's Analyst"? Oh no, there's no 'Cult of Personality' going on here ... after all, Pres. Obama has only given 100 more interviews and appearances that the former record holder, Pres. Clinton.
And I haven't even covered half of the real fun! More after dinner, folks ... or maybe tomorrow.
I have a headache.
From our Roving Correspondant, C. Brooks Nielsen -
My view of Hannity's "Water Show"
I obeyed a nagging urge to take off about 3 pm yesterday for what turned out to be a huge gathering for the Hannity water show. Good thing nobody with a busier life went with me since it was a 6 hour adventure with traffic and all. I got home just in time to see the EST airing of the show at 9.
I was glad to survive navigating a lot of "clods," (both walking and driving!) and to get to mingle with a wide spectrum of people, reminiscent of what I remember of the population of my first 55 years in this valley.
The last several years, I have not been sold on the "indigence" picture that has been painted over the good stuff of Central California. So I am particularly gratified to see our water problems bringing some attention to the poor maintenance & preparation of water conveyance and infrastructure in this state. Just like everything else I've observed over time, it takes a heap of grief piled upon the earnest populace to focus politicians down onto the fundamental business of government.
I see a needed course correction coming in current attention to rooting out corruption in public/private partnerships that create dishonorable plots to 'manage' the populace. So many times I've seen good plans and good times creating the same old challenge; To ethically cope with a growing population.
The question right now is, will this most recent American experiment in "managing" civilization fight off the urge to:
-do a China and rule that people can have only two kids, most of them boys
-do a USSR and starve out the old weak and lame
-do a Third Reich and slaughter a whole demographic
-do a Rome and capture lands from other countries
or will our Republic show us capable of actually taking a positive leap for humanity this time around?
The good news, at least from my viewpoint in this remote location, is that I expect my grandkids kids might be seeing at least as many positive possibilities in their own lives in this country as I have in my time.
A quiet plea.
The only way to stop a bully is to scare him, so it's good to see many insisting upon an immediate FBI
Meanwhile, Californians need to demand an IRS audit of Costa, Cardosa, Pelosi, Miller, Boxer, and Feinstein. If anyone out there likes this idea and knows how to get it in gear, please advise!
Thanks for tuning in, folks. I'll have more on the Hannity Water Broadcast and The Official Reaction tomorrow.
Be Cool.
Thanks for tuning in, folks. I'll have more on the Hannity Water Broadcast and The Official Reaction tomorrow.
Be Cool.
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