Monday, September 7, 2009

Part 2, The Core purpose of ObamaCare - The Truth Revealed ...

When does it become impossible to ignore a pathological liar? When that liar is President of the United States, and you know beyond any possible doubt that he must be lying.
In a blatantly self serving address to the most sycophantic of possible audiences, Pres. Obama asked, after declaring "We're going to reform the (Health Care ) system for those who have insurance, and those who don't." He went on to declare, presumably to the Republican "opposition" (sic) "What's your solution? They don't have one!"

And here's where we go from tolerating little lies, errors and "policy shifts" to exposing the "Big Lie."

The Republicans have offered any number of solutions. I'll focus on just one, which also happens to be my personal favorite. This is H.R. 2520, The Patients Choice Act. This measure, written by Rep. Paul Ryan & Rep. Devin Nunes, introduced in Committee and summarily rejected by the Democrat majority, puts the power over Health Care where it belongs and has not been, in the hands of the People.

And there lies the problem that confronts the Democrats and other Progressive "fellow travelers." Every solution proposed by the Republicans would give each individual control over their own Health Care choices. Instead of "requiring" that I "contribute" to Government Health Care, I would be allowed to continue my own choice, which is to follow my own beliefs and do what I feel to be best for myself. I truly believe that, in deciding to not "avail" myself of available Government sponsored "free" Health Care, there isn't any good reason that I should be forced to "contribute" to a Government Health Plan.

I currently have health challenges, but they're many of the same ones that I've faced for over 30 years. However, through no agent other than my Diety and my own self determination, I chose to lose over 80 ponds and adopt a low fat diet. These choices weren't made out of any sense of "moral obligation" or "patriotic duty," I made them for purely selfish reasons. I feel no obligation to provide "free" health care for everyone, nor to be required to pay for "my share" of the bill for that supposedly "free" health care.

The choices I made in losing weight & going low-fat were selfish. I did them for the same reasons that I've done anything in my life: I WANTED TO.
I was tired of wisecracks and jabs about my weight. I was tired of having an aching back and shin splints and constant knee pain. So, I did what I wanted to. I was in control.

I've heard that, somehow, the Government Health Care 'Czar' will decree that obese "impoverished" Americans will be forced to care about themselves. That there will magically, in a system chronically short of trained personnel, be Health Care for all.

I pose this question; I haven't seen a doctor for over 6 years. I have incurred no "unusual" medical costs, preferring to take dietary supplements, over the counter remedies and natural herbs for my various ailments. Currently, my selfish behavior is legal.

Under ObamaCare, Or TedKennedyCare or Whatever-Care, I would automatically be a CRIMINAL! I would be a criminal because I dared to make a choice for myself, about myself.
I would be a criminal because I choose not to "contribute" my meager and hard won funds to treat the often constant, and invariably self-centered "medical needs" of other Americans.

So, lets see if I can get this exactly straight:

Our elected Legislators & Rulers will selfishly take away our Constitutional "Right to Choose." Socialism, Fascism, or some other equally unpleasant "system" will force Americans to do what the Government decrees. When and if you lose your job, you'll be forced to "accept" Government Health Care.
I continue to do that which I choose, strictly for myself, with no restriction upon the personal choices of my fellow Americans. I keep my power of self determination, and expect for others to pay for their choices, as I'd expect them to pay for their own car. In doing so, I incur no costs for unneeded health care visits, and create no burden on the Government to pay for my unneeded health care visits.
In a word, my health is my responsibility. Being a responsible adult, I don't ask for "free" Health Care.

Works for me.

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