from our Roving Correspondent, C. Brooks Nielsen:
I sent the following through the website This site provides the opportunity to be heard by a larger political audience. I will also hand write and snail mail this message to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Snowe and the President. I am sharing my effort with hopes others will let government know what they have determined is best for our country. Without our combined show of interest, I fear the loss to our children of the American Promise.
I sent the following through the website This site provides the opportunity to be heard by a larger political audience. I will also hand write and snail mail this message to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Snowe and the President. I am sharing my effort with hopes others will let government know what they have determined is best for our country. Without our combined show of interest, I fear the loss to our children of the American Promise.
Calling all elected public servants:
America has become a cookbook, and we are all on the menu. Government financial stimulus, cap and trade, home mortgage handouts, cash for clunkers, environmental tyranny, and worst of all, "healthcare for all" propels nothing but corruption.
YOU can stop the madness, but only if you fix what is broken and leave what works alone!
- What is broken is “the public option.” Clean up Medicare and Social Security and other “great society” burdens upon our successful capitalistic system. Restrict yourself otherwise to common defense from both domestic and foreign threats and to cooperative economic benefits for the free market system.
- What works may be clearly seen in the lives of most Americans who gladly take care of themselves and their loved ones and help others who are suffering from temporary set-backs in the course of life.
If you choose not to do your duty, you will be blessed with a comfortable retirement, thanks to American capitalism – unless, of course, you bankrupt America and capitulate to global chaos on your way out the door.
May God guide you to your own best outcomes.
Thanks, C. The matter of 'public accountability' has been on my mind all week.
We look at the House, the Senate, and even the Presidency, and see continuous examples of a dereliction of accountablity to our fellow Citizens.
We listen to Senator Feinstein lie most openly, in filibuster against an amendment that quite simply addressed a single action, and state that it would "cripple" her secret efforts to "help" our critical water shortage. (See last post, and watch the videos.)
When we look at her words, and juxtapose them with the words and actions of Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, we see that her words were based, not in accountability & transparency, but in a perceived "ownership" of the people and geography of California. The lies that were stated in Senator Feinstein's filibuster were clearly meant for the ears of a press organ of which she feels firmly in control.
In my own life and my own past, I have been 'begged to indulge' those who felt that their wealth gave them excuse to demand a position not theirs by election. The priest who begged this of me was quite ready to sacrifice my wife's self esteem for a rich woman's monies. These were not monies she had earned, but had sued out of a rich husband, rich by his own toil, toil before her time.
This person felt that she could get what she desired, by pressuring the priest with threats of leaving if she didn't get her way. And, unfortunately, she was right.
And I left that church, never to return. Unfortunately for the church, the priest soon left for greener pastures, and position, and bigger money. And the church died.
Once again, I see myself in a fight for someone I love. I see myself in a fight for the People of NObama County, people who have found joy in the toil of farming, and happiness in the sight of a green field. I stand and smile, and see the reluctence of those around me to meet my gaze, to touch & be touched. But, little by little, I see the throng at the Water Rallies grow, the children being brought along, the teens seeing that they can be there & still "be cool." I see my fellows beginning to see that they are in-deed powerful, and only powerless if passive.
I recall how near I came to leaving this home of mine, after so many separate betrayals, so many "trespasses against me." Those individuals have found no great profit or protection in their betrayals.
Yet, I have found a great profit of spirit in going forward, and leaving betrayal behind.
Now we say to Senator Feinstein and others, "We see you."
We see your betrayals, your "secret" agreements, your "power politics." We also see that you do not see where true power lies, and that you will say and do anything to keep what you feel is "rightfully" yours.
And, in our grace, we will warn you. You do hold power, for now. We watch as you threaten, name call and cajole, as you feign outrage and label others bigots. We see your "Kabuki Theater."
We see & hear your denials, know the sins that you "omit," see the three fingers pointing back at you.
And we ask you to be righteous, and accept responsibility for what you've done, the trespasses you've committed. Whether "Ma'am" Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Charles Rangel, Dianne Feinstein, or any of the guilty others, we don't care where you come from, or where you claim to "rule" over.
I am not as kind in my predictions of your fate as C. I know that, should you ignore us and continue your lies, your money & power will someday be as ashes in your mouths, or those of your children.
Such is the eventual fate of all unjust rulers, when their "subjects" arise and depose them.
"No more Turning Away, from the Weak and the Weary, ... No more Turning Away, from the Poor and Downtrodden ... There'll be No More Turning Away ..." - Pink Floyd, On the Turning Away
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