Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Senate Republicans Seek to End Man-Made Drought - A message from Representative Devin Nunes, and a prediction from me.

Dear Friends,
Today, Senator Jim DeMint (South Carolina) and his Republican colleagues took action to restore the flow of water to dry California communities.

They offered an amendment to a bill moving through Congress that is similar to my legislation which House Democratic leaders have successfully blocked on multiple occasions (see video here).

This new development is thanks to the increasing national awareness of our suffering and is the direct result of the tireless work of people like Paul Rodriquez, Ray Appleton and Sean Hannity.

Senate Republicans took on our cause with the understanding that while many efforts are underway to resolve California’s long-term water challenges, relief is needed now.

We cannot undergo another year where water deliveries are shut down, only to be temporarily restored after farmland is transformed into desert.  This unjust water policy prioritizes fish over families, has devastated San Joaquin Valley communities, and is threatening the water supply of large population centers- including those in Southern California.

Despite the nature of the suffering in our region, Senator Dianne Feinstein objected to the amendment, comparing the effort to gain passage of a one year Endangered Species Act waiver to Pearl HarborThe filibustering of the DeMint amendment today is shameful.  The fact that our own senior Senator is responsible adds insult to injury.  A vote will occur later today.      

See my YouTube Channel for video of the debate.  Note: the video is in two parts


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Devin Nunes
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The following organizations supported the DeMint amendment today:

Tulare County Farm Bureau
Fresno County Farm Bureau
Kings County Farm Bureau
Families Protecting the Valley
Westlands Water District
San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority
Chowchilla Water District
California Grape and Tree Fruit League
Fresno County Board of Supervisors
Western Growers Association
California Poultry Federation
California Citrus Mutual
California Cotton Ginners Association
California Cotton Growers Association
Nisei Farmers League
California Tomato Growers Association
National Cotton Council of America
California Farm Bureau Federation
Campos Brothers Farms


Dear Reader, you know what this means. It means that, if  our very own Senator opposes an amendment introduced to benefit her "constituents" (sic) in the Valley, it's because it wasn't done her way. It doesn't benefit her best interests, which are apparently tied to insuring the continued swelling of both her political power, and her family coffers. (See Opinion & Commentary - "Truth vs. Constituency") 
If you don't live in NObama County, and have yet to experience the likes of the blatant & outright lies of Senator's Feinstein & "Ma'am" Boxer, get ready for your local Democrat Senator or Politician to screw you, too.
We who live here in Central & Northern California remember "Ma'am" Boxer's promises of retraining & job assistance for the logging industry workers whose jobs were DESTROYED by President Clinton. The "aid" she promised never materialized, insuring that the hard working folk who had voted for her, and whose Unions had supported her, would be locked into poverty.

In the last century, pundits who wanted to illustrate the greatest poverty in America would use Appalachia as an example. They would point to the "greedy industrialists" who "subjugated" the miners of the coal fields, and idolize the Unions. The would look at the wanton greed and devastation wrought by those same "greedy industrialists."

In the latter days of this century, my fellow Citizens, we will point to the Central Valley of California and trace the Government imposed path of economic destruction wrought for the purpose of power and greed, by Partisan Politicians.
We will cite the wanton and intentional pollution of the man made wonder of the Sacramento Delta with the willful complicity of Government & "Environmentalists," in the same way Academics now point to Love Canal. We will detail how Democrat Senators acted in bald self interest & greed for power, giving the Democrat controlled municipalities of the Delta a total pass, blatantly licensing their wanton despoiling of this priceless resource with their sewage.

And in the same breath, we will reveal to all who have the uncommon sense to listen how they returned NObama County to the desert it once was, but not before causing misery to those who declined to make tribute to them. We will reveal how Senator Feinstein decided to serve only those who would feed her greed for power, leaving those too poor or too stubborn to pay her tribute to starve in the Dust Bowl that this once "Greatest Agricultural County" became.
We will detail the total disregard that Sen. "Ma'am" Boxer had for even addressing the pleas and cries of the residents of this once great Agricultural Paradise. We will show how she chose to support those who, out of hubris and greed for power & wealth not theirs by toil, sought to destroy what wonders had been made in the name of progress and plenitude.

We will look at our children, in their worn and frayed clothing, and explain that the reason we became a Third World Nation, that it was caused when those who'd once claimed to have seen the pain and poverty of the downtrodden turned from them, and embraced their own desire for rule, control and riches.

We will explain how they felt it was their "destiny" to rule over us, and conspired to impoverish and punish us for disagreeing with them. We'll explain how they felt that we were "too free," and "too rich." We will cite their own words, and show the videos that we've hidden away, the videos that detail how they claimed to "have no idea" of our desperation. As our children join us to scratch the earth for what little we can grow, we will look on with wistful envy, as we watch the descendants of Chinese Emperors bound across other planets, and as we pledge allegiance to the descendants of our hereditary President.

And we will weep bitter tears for our blindness.
And so will you.

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