Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Re: From the "Law of Unintended Consequences" File or What the US Geological Survey is "doing" for Central Valley Water ... No, really, I'm serious!

It may sound like another Federal 'massage,' but the United States Geological Survey seems to be the one Federal entity taking the looming groundwater depletion problem seriously.
Still, I've just began looking at the info contained here at the USGS California Water Science Center.

Be sure and look at:

USGS Professional Paper 1766, 
Groundwater Availability of the Central Valley Aquifer, California
Sorry to make you download this and read it offline, the USGS decided to password protect the PDF and Scribd wouldn't accept it.

For those who aren't geologically astute or fascinated by arcane and obscure scientific terms, I'll post a review of this paper as soon as I'm finished reading and digesting it.

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