Monday, September 28, 2009

A letter to Senator Feinstein on Health Care Re-Form

Dear Senator,
In contrast to my diatribes of last week, I'd like to thank you for your continued publicly stated doubts on the fictional Health Care Re-Form "Bill" now being rushed through the Senate. Please pardon me if I show any lack of trust in your veracity.

However, after being burned by Representative Radanovich and his turnabout on the Bush Stimulus package last fall, I will be following your words and votes as this "Bill" goes ahead or flounders.

Be assured that, as a true Independent, the single most important goal of the People's Representatives in my eyes is to re-form all of the functions that you and your predecessors have assumed toward the People. We both know that what has been promised as "entitlements" are totally unrealistic, as unrealistic as "Environmentalists" who show their hypocrisy by tarring Farmers, while they ignore the sewage being pumped into the "Bay" Delta by municipalities who are controlled by their supporters.

I'm sure that you're aware that the fastest growing political segment in California are Independents. We're fed up to the scalp with secret deals and lying connivers, and Politicians who negotiate away what we've built. We Independents feel less than no allegiance to Parties, and Party Politicians. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican or any other Party, we are now awake, and checking your votes. More importantly, we're verifying your words and assertions, and will stand with folded arms as you speak, and hold you to your words.
It would do your personal cause well to comment and vote favorably about requiring a transparent Citizen review process of any Health Care Re-Form "Bill" before casting any vote in its favor. I predict that any vote for such a "Bill" will be to the detriment of your career.

In closing, I hope that you are more thoroughly informed of the true desires of your full constituency in re: Health Care Reform than on Central Valley Water Policy. As a lifelong part of the Private Sector, I've seen the good that can be done by promoting competition, and the damage that is uniformly done by Government monopoly. We're surrounded by examples, especially here in Fresno, and it's time to change this tide.

Kris Rowe,

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