Saturday, September 19, 2009

I just can't apologize enough to Jimmy Carter ...

Oh, I simply just can't apologize enough to ex-Pres. and incipient "Senile Dude" James Earl Carter.

You see, I posted an opinion piece about Him yesterday, and I assumed that his vituperative and weirdly preachy diatribe against "Racists" was aimed at me and other White People.

However, upon scanning the information available about Mr. Obama's "racial heritage," I was relieved to find out that President Obama is half - Caucasian!

"So what?" you say? "Who cares what color or race He is?" you say?

I'm shocked, stunned AND amazed! Don't you understand? Can't you see that, to Congressional Progressives, the Democrat Party, and every uptight, politically correct, color conscious Liberal in America, it's ALL ABOUT RACE!

It's all about making exceptions  and excuses and pandering to special interest groups and attempting to separate and divide America by doing a "tar & feather" job on Tea Party Patriots and other dissident voices ... Which brings forth the question, "Hey, weren't the folks who are in power dissidents once, dissidents who claimed that they were exercising their 'free speech' rights?"

So, the real question is "Why are all those silent masses of Non-White, Non-Black, Non-like Pres. Obama Americans being called out for speaking against the obviously brilliant, yet strangely still unseen 'Obama Health Takeover Bill' ... ? Why can't they be good, silent guilty Americans, riddled with guilt by what someone who darn near destroyed our Economy AND Foreign Policy when he was President, said about them? Why can't they just see that it's just in Mr. Carter's best self interest to try to repaint Himself as a multi-racial genius, rather than the ineffectual political tool that He's actually become?

Ok, so James Earl Carter is a self-hating racist. I find that to be amazingly sad, and deeply pathetic.
I feel terrible for Him, since I cared for My Grandfather during his period of senile dementia, and it's a terrible thing to lose your powers of discernment & discretion, even for a gentleman of suspect intelligence such as Mr. Carter.

So, to Mr. Carter and his Family, I send my deepest sympathies and heartfelt apologies.

And to his Family, I send this advice:

Get double-keyed deadbolt locks, and hide the car keys. Oh, and should he become belligerent or violent, have a good sedative handy, and in the worst case ...  DUCK!!!

Sorry, "Mr. Jimmy." Now, what's Charlie Gibson's excuse?

Disclaimer: If you hadn't noticed, this post was written in the same style of joshing, jovial good humor that has been used in the past 8 years by luminaries such as Sen. Al Franken, Bill Mahr, Jeannine Garrafallo (?), David Letterman, Charlie Rangel, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, and ... GOSH! Even the President Himself!
So, if ya' don't get a laugh out of this, well, there's obviously something WRONG WITH YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU,  A RACIST???

Have a nice day! :)

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