"Why are "they" leaving California?"
I had a young "skull full of mush" ask me that question, when he overheard my dinner conversation about why folks were leaving California.
I had to sit back and think for a moment ... Why indeed, in a word?
"It's the Thugs," I replied. "The entire culture has gone Thug."
The young man looked at me, closed his eyes, opened them again and said ...
"I understand."
And I could see that he did. But, do you?
"As goes California, so goes America ..."
That might seem a silly old saying, were it not so very true.
Yes, the Thugs have taken over. And they think that they can run the show and tell us how we can live, what we can eat, what we can grow, what we can smoke, what we should drive, where we can go ... the list is quite literally endless.
Look all around you ... Thuggery is lauded on TV ... In Popular music ... In the Movie Theaters ... on your child's very head. ("Turn that cap around, Billy!")
The Thugs have institutionalized rudeness. You can see that simply by looking at them ("Nice underwear, dude!"), and by hearing them speak. Their habits creep into every corner of our society, and poison the minds of our future leaders.
The Thugs will treat rudely customers they've been hired to serve, while covering their name tags to hide from justified retribution. They "justify" their outright rudeness with answer like "Well, I should be off the clock by now!"
Obviously, it's the customer's fault that the store owner kept the store open long enough for them to come in and keep the Thug "customer service" employees too busy to "get off the clock" in time to catch the Simpson's reruns that are the overriding priority of their life.
Don't bother trying to make the point that they HAVE A JOB, and that they should have figured that "customer service" means you're actually there to SERVE the customer!
The Thugs feel "entitled". They're entitled to "free" (meaning someone else, ANYONE ELSE picks up the tab) schooling, lunches, health care, retirement, etc., etc., etc.
If you mention that they demanded that "free benefit", they will answer that "Well, EVERYBODY voted for it!" This generally comes from the same folks who're paying overdraft charges since they CAN'T balance their checkbooks. This is nearly always said in the same sentence with "Thank GOD for the banks overdraft coverage!" Then when the bill arrives ...
We all grew up with Thugs. We moved to the 'burbs to (try and) get away from them. Guess what, sparky ... They're running things now.
We now live in a State where Thugs run everything. They run the Cities, they run the Schools, they run the "Mainstream" Media outlets, and on and on and on and ...
But undeniably worst of all, They "run" the Federal and State Bureaucracies. Their unofficial motto is "All for One and that means US!"
This distasteful "Institutional" Politician knows that "One hand washes the other, and be sure and wash yours before you service Me." This has lead to the current rash of Politicians who "Jump Party" for the express and unhidden purpose of kissing certain Voters tushies. (Anyone see that Specter over in the corner? Be sure to wink at him.)
And like most Productive Americans, I'm tired of muttering to myself; "Give me a break ..."
But this isn't really about me. I'm still here, and I'm fighting.
It's about Truth tellers like Rep. Joe Wilson, and 'Thugs' like Nancy Pelosi, George Miller & "Ma'am" Boxer.
It's about career Politicians who call one President the nastiest things they can imagine, and when "their guy" is elected, complain when a lone voice dares to speak the Truth.
And what Rep. Joe Wilson said is the simple Truth. It's the Truth because the current President hasn't offered a Bill to Re-Form Health Care, and the only one that was anywhere near a vote (H.R. 3200) was offered by His Party, and totally ignored any sort of verification of citizenship when offering health care that would be payed for by the Government (Single Payer) Option.
In not doing anything, it would tacitly commit The People to picking up any and all of the bill for Illegal Immigrants.
Funny how that works, isn't it? If I decide to do something illegal that no one told me was illegal, I'm a criminal.
If Nancy Pelosi decides to provide an Illegal Immigrant Health Care by not requiring proof of Citizenship, she's supposed to be a Hero. No matter that YouTube is filled with videos of her calling Pres. Bush names ... She's a Democrat Hero.
Of course, that seems to be consistent.
After all, George Miller has made a career of being a "Environmental Hero" by keeping NObama County farms from growing food that would feed a hungry World, and we should be sure and thank Him for allowing us "food aid" from China.
In fact, I know that George is a Hero to Sacramento Delta Municipalities, since He says that "Big Ag" in NObama and surrounding counties are the villains, and not the Delta Municipalities who spew untreated sewage and urban runoff into the Delta.
Now, we can't forget the Republican Politicians who seem to be unable to keep their zippers shut. Even California's "Conservative Bastion" of Orange County lost an Assemblyman last week to what he later claimed was just idle bragging about an alleged affair with an employee of a company that he had a role in overseeing and ... Well, no more Assembly for him. (And, the "buddy" he was bragging to was booted off the 'Ethics Committee." Ya' sure ... Ethics.)
Which begs even more questions on so many different levels, such as:
#1: If he wasn't really having an affair, why resign? Why not simply just say that you were bragging out of 'low self esteem,' as you did the day after you resigned?
#2: You're an Assemblyman, elected by your fellow citizens to represent them, and given their implicit trust. Why do you have low self esteem?
#3: Are you stupid, as well as neurotic? Any "simple joe" knows that, if you say things around microphones, someone whom you might not want to "impress" with your real or imagined illicit sexual "conquests" might hear you.
#4: Being an Assemblyman isn't enough to give you 'self esteem'? You're pathetic.
So, why don't they simply tell the Truth? Why can't they stand the Truth?
Well, that's a simple question with a complex answer, but I'll try a simple answer.
The Truth doesn't serve them the way they wish. The Truth empowers freedom loving people, people who yearn to create abundance. It doesn't create entire counties full of unemployed farm workers who're dependent upon Politicians to "grant" them aid after shutting off their water. It doesn't create higher unemployment or economic disasters for them to "fix" or "re-form" or "Change!"
It doesn't create new opportunities for ACORN to tell pimps how to enslave underage female illegal alien hookers by not allowing them to learn to read.
And the Truth certainly doesn't allow Politicians to call Citizens with opposing views "Nazi's" and "Racists" every time they try to employ their Constitutional Right to Free Speech.
And the final upshot is this: In much the same way as Mr. Obama did, we Tea Party Patriots are saying "You Politicians created these problems, not us. We've produced, and you wish to plunder and impoverish us. We've elected you with your word that you'd "represent" us, not "resent" us."
"And if you won't represent us, we'll elect someone who will, someone who will sign a legally binding commitment to do what is right and realistic, instead of pandering to Unions and "special interests" and "Environmentalists" and ... Ya' get my drift?"
So, sit back and read if that's enough for you ... or, if you like, stand up, pick up a sign or bullhorn & join the conversation. But please, don't be a Thug.
Bienvenido, comrades.
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