This video & link courtesy of WorldNet Daily: ( Please read that page first, ok? )
So, the "Cult of Personality" finds its ultimate personal statement?
Personally, I find much about some of the various statements uttered in this video to be admirable, but the notion that it would somehow be appropriate to show this to children in school, then put them "under the gun" with curriculum requirements verges upon overt propaganda from the Administration.
Clearly, this isn't a matter of "By the People, For the People ..." government, but a case of "(Self) Important People" who feel the need to alter the thoughts & behavior of young minds, and the co-opting of those young minds by those Politicians who wish not to free them, but ultimately deprive them of first their Constitutionally guaranteed rights, then of any hope of a brighter, more abundant future.
Isn't it notable how those who consume the most most freely, and want for nothing, are the most vocal about how you should be made to "volunteer" that which you've worked hard for? And that they would pledge to make you pledge to serve those in power?
Y'know, that's REAL freedom, ain't it?
Now, what I found offensive about the video was the blatantly false utterances of the President, calling upon us:
"Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other."
This (on it's face) is admirable, and I question where he lives and was raised that he does not see this in action every day. I see and hear these principles each and every day, as I tend to small children, commiserate with parents and stand up for those who work hard and feel "left behind."
But, Mr. President, where is your call for each of us to be responsible to and for our own choices and actions? Where is the call for those who seek a "free lunch" to get off of their duffs and work? Where is the compassion for those who've been gainfully employed, but have been put out of jobs by a "Environmental" bureaucracy that puts the good of "special interests" above those of people who pick the fruit, and till the soil, and actually want to work?
Doesn't Mr. Obama have any compassion for the people who've spent countless days toiling in the hot sun, only to be put out of a job because bureaucrats and "Environmentalists" have decided that it serves "THEM" far more efficiently to ignore the actual reason for the death of the Delta Smelt:
Over 200 Million gallons of untreated and partially treated sewage & urban runoff per day that is poured into the Sacramento Delta each day.
Now, I'm sure that every one of the more than 40,000 farm related workers who've lost jobs in NObama County feel sorry for the President, seeing as he only had most of the month of August off to tour the country on the People's dime.
I'm sure they wept for him as they stood in line for hours in the hot sun, hoping that there would still be something left when they reached the sign-in table for food from the shrinking reserves of the food bank, and other generous charities.
It would have been nice if Mr. Obama had taken the time, or showed the compassion that even Mr. Bush had to show for New Orleans. And I can guarantee that we would have welcomed him and shown him a "good time," even at the cost of our dwindling resources.
It would be nice if Rep. Nancy Pelosi had the guts to "commandeer" military transport out to survey our situation from the air, but it turns out that she too lacks the simple compassion it would require.
Or at least it would appear so to a rank "outsider" like myself, since she has yet to allow a bill or amendment supporting the interests of NObama & surrounding counties to come up for a vote. But then, it might get in the way of attempting to get the real work of Congress ( like appropriating $200 million for new luxury Gulfstream jets to insure that "They" travel in style appropriate to their importance) to send "Emergency Aid" in a larger sum than $4 million dollars.
After all, Mr. President, we've only lost more than $160 million dollars in our county Ag economy this year. A mere pittance, I know, when compared to the $1 BILLION+ given by Wall Street Bailout recipients in bonuses to their starving executives.
But then, I'm just a bitter, angry Conservative, Mr. President. And you so compassionately wish to decide whether I can have a job, or health care ...
Pardon me if I withhold my thanks, Mr. President. (And I'll hide my hand gestures, too.)
So, when will you be visiting OUR disaster area?
Oh, that's right ... We're not your kind of Americans, and don't deserve your "looking after."
Your condescension and silence to our piteous cries has made that abundantly clear.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Shades of Chairman Mao! Looks like "Fearless Leader" will be indoctrinating YOUR children Sept. 8th! When will he come to visit OUR Disaster Area?
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