Tuesday, August 18, 2009

As goes GM, so goes California Agriculture ... if we let it.

"As goes California, so goes America ..."

It may be a tired old saw to some, but that 'old saw' has a very bad habit of being ultimate truth.

The writing is not only on the wall, it's printed on nearly every package of food that you find in grocery stores across America. America has once again chosen to forget its history in favor of convenience.

How so? Read that fine print under the tomatoes at the 99 cent store, and you're likely to see 'Hecho en Mexico.' This is only the most glaring of examples, since we've been bringing in Grapes from Chili in the wintertime since at least the early '80s.
Now, there's nothing wrong with the convenience of year round supply, but there is a problem with what's being spawned within California, with the open-eyed assistance of not only our State Government & "Environmentalists," but the wide open eyes of the Federal Gov't, not to mention the self serving actions of many of California's own Congresspersons.

History shows us that, it's often convenient (and profitable) to obtain raw ingredients from outside of the United States. But in times of international conflict or even mild disagreement, these ingredients may become politically "scarce." Just look at how the Government has maintained 'strategic stockpiles' of metals, petroleum, and many other commodities.

I can hear the sighs of relief already. "Phew! You started to scare us for a moment ..."

Well, don't let your breath come too easily yet. In fact, you might want to go get a nice cool, damp towel for your forehead, because it's time to put those thinking caps into hyperdrive.

You see, dear innocent, hard working, patriotic American, History has a nasty way of repeating itself. In fact, it's almost guaranteed to repeat itself, since most folks think that, somehow, they can do the same thing that failed before and get a different outcome.

That's like letting the air out of your tires and expecting that "This time maybe they won't go flat." And I can guarantee that you won't get your tomatoes to market on flat tires.

The same thing applies to importing any commodity, much less the food that you rely on to keep you alive. You might be able to stretch out your tire life until they go flat, but you can still walk. However, if Pete (or Pedro, if you prefer) decides to go on strike, you're not going to get your Mexican tomatoes. That said, what do you think will happen if We displease the Mexican Government? What happened when we displeased the Iranians, and the Saudi's, and ... did anyone ever refund your $4.00 a gallon on gas?

That's why the Government set up strategic stockpiles, 'cause when the U-boats prowl, ships are going to sink, foreign sourced commodities become scarce, and those greedy old Capitalists raise prices on all sorts of stuff. Like gasoline, or manganese, or aluminum, or ... and the list is literally endless.

But that isn't the really scary part.

Suppose that the Government (" ... By the People, for the People ...") decided that the People were too free. Suppose the freely elected 'Public Servants' decided that they were going to vote as THEY wanted instead of as their constituents desired?
Suppose they decided that we were too obese? That we were costing Them too much of Our money? Suppose We don't do what they insist that We do, something They want Us to do because they "know better?"

Like the President shoveling money to GM, then "firing" the CEO just because He wants to? Where in the Constitution is He given the power to dictate to a publicly owned, (supposedly) shareholder steered company who their CEO will be?

So, with those examples made, just what am I trying to say? Am I saying that the forces of Progressive-ism in the Congress, and the Liberal Democrat California State Legislature's decisions to dictate that the water formerly "given" to the Farmers of NObama County be run down the river to the sea, is a "conspiracy?"

No, there's no conspiracy ... They haven't hidden a single thing.
Reference Rep. George Miller's reply to the Water March to his office in Concord last Thursday:

please click this pic to open & read Rep. Miller's statement
before continuing, it'll help!

Along with the tendency to spill drivel hither & yon, Rep. Miller states: "... They are offering no feasible solutions for California's water future."

Oh, and he is? Just as his father opposed the building of dams and canals to feed the teaming masses who desire to share the "California Lifestyle," Rep. Miller denies creating more storage and delivery systems as the only true solution to California's "water future."

If California was expecting a net loss of population back to 1960 levels, we might be able to get by with the current water storage & delivery system. But, that ignores the very facts and figures they like to use as predicting "California's Future."

The projected population level for California circa 2050 is 79,000,000 souls! Rep. Miller's father lost the fight to keep the San Joaquin Valley a desert back in the middle of the last century. Now, he's taking his revenge for his father losing his "hereditary" seat in Gov't.
His answer? Let the farmers, and especially those of NObama County, dry up and blow away.

But what of the people of the world who depend on NObama County for their food? What of California, where almonds are the state's largest (official) cash crop, and NObama County produces not only the most, but the best almonds in the WORLD? What about those Jumbo Peaches, the worlds finest pistachio crop, and on & on & on ...

Last week, I stood on a dead almond tree on Fox News Hannity Show, holding a sign that read "you can't drink a smelt!" Two days later, I stood in Concord waving the same sign, and made the same point to a City Councilman: "you can't drink a smelt!"

Again, my point? This all goes way beyond Agriculture. It goes to a future when Government controls not just what are traditionally considered it's necessary functions:

It controls everything.

"Awww, c'mon!" you say? Who controls GM now? Who said that they had "No intention" of running GM last winter? Will future years mark the end of winter by saying, "Ahhhh, SPRING! When a politicians fancy turns to Government Takeovers!"

So, imagine this far fetched, but ever more possible scenario:
Rep. Miller and the Dems get their way, "the pumps" continue to be turned on 3 months too late to plant a crop, the farmers go bankrupt, the Feds swoop in to "save" the farmlands by "taking over" the bankrupt farms, and "administering" the food supplied by the (formerly) "world's richest farm county."

Do you really think that they will stop at that point? Do you think that once they've "taken over" our farms, they won't come after yours, and everything else that they don't yet control?

I recommend you open your Bible, to Genesis, and read the story of Joseph & the Pharaoh.

"Oh no, not a Bible lesson ..."

But I assure you, if you look into this story, and imagine that instead of a noble and sensible leader, Pharaoh had grown from a small child of mixed parentage and minimal acceptance who decided that he would get everything he ever wanted, no matter what he had to do, or who he had to do it too, to get the one thing that he most lacked in his early life ... Control.

To keep control, and save his subjects from certain death by starvation, Pharaoh decreed a 20% tax on all food produced. To keep the citizenry from revolting, Pharaoh paid the priesthood in food. In the story, it doesn't emphasize one key point:
By the end of the 7 year famine, the only persons who had any private property left in the entire land were the Politicians, the Priesthood ... and the Pharaoh, who owned EVERYTHING.

Pharaoh accomplished this through simply controlling the food supply. In today's 'just in time" society, where everyone can just go down to the Grocers and get whatever they want, if the Government doesn't want you to have food, they have to go to great lengths to take it away.

When the Government controls all food, and can simply walk in and take your land or garden if "They" so desire, what freedom will you have?


The "freedom" to dry up and blow away.


On further reflection, and with the Abigail Adams like wisdom of my partner Laura, I will once again say that, if you want to know what you can do about all of this silly Socialist encroachment on our Constitutionally Ordained Freedoms, here's some suggestions:


Call your Congressperson, Call your Senator, Call your Mother, Call, Call, Call!!!
Email, Snail-mail, get off your duff and search out those numbskulls!

Thanks for your efforts, we hope they work.

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