Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Did "The Donald" know something we didn't?

Y'know, in retrospect, I really can't blame Donald Trump for deciding to take a pass on the Running Horse Golf Club thing.

After all, 'The Donald' does have something that we don't have here in California, much less NObama County. Mr. Trump has a team of the brightest, smartest, most trustworthy lawyers and business professionals, people who certainly must have had the brains, foresight and, doggone it, the gumption to look up what the "Environmentalists" had planned for NObama County.

At that time, we were certain that our elected representatives had done a pretty decent job of negotiating a "final" solution to the pesky problem of "Environmentalists" suing NObama County and the Gov't constantly for the ostensible purpose of re-establishing a salmon fishery on the San Joaquin that never really had been a salmon fishery.
Perhaps he knew that, as soon as the "Environmentalists" left the room, and perhaps even during a bathroom break as negotiators waited for their final demands to be presented, the "Environmentalists" would trot down to the Federal Courthouse and file a whole new raft of lawsuits, even though they had 'promised' not to.
(Apparently, the "Environmentalists" legal staff had been composed solely of those annoying little creeps we all knew in grammar school who always cheated their way out of every loss with "I had my fingers crossed!" I seem to remember something about 500 lawyers and the Bering Sea ...)

But no matter how funny or topical it is, I digress. Obviously, "The Donald" and his staff decided that there was a great reason to decline the Running Horse project, once they found that the City Council wouldn't invoke 'eminent domain' to cover his potential liabilities.

Or maybe they simply figured that, when the Liberal Dems, the "Environmentalists" and every other anti-Conservative, anti-Agriculture dweeb in Sacramento had their sights zeroed in on decimating NObama County, it might be a wee bit hazardous to sink a ton 'o money into what would likely be a very dry hole.

Perhaps he knew that even He of the Golden Talents would be screwed, blued and tattooed in ways even NBC couldn't imagine if he stood up and thumbed his nose at George Miller, Nancy and the rest of the Dem Libs, and rode in to our rescue.

After all, He really learned His lesson with the whole Conservative, "anti-gay marriage" Miss America debacle. Now he clearly realizes who holds the true power in America. Clearly, it isn't the guys with deep voices.

No matter how He knew, I'm sure at this point he's glad he took a pass. I know, if in His shoes, I'd have passed, too.

And I live here.

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