Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama Administration Foot 'n Mouth Disease continues: Sibelius & Specter on the Road for "Blind" Healthcare Bill

"Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive ..." - Sir Walter Scott

That pithy sentence certainly applies to the Obama Administration, the Democrat Rep's & Sen's, and saddest of all, The "Mainstream" (sic) Media.

What beggars disbelief is that, with the ever shifting and constantly warning and easily self congratulating and "Ooops! We underestimated ..." and "Look what this new report by our lapdogs says, we were right the first time!" and ... Well, you get my drift.

Sorry, never finished that thought. These guys give a fellow too much ammo, then they shoot themselves in the foot!

What truly beggars disbelief is that, and I'm going to attempt to summarize this, according to a multiplicity of Democrat sources, we have a Congressmen that openly declare "Why would I read the Bill?", with ill disguised scorn and ridicule for those demanding accountability.

We hear from The Administration's "Spokesmen" (Apparently, one just isn't enough, we have to trot one out to every Sunday Politishow) that apparently it depends what day it is as to whether there will be a Middle Class Tax Hike, or a Middle Class Tax Cut ... and then this from Spokesperson Gibb: "No Middle Class Tax Hike." "The President is committed ... "

Yeah ... sure ... well, we Hope he gets "Committed".

We have Cabinet members and Senators who demand that "We the People" stand aside while they "Do this fast ..."

And why must they "Do this FAST ..." ???

Well, lets look at "The Likelies." (Yes, I like making up words, don't I?)

The most Likely explanation is that they're trying to sneak in things that "The People" won't really like.
The next most Likely is that they want to claim, as they have with the Stimulus debacle, that "We never got to read the Bill before we voted on it." As unreal as it seems, my Rep. & Sen. both voted for the Stimulus, even though they knew they're "Constituents" (sic) "Back Home" were overwhelmingly ... wait, that's too weak a word for the opposition ... LANDSLIDINGLY against bailing out the Crooks!

Now we hear that many Democrat Congresspersons will likely hide their heads in the sand while on recess, or completely avoid going back to their "Constituents" (sic). They've declared the "Tactics" being used by "The Fringe Opposition" to be "unfair." These include such "underhanded tactics" as showing up for Town Hall meetings, which are now being held in secret locations for "Members" of the Congressperson's Email list, invitation only, with RSVP a MUST.

Apparently, this is meant to "stack the deck" with a handpicked audience, in the attempt to influence the rest of their "Constituents" (sic) as to how they should "just go along" with their sheep-like neighbors, and trust those who "Know Better."

Well, how 'bout this, Congresspersons: We see what you're trying, we won't stand for it, and our replies will make "The Bonus Army" look like a County Fair.

"Accountability ... Transparency ... Ethics ..."

We have them. The Government doesn't.

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