Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"The Pumps are on!": The Real Truth, the Real Answer.

When that annoyingly liberal, "environmentalist" friend that we all have says "Well, what's the problem? The pumps are already on!" Here's your answer:

When in Fresno for his 'secret' Town Hall meeting, the Secretary of the Interior made the statement that "The pumps have been turned on!" He was greeted with applause, but this wasn't a surprise to those in the know. In fact, it was no surprise at all.

The pumps were on because the smelt weren't 'scheduled' to be near them. Since the pumps were 'clear,' they'd been scheduled to be turned on on that date. Well, then what's the problem?

The problem is that you can't wait until June 1st to irrigate your crops. If you plant in the late winter/early spring, you have to irrigate as soon as the ground warms, plants sprout, and the ground dries.

"Well, why can't they just wait to irrigate?" that annoying friend says, whining ...

Well, why can't you just wait 3 or 4 months to water your lawn, after spring comes? Or water your flowers only every 3 or 4 months? Nature doesn't work that way, no matter what Congress, The Administration, or the Tooth Fairy say.

The simple answer? Things just don't work that way. You have to plant at a certain time, you have to irrigate at a certain time, you have to harvest at a certain time.

So yes, the pumps were turned on June 1st.

3 months late, and scheduled to pump only 10% of the water that was contracted.

That's just the way things work. Or don't.

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