Friday, August 14, 2009

Central Valley Tea Party members take the Health Care fight to our "representatives."

The Coyle Federal Courthouse, Fresno

A personal report from Caity Hughes, Volunteer Coordinator, Central Valley Tea Party

My level of irritation was already high this morning, knowing that this protest was going to be one of our last ditch efforts at getting our points across before our "elected officials" go back to Congress.

This (Socialized Health Care) is something that we shouldn't even have to fight to begin with! So, walking into the Coyle Federal Courthouse (which is incredibly nice by the way, so all us tax payers can pat ourselves on the back for contributing to one of the most useless, but gorgeously crafted buildings out there), I wasn't surprised to find Diane Feinstein's office shut and locked.

After stuffing our letters under the office door, we went on up to the 5th floor to Barbara Boxer's office, which had a lady "working" in it, but no Barbara Boxer to be found. We handed her our letters and we turning to leave when I stopped and said, "Excuse me, could I ask you a question?"

The staff member said yes, so I said, "Have you ever seen Ms. Boxer here in the office?" To which she replied, "I've seen her in Fresno." So I said, "No, have you seen her in THIS office?" And she replied with, "No I have not." So I said thank you, and walked back out the door. It's really good to know that good money went in to building an office that gets no use.

The two lovely corner offices on the bottom
right (4th & 5th stories) are those of Senators
Boxer & Feinstein.

It's actually a huge comfort, because for awhile there I thought our tax dollars didn't go to anything "really" useful. My frustration level was so high that when we walked along to Jim Costa's office, all I could do was smile and hand over my letter. I did however fax over a personalized letter just a few minutes ago, which I feel good about. I know that our efforts won't sway Boxer or Feinstein, but I really hope that we can win over Rep. Costa.

Thanks for the report, Caity!

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