or "Why top-loaded Stimulus plans won't ever work."
True stimulus will always be based upon restarting the true "economic engine": Free Enterprise. In the past, when insolvency loomed over a business, bankruptcy was the legal structure used to remedy the insolvency, and whenever possible, insure an equitable an outcome for all those invested.
If TARP had truly been meant to be a "stimulus" package, it would have assured that each citizen would be enabled to moderate and survive the burdens placed upon them by economic contraction. Instead, it has proven itself to be exactly the opposite:
A "Bailout."
That's what TARP and the more honestly admitted earlier bailouts of the Bush administration(s) were. Go take a look at the Wiki on bailout. You'll be shocked how true these words ring when the Politicians have decided that some entities are "Too Big To Fail!"
The treasonous part of this act is that, rather than deciding that America and it's Citizens were too big to fail, the Politicians decided that THEY were "Too Big To Fail." They felt that, since they were elected by the People, they were elected to Rule the People.
Their way of ruling the People? To preach how we must be "Renewable & Sustainable" while they themselves are profligate and wasteful, to shovel inflated dollars to those they truly consider their Constituents, those who fawn after them and fund their campaigns and send them on junkets and ... The list of "special interest" politically based handouts is virtually endless.
Instead of standing up honestly, and insisting upon the true transparency that bankruptcy would have produced, they have simply built another story on the financial "house of cards" that has been, and now continues to be produced by Wall Street and Washington. However, you must remember first that, if these Politicians and Economic Despots had the slightest shred of honesty, they would be speaking out against what they have wrought, and open their books.
Instead we get Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke's insistence that the Fed won't open it's books to daylight.
Instead of bankruptcy and transparency, we repeatedly fall prey to the lies and obfuscations of financial and political confidence men (and yes, woman too) who campaign with nothing more in mind than the perpetuation of their own power, the power they've "worked so hard to earn." We see this locally, statewide & nationally.
A. Schwartzenegger, J. Brown, M.Villines and nearly innumerable names in California alone scream of the backslapping, glad-handing and promises that are handed out as though balloons at a birthday party.
ACORN, NEA, AARP ... These are only a very few of the "special interests" that do exactly what you cannot do: They spend every waking moment working on getting the most of the People's money for those they shill for, and insuring the continuance of the "favors" they "earn."
So, what can you do? Have integrity, stand up honestly and speak your mind. Don't retreat, don't just "take my word for it." Hold their feet to the fire.
And most importantly, DON'T EVER FORGET.
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