Monday, August 3, 2009

From The U.S Sect. Of Education, July 2, 2009 : "Dear Partners in Reform ..."

"... when inflexible seniority and rigid tenure rules that we designed put adults ahead of children—then we are not only putting kids at risk—we're putting the entire education system at risk. We're inviting the attack of parents and the publicand that is not good for any of us. I believe that teacher unions are at a crossroads. These policies were created over the past century to protect the rights of teachers but they have produced an industrial factory model of education that treats all teachers like interchangeable widgets ..."

This incredible "Mea Culpa" statement was buried deep within the hypnotic rhetoric, hand shaking, backslapping and, incredible as it might seem, butt kicking of the Sect.'s July 2nd address to the NEA. Arne Duncan, erstwhile "Genius" (sic) and Sect. of Education, spent way too much time and way too many words telling the Teachers Union that "... we have to be willing to change ..."

Be informed, go read the entire address at Remarks of Arne Duncan to the National Education Association—Partners in Reform

But be warned, you'd best print it out, and use a pen for the high lights.

Additional Link : U.S. Dept. of Education

I'm not going to be-Labor the point, but it all comes down to "sending out the shill", as we used to say in the sales biz. As they say in the Human Resources Dept. here at the NObama Register, it was "Kiss 'em, Kick 'em". Unfortunately, the We he's talking about, and are most interested in, have a line of bull that seems to be based on avoiding responsibility for themselves.

What a pity, eh? It might not be good for Us ... just remember that actually means Them.

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