Monday, August 17, 2009

'Obama Politics for Idiots': explaining it for those who desperately want to believe in Him.

So, you have that friend who, despite the creeping uneasiness that they keep feeling over TARP, Cap n' Turd, GM (The Saga continues!), ... well, EVERYTHING that the Obama Administration & Democrat controlled Congress have rammed through & past us like you-know-what through a goose ... That friend who still wants to believe that Mr. Obama is a great guy, and a 'Great Savior'?

And now that friend comes to you, and asks "WHY? Why so much, so fast? Why are they calling Grannies and Veterans 'Radical?' Why pay for Union Thugs to scream epithets and call names?
Why do they seem to believe in 'Good' Free Speech & 'Bad' Free Speech? Why a White House snitch address? Why Nationalize Health Care?"

"Why is it 'ok' for Nancy Pilosi to lie? Why is it forgotten that the President said things about 'single payer' Gov't run Health Care in the campaign, and now maintains he never said them? Why does he keep sending out his 'advisers' to float trial balloons, then shooting them down?"

Well, dear friends, here's your answer: Tell them the Truth.

Tell them that Mr. Obama is a "clean, smart, articulate young man" who has a lovely (though baldly scheming) young wife, and 2 lovely young girls.

Tell them that, if you'd spent your life being teased, ridiculed and put down due to the decisions of your parents, you'd be obsessed with power, wealth and celebrity, and willing to manipulate a system that seems to have been designed to be manipulated by such a man as you, a man willing to abandon his pastor of 20 years and say that he never heard the sermons that he quoted in his 2 autobiographical books, his self proclaimed 'life story.'

A man who was "ready to take power and rule!" A man who was willing to accept the assistance of a (now imprisoned) "developer" whom he had helped get Gov't contracts, and who helped him right back when he needed a "deal" to move into a posh neighborhood.

A man who is unwilling to do what his predecessors have all done: To lay themselves open to scrutiny, reveal service and educational records, birth records, medical records, ANY records at all.

A man who'd run for state office and play machine politics to 'disqualify' opponents on 'erroneous' charges. A man who would do the same to run unopposed for a Senate seat, then ignores a publicly made statement that he should not to run for President.

And most importantly, let your friend know that the reason he changes his 'mind' so often is that he's even more hyper-aware of his 'legacy' than Bill & Hillary ever were.

That he's a control freak who feels that he shouldn't have to fulfill statements made in public if it doesn't suit his needs of the moment, or his need to control you.

Let your friend know what a true friend would do when questioned about your association with them ... then remind them of Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and all of the other 'friends' that Mr. Obama has "barely known."

And ask them "would I lie to you?"

And make that answer "No."

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