Sunday, August 2, 2009

Opinion & Commentary - "Truth vs. Constituency"

When I heard the "shocking" news earlier this year that California's senior Senator was in ethical trouble, I simply shook my head and laughed. I had no doubt of the ethical gap, living in the Central Valley. We see the Truth of who our Senator's True Constituents are all around us.

Crumbling roads & infrastructure, water that is either being stolen by "Environmentalists" in the name of 2 inch long "threatened" fish or coastal cities who claim it from Yosemite, and are given 1/3rd billion dollar "stimulus grants" to rebuild their water delivery systems. This includes an underground tunnel to steal ... umm, excuse me ... "deliver" the water in complete safety ... that is, until "The Big One" hits.

So, it becomes clear that, when speaking of our Senators, Truth is always sacrificed to serve their True Constituency. Ms. Feinstein very quietly works behind the scenes for our water problems, but to no avail. Then, less than 90 days later, San Francisco gets "their" Yosemite water.

This seems exceedingly strange, considering the proximity of the Central Valley farms to Yosemite. Wouldn't it make far more sense for S.F. to be looking to desalinization plants, powered by safe & proven nuclear power, to achieve a truly safe & "sustainable" water supply?
At best, it seems dreadfully shortsighted to place San Francisco's water supply at the mercy of "the Environment" in the form of earthquakes, fire and flood (not to mention possible terrorism ... OOPS! Uh ... SORRY!), when modern technology can produce safe and sustainable water supplies.
(Apparently, the S.F. residents and "Leaders" have forgotten what happens in an Earthquake ... The water supply from far way fails, and Rome ... errrrr ... S.F. ... BURNS!)

Unfortunately, that option was cut off when tried for the Central Valley. The very idea of desalinization plants and tunnels for sending water from THE OCEAN to the Valley was quickly turned down.
It seems that the only "Safe & Sustainable" source of water for coastal cities such as S.F & L.A. are from hundreds of miles inland, rather than safe, proven technology that has been installed in locations worldwide ... The United States excluded, of course.

Why go to these lengths when Technology has an easier answer? The answer is, of course, multifaceted. Why put floating nuclear plants with built in desalinization plants just beyond "line of sight" from the shore when you can make huge contracts for your Union constituency, while decimating your "Conservative" Agricultural "constituents". Why dig your own well, when you can steal from your neighbors well?

It becomes apparent to any thinking human being (sadly, an unprotected "endangered species") that the true purpose of the "Water Wars" is to impoverish those self sufficient few who still maintain their insistence upon Freedom & Liberty, then Control them through turning the tables on them. Send them "Emergency Food Aid", and make sure that you pay well chosen suppliers double the Market price for that food, "killing two birds" with one Control based decision.

Punish those who claim to produce food for the World by cutting their water off, then make them BEG for food, then pad your True Constituents pockets in the "charitable" act of feeding the "poor Drought victims!" SHEER TOTALITARIAN GENIUS!

So, when you take a good close look at our Senators (ignoring their husbands successful businesses, of course), remember that the Owens Valley was once as fertile and lush as the Central Valley uniformly was, until L.A. "acquired" the water. The needs of the farming few seem to always be subjugated to the needs of the Metropolitan many, but always to the needs, wants and re-elections of the "privilaged" One's.

And what of the Senator's "ethics" trouble? Well, after being ignored by the Mainstream Media, it quietly slunk into the shadows. This from the Party of "Transparency."

And how long will these mealy mouthed Hypocrites tell their True Constituents that they can import their food, "Don't worry, we'll take care of you."
Yep, after they take care of themselves ... And only so far & long as it serves them.

Truth vs. Constituency. What do you desire?

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