Friday, October 30, 2009

"Distorted Water" - answering the Enviro-Hypoctrites - from Rep. Devin Nunes

Dear Friends,

I recently updated my blog with a new document – Distorted Water.  In this piece, I have answered the most common distortions used by radical environmental activists related to the man-made drought.  It is important for us to understand these distortions and to be equipped to answer them as we work to restore the flow of water to San Joaquin Valley communities. 

I hope you have a moment to check out the blog entry and encourage you to download the print version to share with your friends and neighbors (a high quality print edition is also available).

Thanks for your interest,

Devin Nunes


If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at
This public announcement is re-published without the express permission of Rep. Devin Nunes, and should be viewed as an endorsement by the NObama County Register, and it's Editor.

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