Thursday, October 8, 2009

Todays "Letter to the Senator," and "your tax dollars at work."

Hi, Patriots!
Here's the letter I just sent off to Sen. Feinstein, with her reply to my first letter following it. I hope you'll pick up on her letter and send your own to her at Sen. Feinstein's email page.


Dear Senator Feinstein,
I'm relieved to know that you are "on the case" with "President Obama's" Health Care Re-Form Bill. However, I want to make my stance quite clear:
I truly don't wish to be insulting, but I don't trust you.
If you simply look at where I live, and your professed ignorance of and lack of speed in addressing our all too real problems, perhaps you will see why there is a "trust deficit" at issue here. I have less than no interest in your Party, their "interests," or the promotion of ANY political Party. As far as I am concerned, and indeed, the Constitution is concerned, the only interests are those of ALL Citizens.

Perhaps when you show that you truly care about we "little people" and come out to talk with us, instead of intimating our ignorance of the "Big Issues" and accusing us of "ambush," we will trust you. For now, I will simply say that I do not support any Health Care Bill that is not designed to "take effect" before the 2010 elections, and that does not resolve the problems with Medicare, Medicaid, and other "entitlement" programs before imposing further restriction upon the private sector. In fact, I support a Federal ban on State imposed health insurance restrictions. I see no valid reason why I should be forced to pay for a level of health care that requires I be covered for breast & uterine cancer, since I am a male.
And as you and I'm sure, your close associates in the private sector know, competition always drives prices down. I'd appreciate seeing proof of that knowledge, and in the absence of that proof, will interpret its absence as an implied endorsement of a Government Monopoly.

Again, my thanks for your lovely form letter. It's comforting to see that our tax dollars are going to pay for such lovely writing, though it was disconcerting to see that your office didn't match fonts when pasting in "talking points."

Kris Rowe, The Nobama County Register -

"I want to believe!" - The Amazing Randi

P.S: Why is it that, when it's a "Democrat issue" it's dealt with with speed, but if it's simply "our" issue, it's got to be studied and hemmed & hawed over for weeks, months or years?
Can't you "feel our pain?"

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:59 AM, wrote:

Dear Mr. Rowe:

Thank you for writing to me to express your opposition to healthcare reform. I appreciate the time you took to write to me, and I welcome this opportunity to convey my opinions on how we should reform our health care system.

I support reforming our healthcare system. The key is to find a healthcare plan that provides coverage, as well as limits cost. My colleagues in the Senate and I have been working on this, but it is a difficult issue and must be carefully thought out. I hope that when the Senate Committee on Finance considers a healthcare reform proposal, the Committee will pass a bill which can accomplish these goals and can be effectively merged with the bill passed by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Other health reforms are also necessary. I strongly believe that any healthcare reform legislation should prohibit coverage denial based on preexisting conditions. Reducing healthcare premium costs is absolutely essential. Between 2000 and 2007, combined profits for 10 of the country's largest publically traded insurance companies rose 428 percent. I am also concerned about the astronomical growth of entitlement spending, which makes up 56 percent of all federal dollars spent in 2009. Health reform must bend the healthcare cost curve, slowing the growth of entitlements in order to reduce our nation's debt and budget deficit.

Any Senate health reform bill must improve California's complex health care system, and please know that I am working hard with my colleagues to make health care affordable for all Americans, without adding to the federal deficit.

Again, thank you for contacting me. If you should have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at

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