Thursday, October 22, 2009

Willful Malfeasance: The writing has hit the fan, but the wall will be painted over.

"Willful Malfeasance."

It's a frightening phrase, but it's the only phrase to describe the horrifying trend that has come out of the shadows and into the open "light" of the "Mainstream Media."

From the amazing sight of Andrea Mitchell chiding Sen. Orrin Hatch with "I don't think George Soros is a Liberal" to the revelation of Senator Feinstein's bald self interest in totally ignoring her own words of a 1994 letter on Friant Dam and San Joaquin water diversions, the examples are almost literally infinite.

In the last week, President Obama has gone from studying the situation in Afghanistan, to overturning the election results, to "hoping" that He can make a decision on whether to provide the troops that Gen. McCrystal requested in AUGUST!
To any thinking individual, this is unconscionable, open and willful malfeasance. If the former President had dared to "dither" in this manner, he would have been impeached. Yet, here we are with the "Mainstream Media" reporting this malfeasance as though it were a sage and studied response.

For a sitting President to act in such a manner can only be described as malfeasance. For the same President to have weekly parties with Kobe beef & "Guest Chefs", and to fly to Copenhagen to boost his former "hometown" (sic) to host the Olympics, to accept a Nobel Prize for Peace when he has created none, is tawdry, and dis-graces the office of the President.

Add to this his San Francisco visit to lecture rich supporters on "human rights" while studiously not only ignoring but repressing every attempt by the people of NObama County and their true representatives to relieve the Federal Government imposed Regulatory Drought. He couldn't even be bothered to fly over the Valley to laugh at our deprivation. This is willful malfeasance.

We keep hearing the National Conservative voices say that there'll soon be a real example of what Obama & Gang are going to do to us all. Meanwhile, voices such as mine are literally screaming "LOOK HERE! LOOK HERE!"

Malfeasance surrounds us; some willful, some simply by  the sheer weight of the s**t storm the Progressives are throwing at us.
You need only watch to see each example. Today's example is there right now; Please take time to look it over, and be informed.

That way you won't be one of those who ends up saying, "I never knew it was that bad."


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