I gave this entry much thought before posting it, and it needs to be said. The first part is from Devin Nunes. The second is my opinion and viewpoint, and represents me alone.
Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
Last week, Congressman George Miller (D-CA) attempted to gain passage of a water recycling bill for the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Congressional leaders pursued passage of this bill on the House schedule reserved for non-controversial measures, meaning it required a 2/3 vote to pass.
As you know, the Speaker and Mr. Miller have refused to allow San Joaquin Valley water legislation to be debated. For this reason, I asked my Republican colleagues to help defeat the Bay Area water bill. In doing so, we insisted that valley water problems be debated along-side legislation related to Bay Area water.
In my view, it is irresponsible for Congress to consider spending tens of millions of dollars on Bay Area water recycling programs while communities in the San Joaquin Valley are being deprived access to water and ignored by Congress. No one in the Bay Area has had their water taken from them and Congressional attention should be focused on helping those suffering from the government-imposed drought.
Instead of recognizing that he needs to allow a debate on the valley water crisis, Congressman Miller responded by seeking revenge against Republicans who fought for our voices to be heard.
Devin Nunes
If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at www.nunes.house.gov.~~~
From Sean Hannity, Fox News Channel, 10.08.09
From the Editor:
When discussing "
Sadly, there are proving to be exceptions to this "Hope." Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez) seems to have skipped the part of Primary school where "co-operating with others" was discussed.
He also seems to have ignored the call's from the House Leader Nancy Pelosi for "bi-partisanship" and "accountability." Revenge is something that he does ahead of time, and is unthinkable for the "opposition" to engage in.
I do try to make sure that I don't let blind anger and unfocused hatred cause me to act without wisdom. Unfortunately, Rep. Miller doesn't care to adhere to this course of action, a fact that is plainly demonstrated in his constant stream of vengeful actions when others don't just lie down and give up.
To use the same tactics that he does is somehow unfair, and revenge must be exacted. A Lesson must be taught, and people must be punished for their impudence in defying his Royal Will.
Yet, Rep. Miller shows constantly how small and mean a man he is. He insists that he be kowtowed to, and not just allowed, but endorsed when he insists that he is the exception. In this, he heads down the same historical road as all Tyrants, choosing favoritism, partisan division and popular regional bigotry in his quest to avenge his own failures.
As I did in Concord, standing outside his office, I call out "Where's George?!?" Doesn't he, or for that matter, President Obama, have the GUTS to come and see the human misery that they are responsible for causing?
Unfortunately, this "Leader" is likely to be found spewing hypocritical sewage of the same level as Delta communities. Be sure to juxtapose his words with his actions. He doesn't introduce legislation to clean up sewage inn the Delta, or to develop water supplies. He doesn't offer any answers, only deprivation and suffering, as long as it serves himself.
I'm sure that, after seeing this video, you'll come to the same conclusion as I did, and ask the same questions.
George doesn't work for his constituents, or America. George works only for himself.
"The time has come for all good men to come to the aid of their fellows."
The time of Partisan politics in America has passed. The Republican & Democrat Parties are one in the same. You need only look to the actions of Republicans who "negotiate in good faith," knowing that there is no "good faith"in these Partisans souls.
You've watched George Miller in the above video. You can see that he knows what works, "Traditionally," but tosses it aside, since it doesn't work for him.
Partisan politics is destroying our country. Partisan politics, and those who practice it, have decided this is a "fight to the death."
And they intend to be sure that we're the ones who die.
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