A Modest Proposal to Reform the Congress
by Bill WhittleYou know how it is when you’re watching a slow-motion train wreck – Britney, say – and just when you are absolutely convinced it can’t get any worse… it does?
Congress has an approval rating of 21%. And when I heard that Harry Reid is actually discussing plans to sneak single-payer, National Health Care legislation not only past the will of the people, but sneak it past the lower house of Congress by attaching it as a rider to a completely unrelated bill…
…Well, that is an act of such unremitting and bastardly sinfulness that it simply has to be addressed.
I take a look at the four Senators and twenty-something Representatives currently under ethics investigations of one kind or another, and present to you, the American people, my Modest Proposal to get government back in the hands of the governed.
I’ll save the details for the video, but suffice it to say that the Whittle Plan, at $935,000,000 is not exactly cheap, but it is definitely a bargain at .0003 of the Federal Budget for 2008.
I don’t want to spoil the delicious details, but here’s the elevator pitch:
We already pay farmers not to farm. Why can’t we pay legislators not to legislate?
It’s bold and it’s foolproof. Congressional greed and mendacity have been allowed for.
I dare say it is an idea whose time has come.
It might not be the answer, but I've heard worse ideas! Thanks to C. Brooks Nielsen for finding this great commentary.
The only real problem I could find with this idea was that it woukd give the Prez an excuse to declare "shenanigans!' and martial law, and simply can the Constitution ... Which brings us to the next Blog post ...
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