Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nunes confronts Secretary Salazar, Senator Feinstein and Rep. George Miller - demands action

Sept. 30, 2009

Dear Friends,

Earlier today, Secretary Ken Salazar held a public meeting in Washington DC to discuss California’s water crisis.

During the meeting, I was surprised to once again here Secretary Salazar reject the notion that we are experiencing a government-imposed drought (listen here).  In my view, and in the considered opinion of those who are directly impacted by water shortages today, there is no question as to why San Joaquin Valley communities are suffering.  That reason is a flawed system of regulation related to the Endangered Species Act and, more specifically, unjust priorities that have made a three inch minnow more important than human beings.

While long-term solutions are needed and I am not opposed to studies that would help achieve them, the people of the San Joaquin Valley are suffering and they need help now.  For this reason, I have fought to gain support for Congress to temporarily grant California the same legislative relief New Mexico received in 2003 – namely, the short-term restoration of normal pumping operations from the Delta.

You can hear my complete remarks by clicking here.


Devin Nunes
If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at  If you would like to be removed from my mailing list, please send a message to LISTSERV@LS1.HOUSE.GOV with the text "SIGNOFF NEWSLETTER-CA21" in the body of the message.

Please be sure and take a look at the videos of Sen. DeMint and Sen. Feinstein, and decide who's working for California's & American's best interests.

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Congressman Nunes has thrown down the gauntlet. Now, Patriots, lets run with it! We need to inundate Secretary Salazar, Sen. Feinstein, Sen. "Ma'am" Boxer, our Congressmen, and especially President Obama with phone calls, faxes, emails and letters demanding a true answer to the Central Valley Water Crisis: More storage (Dams), the Peripheral Canal, Two-Gates project, and adequate sewage treatment facilities for Delta municipalities.
Please do yourself the favor of listening to the audio files linked in Rep. Nunes letter.

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