RE: The Water Debate
I sent my Bay Area contact The Nobama County Register's issue highlighting "A fishy tale about California water" by Victor Davis Hanson for some feedback from his vantage point.
This is his response:
I’d encourage you to focus on the sewage issue. The other issues are always going to have winners and losers as resources get scarce and interests are in conflict. No excuse for not cleaning our sewage adequately, but people can have an honest debate that more water should be going to the houses versus factories versus farms versus just staying in the river. Water is a commodity that is bought and sold. People have historic rights to certain amounts and they can choose what to do with it. West side farmers are low on the priority list. They get water when it’s available. If they want to go up the list . . . they should buy rights from someone higher up the list if they can find someone willing to sell to them. Of course, to buy those rights they’ll be competing with LA municipalities.
My perspective. Not looking for a response.
My perspective. Not looking for a response.
I felt compelled to reply:
Thanks! Must respond that I appreciate your focus on sewage and water rights.
From what I hear, Feinstein, Pelosi, Miller and Co are after ending irrigated farming in CA.
Interesting - but not sure what our odds are on getting food exclusively from beleaguered rain forests.
There's no question in my mind that we Californians must keep the conversation going. My Bay Area contact forages the farmers markets around here when he visits me. I, on the other hand, have no more interest in water skiing on the Delta! cbn
There's no question in my mind that we Californians must keep the conversation going. My Bay Area contact forages the farmers markets around here when he visits me. I, on the other hand, have no more interest in water skiing on the Delta! cbn
Thanks C, and friend!
KMJ's Ray Appleton show today had much ado about a possible "breakthrough" with Sen. DiFi today, and my simple reply is "UP THE VOLTAGE!"
I've been sending daily email to her, as you've read, and making sure that she knows what is in "her best self interest." This seems to be what works best with Politicians, to threaten and cajole.
Strange creatures, these Politicians. They seem to think that everyone is like them, and tend to be most consistent in protecting their own "perceived" self interest first.
So, the message I'm sending forth today is to keep the pressure on. Don't slack off on Water, or Health Care, or ANYTHING. Keep kicking their butts.
Please let your contact know that their feedback is most appreciated. The sewage matter is one of the keys, but the real answer is a multiplication of environmental responsibility, water sources and storage.
To continue to "hold hearings and fund studies" is a childish game, in which the winner has invariably been those who believe they'll win simply by doing nothing until the "other guy" simply quits and goes away.
Be sure and get your Bay Area contact to ask their friends how they feel about DEPENDING on someone from another country to be as ecologically friendly, affordable and consistently fresh as the Central Valley, not to mentionSAFE.
Ask them if they're really looking forward to someone in Chile, Mexico or COMMUNIST China doing what OPEC continues to do to ... constantly milk us for all they can get!
Ask them if they're aware that the Federal Gov't actually sent food aid imported from CHINA to WestSide Food Banks? Can they feel the incredible insult which that is, to willfully kill their jobs, then slap them in the face with imported food, telling them that the Gov't, rather than actually SOLVING THE "CRISIS" HAS DECIDED THEY"RE "ENVIRONMENTALLY OBSOLETE?" THIS IS HOW THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS REWARD THEM FOR THEIR TOIL?
The simple fact is that, as long as we let up on the Politicians, they'll run us down, FLAT!
We've let the Politicians, Republican and Democrat, put us off for decades, allowing them to fund study after study, and draft legislative "time bombs" that were GUARANTEED to screw us blind, as soon as they achieved a moments legislative majority.
We've re-elected them time and again, knowing that we were being screwed. We've set on our butts, watching every sort of pablum, and allowed them to pave us over with a legislative freeway, one which has a "fast-lane" only for LAWYERS.
So, I can say, we truly appreciate any assistance we can get from sensible fellow Californians, and especially from fellow Americans such as Jim DeMint. We appreciate the emails and phone calls and any sort of noise that is made to bring attention to the fact that THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU NEXT! THEY"RE NOT HAPPY WITH "THEIR" SHARE ... "THEY" WANT IT ALL!
That's why, when we have over 40,000 citizens out of work in NObama County, The Administration hasn't even sent "Uncle JOE" BIDEN to fly over and murmur a so-sincere "Tut-Tut."
They want us to feel like the worm dirt they think we are. We haven't "paid our dues" to them, or put money into their sweaty 'lil "Community Organizing" hands. We refuse to kiss their "Chicago Mob" butts.
Well, guess what, Sparky! They can run off to Copenhagen, or London or Pittsburgh or anywhere they want ... WE'RE NOT SHUTTING UP! When they wonder, down the road 'aways, what the tripwire was, they can look RIGHT HERE!
This is where we all woke up! And be assured, we're "Community Organizing" in ways they've never imagined! The END GAME for the Progressives started right HERE!
And the only people that they can "blame" will be themselves.
P.S. Whaddya think about that DiFi, anywho? Think her Lawyers suggested she actually do her job, rather than face a RECALL CAMPAIGN?
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