While listening to Glenn Beck today, I heard about this strikingly ethical organization that puts their oath where their mouth is ...
In their own words;
"Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution:
Our motto is "Not on our watch!"
There is a great deal of fear among the Conservatives of our Nation, having seen the "whatever it takes!" mentality and blatant use of Progressive & radical Socialist tactics such as were described by Saul Alinsky in "Rules for Radicals", that the present Administration will find excuse to declare martial law and circumvent the Constitution in it's present push to overwhelm, "re-form & remake" America. The stated purpose of Oathkeepers is dedicated to thwarting any attempt to circumvent our Constitution by such illegal and intentionally precipitated means.
While we're truly skeptical of "conspiracy theories" here at the NObama County Register, we have our eyes wide open. We've seen moves that are straight out of Alinsky, are constantly bombarded with overreaching attempts to usurp Constitutionally delegated powers & destroy the Middle Class, and are lectured as to how we must "get out of the way" so the President can create his Utopia of "fairness & economic redistribution."
Friends, it's weird and getting steadily weirder. It's time for every single individual Citizen to stand and say their peace. Here's mine:
"I support and will defend with my life, my blood and my treasure, the Constitution of the United States of America.
I will fight, with words and deeds, any and all who would deprive Americans of our Constitutionally defined Rights, Rights which have been conferred upon us by God.
I will raise my voice, and encourage others to do the same, in defense of our Constitution.
I will fight those who would require, for their own selfish purposes, the abridgment of any American Citizen's Constitutionally guaranteed Rights."
I'm sick and tired of being urged to give up my Rights, especially for some illusion of security such as "Universal Health Care." Government Health Care Insurance is not "single payer." It will be paid for by everyone, and subject all to an unequal level of deprivation. It will, despite all protestations to the contrary, require rationing and imposition of artificial controls upon the market. and Politicians will build in exceptions that will make some unequal by dint of age, sex, color or philosophy.
So, despite my strong urge to disbelieve, I see the evidence of the Obama Administration's willingness to actually do anything that will gain themselves more and more power. If they will deny us water, they will deny you water. If they demonize Fox News, they will not hesitate to demonize or deny the Rights of you or I.
Do you remember the last President to openly demonize "the Press?" Does the phrase "Nattering Nabobs of Negativism!" mean anything to you?
Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew committed these acts and said that phrase. It begs the question: Why demonize when you can simply ignore? Is what Fox is reporting the Truth, or too close to the Truth?
And, in the light of the past, what is the Obama Administration in need of hiding? They openly lie, so what more could they possibly be trying to pull on us?
The only thing I'm absolutely sure of is that I don't have proof of anything positive where Mr. Obama is concerned, and plenty of proof of negatives. I don't trust him, his Czars, or his associates.
I'm not yet sure whether I will join the Oathkeepers, but I applaud their determination and guts. And we here at the NObama County Register support their Right to defend themselves and all Americans, from those who would usurp the Constitution.
For more commentary on Oathkeepers, check out Examiner.com "Oath Keepers vs. oath breakers"
Monday, October 19, 2009
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