Friday, October 2, 2009

Do we start a Third Party? - answering a question from a friend.

Posted by a Tea Party friend, on my.Central Valley Tea :

I am so tired of the same old crap from the elected officials in this country. Dem's and Rep's are both out of touch with what the people want! They tell a bunch of lies to get voted in, and then they do whatever they want! I have voted Republican for many years but they aren't listening either!
I've looked at the ballot so many times and said to myself,which is the lesser of two evils? Does that sound familar to anyone?
The Democrats are a bunch of Communists, and I think some of the Republicans are almost as bad! Do we have any Real Americans that want to run the country for the benefit of Freedom?
I believe we need a third party and we need it now! THE TEA PARTY!
And my reply:

Bill, I agree with you ... yet, I feel fairly certain that, as I like to tell the "progressives" that I argue with, "Doing the same old thing, the same old way, will get the same old result."
What we must avoid is the sort of thing that the California State Republicans did at the luxury resort of Indian Wells, near Palm Springs, only last week; hold a confab for the Rich, the Powerful, the Privileged and the "friendly" Press.
Now, I love Inga on KMJ 580. One of the reasons for my purely platonic feeling is her honesty, her trustworthiness, and her "gosh-darned" average intelligence. At that "convention," she got the fact right away, the fact why so few of us trust any Politician; They are so easily swayed, wined & dined.

To tell you the Truth, I am suspect of ALL Politicians, and all who would be Politicians. I do not see one in a million men, or for that matter, women, who could resist the temptations and distractions of Political Life.

I have been a True Independent for many years, and finally, I'm starting to once again see what made America, at its very beginning: The Power of the Individual. I see it in the faces around me at Tea Party meetings, on buses to Actions, and at Water Rallies. I see persons, not crowds.

I see folks who, as individuals, are terrified to be where they are, and yet soon feel the sheer exhilaration of standing up and speaking their mind. I was especially heartened when, at the last Hannity Broadcast, the young ladies who, with their Mom, were next to where I was precariously attempting to balance 2 BIG Action signs, asked if they could hold one up HIGHER for me. They felt their power, and climbed to the top of the haystack with that sign, and made their statement.

I see the difference between the Tea Party Patriots and other, lesser individuals who've marched and made noise. Invariably, the Police Officers who speak to us remark on how clean and respectful the crowds are, and how we take the trouble to pick up after ourselves. They smile as we thank them for their efforts in protecting us. They smile, give us a "thumbs up", and wave. They're on OUR, The Peoples, side.

I see Moms who, like my own Mom, are beleaguered and tired, yet stand and fight for us all. I see Moms who are scared and angry, dispirited and frightened. I see most of all, Moms who're outraged, outraged at the stealth with which the "progressives" attempt to subvert their children from them.

I see those, all around me, who've fought to do good for all they knew, and who've been screwed over time & again. I look about me, and, once in awhile, I see a man who will look me directly in my eye, and I want to stand, and fight with & for him.

So, I can say & ask, why do so few men look me in the eye, as Devin Nunes has?
He did not flinch or run away when I told him I was an "Independent Blogger," one of the "Good Guys." I look to the man who, like Rep. Nunes, is not afraid to speak rightly & righteously when angered, nor too proud to admit when he, or his staff, are wrong. I can confirm that of Rep. Nunes, since he made his own staffers correct themselves at his Health Care Forum. He is a man of integrity, that is what matters to me. I am only disappointed that I cannot say I voted for him: I'm not in his District.

I see machinations, and am keeping tabs. I have no outside job to run away to, and no looking away from the small children I feed & help raise every day. And in their faces, I see the Leaders of Tomorrow. I see hope, and know that my words & deeds are important each day.

And a Party? I see a Tea Party, a sea of scared, sweating individuals, who're angry, and very, very disappointed. They see, all around them, those who've worked hard and been given the shaft.
They see those who've lied, cheated and connived being heralded by the "mainstream" Press, and given a pass for the sake of Money and Celebrity.

I see "a band o' friends a' forming" and know that they will be bound not by agreement on all things, but by their common bond:
They are Americans. As Americans, they know one thing above all others:

Freedom is their Party, and Liberty their Bond.

So William, be patient, but be firm. Don't accept excuses, or suffer fools. Forgive, but never forget. Don't be afraid to argue with fools, but don't let them make you angry. Speak with righteousness, and don't be afraid to say "I don't know." A wise man always admits what he doesn't know.

Will our Tea Party be a "true" Third Party? Do we want it to be?
Perhaps the time for Parties is past. Perhaps, at least in America, the True Power will prove to be in every individual and every voice.

We Shall See.

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