Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"The End of Party Politics and the Rise of the Individual."

It's been my contention for some years now that, with the great equalizing force of the Net, it was simply a matter of time before we saw the mass dynamics of Party politics give way to the power of a truly educated and activist electorate.  What we are now seeing is the stripping away of the Emperors clothes, and those of his simpering sycophants.

The near blasphemous "do-si-do" that the Obama puppet masters have tried to use is crumbling before them, as the sheer weight of their own lies catches up with them.
Not only was there never any truth to the campaign promises, they've proven that what they really intended was a wholesale reinforcement of "business as usual."
The Oz-like calls to "ignore the man behind the curtains," as I like to think of the Czars, have given way to a paralyzing path of indecision that has lead the President to take 2 months to even admit that a decision must be made on Afghanistan.
As one news source put it, with the accelerating death toll among U.S. troops "it appears that a decision must soon be made."

The "Mainstream Media" (sic) has ignored until this week the fact that Gen. McCrystal was appointed commander by President Obama. The Bush bashing isn't working. The President is ignoring his own appointee!

Indecision won't work, and
can't be deflected!

What we are now witness to, in forms such as the Presidents insistence, is a defiance of reality. The repeated statements that "all flu's are H1N1 now" are policy, not reality.
When Doctors and nurses come out and openly advise patients not only to not take the vaccine for the "swine flu," but that they've been instructed to report ALL flu's as H1N1, the Emperor has "cried wolf" too many times.

Now, look at Harry Reid's "no-answer answer" to the question of whether he has the votes to pass his promised 'Government Option Health Bill' in the Senate. After repeated questions by multiple reporters, he had to admit that Sen. Snowe had reiterated her opposition and intention to post a 'No' vote on any such Bill. The Bill will, as his failed S.B. 1776 (oh .. yeah .. sure ... like that Bill number was a co-incidence!) also FAIL!

And good 'ole Harry will spit fire and brimstone at those "obstructionist" Republicans, all the while trying desperately to ignore the truth that the "Leadership" plans for the grand takeover, and their "Final Solution" to Conservatism, were doomed to failure from the very start.

What Harry, Nancy, Michelle and "His Excellency" refuse to see is the bedrock truth of America. People just aren't that stupid!

They may, in an excess of hubris and desperation, elect an empty suit when promised "Hope & Change."
But, when the promises turn out to be bald faced lies, and the only change is that the new President doesn't restrict his attacks to terrorists and despots ( No, not at all ... They're His FRIENDS!) but attacks everyone who dares to disagree with him, the American Citizen slowly starts to turn.

So, my friends, buckle your seat belts and return your tray tables to the upright and locked position, 'cause the fun's just starting ... and it's gonna make "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" look like a Sunday stroll in the Park.

And remember, dear friends, that Sen. McCain and the majority of the "Minority" Party Politicians are just Dem's in Elephants clothing. That Party is on it's way out, too.

Now, we of the Tea Parties, diverse and pissed off, have risen to the challenge; Stand up, raise our voices, grab our cell phones and keyboards, pick up our signs, and make NOISE!

The rise of the Outsider as a political force has begun ... and the "Business as Usual," and "Never waste a good crisis" gang have only themselves to blame.

Oh, and while you're watching the fun, be sure to participate, too. Call your Sen's and Rep's, send them email & snail mail, fax 'em, too ... In other words ...


Because, dear friends, we were happy being the "Silent Majority," but we're even happier being vocal!
And the thing we're most vocal about is ... WE WANT THE TRUTH!

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