Friday, October 16, 2009

Republican Family Feud Breaks Out! - Posted at a Tea Party site ... No, REALLY!

Well, I'm not so sure it was good unless you're a CNN fan. Aside from the epithets, sneers, and snide references to teenage girls that any Conservative would have been pilloried for, it was mostly useless.

(Note to Newschick; Teenage girls don't give wedgies. That's teenage boys, which you'd have known if you'd gone to High School.)

However, there was at least one relevant point made: Liberals will always make fun of Conservatives for showing behavior that they contend is normal and acceptable, if not outright admirable, for themselves.

I did enjoy the Lindsey Graham (Weenie-SC) excoriation scene. It's refreshing to hear Patriots calling a passive-aggressive greedhead on his selfish & irresponsible behavior. The entire "Mainstream News" (sic) machine is fast reaching a new nadir of self parody. The sad and sordid part is they contend that they're serious.

I really appreciated the repeated "chicken" references when the Newschick spoke of Tea Party members getting "egged on" by Republicans. Someone should explain to these self important ninnies that the "chickens & unherdable cats" certainly don't need the Dempublicans to get them "riled up" when we have condescending sneers like this to point to.

Personally, I'm seriously considering hiring a 4 year old girl in a pink tu-tu to (too many tu's?) spin around while shrilly screaming "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" and schedule her against these dweebs. At least it would be honest, rather than the smirking wise-ass display this clip proved to be. It would certainly be more entertaining and enlightening.

The great thing about seeing this clip on the Tea Party site is that it completely saves me from spending the money to subscribe to a pay service for this garbage.
Bill Gates should be thoroughly chagrined, if not openly ashamed to be paying part of this Newschick's salary.

If this was posted in ironic humor, you need to smirk back. If this was posted as seriously relevant commentary, watch it a few more times. Meanwhile, I'm getting a bi-carb for my sour stomach.

1 comment:

cbn said...

Dear Editor, Glad you pointed out this Tea Party review to me, but I find myself strangely in conflict with you. I was delighted to view the unintended consequences of CNN's Newschick getting outclassed by David Weigel. So I opened up Washington Independent to read more of his coverage of the TP Patriot/Express conflict. Having corresponded on that subject with our Brad Roltgen and Express driver Deborah Johns, I am actually encouraged that a bit of sibling rivalry strengthens us all. Meanwhile, I like seeing people looking silly trying to pretend we are insignificant.