With the shattering of the Ivory Tower in which "Climate Scientists"had ensconced themselves, the question now falls on all Science; Are conclusions of Man-induced environmental effects so easily justified?
Take this piece from The Wall Street Journal, for example:
So, is the skeptic truly coming to the fore in Climate Change science? As one commentator noted the other day, Science is about exploring hypothesis by disqualifying one likely cause after another, rather than trumpeting one favorite cause as "the consensus." In the absence of disproving a myriad of possible environmental effects upon climate change, the dishonest scientists in question and their political masters declared a "consensus" that clearly has not been proven.
So we now see that "Economic Suicide" is not a truly popular or populist political option, especially for an Administration that seems to be in a swift decline.
Will the Administration see that it's also "Economic Suicide" to sacrifice the Ag Economy of Central California for dead or dying fish?
Stay tuned!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Climate Change IS REAL ... It's just NOT OUR FAULT!!!
Ask any geologist about Climate Change, and they'll tell you it's a constant. That means it's ALWAYS HAPPENING.
With the advent of "Climategate" and the exposing of the fraud of Man-Caused "Global Warming," we learn the simple truth of the "Climate Change" Industry.
I use the term "Industry" since Government calls it that, even though it's a fraudulent use of a positive term. But then, Government uses the term "Industry" to describe all sorts of entities that produce nothing of value or good.
Such as the "Tax Preparation" Industry. And no, I don't agree that "it's a necessary evil."
But I digress.
As any student of Geology, any Rockhound, Farmer, or even "Lawnmower Guy" will tell you, Climate Change is always happening, and always has. It happened BILLIONS of years before man appeared, if you're a believer in the Fossil Record.
Now, I'm NOT going to argue about fossils and Religion ... That is, with one exception.
That exception is the newest of Religions, the Religion of "Man-Caused Climate Change."
Huh? It's a Religion?
Well, step back and take a good, long look.
"Man-Caused Climate Change" has every aspect of a classic Religion. We'll use a number of examples from various Religions, and please don't accuse me of throwing stones, ok? I see the Good in Religion, and the Bad, and if you're offended by my references, look at History. God is Good, Man is Flawed.
Live with it.
What makes "Man-Caused Climate Change" a Religion, you query? Well ...
It has "Facts" (i.e. Scripture) which are not to be disputed, or discussed in the negative.
It has a Patriarchal Figurehead, Al Gore, whose words and assertions are to be taken in the Pontifical sense, as infallible.
It has a "Savior," who brings the word of "Saving the Earth" to Man, who is judged as "Killing the Earth."
It has a God, "Gaia," Earth.
It has Indulgences (Carbon Credits) that are "sold" by the Patriarch and required by Edict.
It has Evangelical Movements ("Green Power") that revere Poverty & the Ascetic over Abundance, except for the Elect ("the Elite") such as the Patriarch. As with every other Religion, the Elect i.e. "Priests," Scientists, etc. are held in high regard, and touted as being "infallible."
It has a Moral Code, by which one can become "Righteous" and "Save the Planet," making those virtuous adherents "Better" than those who don't follow "the Path."
It has Guilt and Sin: Those who use more power, water, etc. than others are "Sinners," with the specific exceptions of those who are Patriarchs or "the Elect." The Patriarch is given "alms" (Nobel Prize, Academy Award, etc.) and exceptions, for His words are Holy.
By "paying a tithe" i.e. buying Carbon Credits, paying more for using less energy, using CFL's, the Adherent gains Righteousness and Favor with their peers and the Elect.
Okay, enough of that for now. I could go on all day.
The simple fact is that this is a Religion for people who don't believe in God.
This Religion gives the Adherent all of "the Power." Or so it claims.
It claims that by adhering to a Standard of Poverty, they will achieve the Righteous Objective, "Saving the Earth."
That, if you give Control over your home thermostat to "the Elect" (the Legislature, Bureaucrats, PG&E, CARB, etc.) you're "Saving the Earth."
Somehow, at least for me, this hearkens back to the Medieval days when, in starkly realistic terms, the Lord of the Castle owned the People, and was required to pay taxes & tithes to the actual owner of the Land, the Bishop, the Pope and The Church.
These taxes & tithes were collected from whom?
With the advent of "Climategate" and the exposing of the fraud of Man-Caused "Global Warming," we learn the simple truth of the "Climate Change" Industry.
I use the term "Industry" since Government calls it that, even though it's a fraudulent use of a positive term. But then, Government uses the term "Industry" to describe all sorts of entities that produce nothing of value or good.
Such as the "Tax Preparation" Industry. And no, I don't agree that "it's a necessary evil."
But I digress.
As any student of Geology, any Rockhound, Farmer, or even "Lawnmower Guy" will tell you, Climate Change is always happening, and always has. It happened BILLIONS of years before man appeared, if you're a believer in the Fossil Record.
Now, I'm NOT going to argue about fossils and Religion ... That is, with one exception.
That exception is the newest of Religions, the Religion of "Man-Caused Climate Change."
Huh? It's a Religion?
Well, step back and take a good, long look.
"Man-Caused Climate Change" has every aspect of a classic Religion. We'll use a number of examples from various Religions, and please don't accuse me of throwing stones, ok? I see the Good in Religion, and the Bad, and if you're offended by my references, look at History. God is Good, Man is Flawed.
Live with it.
What makes "Man-Caused Climate Change" a Religion, you query? Well ...
It has "Facts" (i.e. Scripture) which are not to be disputed, or discussed in the negative.
It has a Patriarchal Figurehead, Al Gore, whose words and assertions are to be taken in the Pontifical sense, as infallible.
It has a "Savior," who brings the word of "Saving the Earth" to Man, who is judged as "Killing the Earth."
It has a God, "Gaia," Earth.
It has Indulgences (Carbon Credits) that are "sold" by the Patriarch and required by Edict.
It has Evangelical Movements ("Green Power") that revere Poverty & the Ascetic over Abundance, except for the Elect ("the Elite") such as the Patriarch. As with every other Religion, the Elect i.e. "Priests," Scientists, etc. are held in high regard, and touted as being "infallible."
It has a Moral Code, by which one can become "Righteous" and "Save the Planet," making those virtuous adherents "Better" than those who don't follow "the Path."
It has Guilt and Sin: Those who use more power, water, etc. than others are "Sinners," with the specific exceptions of those who are Patriarchs or "the Elect." The Patriarch is given "alms" (Nobel Prize, Academy Award, etc.) and exceptions, for His words are Holy.
By "paying a tithe" i.e. buying Carbon Credits, paying more for using less energy, using CFL's, the Adherent gains Righteousness and Favor with their peers and the Elect.
Okay, enough of that for now. I could go on all day.
The simple fact is that this is a Religion for people who don't believe in God.
This Religion gives the Adherent all of "the Power." Or so it claims.
It claims that by adhering to a Standard of Poverty, they will achieve the Righteous Objective, "Saving the Earth."
That, if you give Control over your home thermostat to "the Elect" (the Legislature, Bureaucrats, PG&E, CARB, etc.) you're "Saving the Earth."
Somehow, at least for me, this hearkens back to the Medieval days when, in starkly realistic terms, the Lord of the Castle owned the People, and was required to pay taxes & tithes to the actual owner of the Land, the Bishop, the Pope and The Church.
These taxes & tithes were collected from whom?
This is what our President wishes to "Roll Back" to. This is obvious to anyone who listens to His words, and doesn't indulge themselves in saying "Oh, He didn't meant that, He meant ..."
What He means is that we're going to be FORCED into Poverty by our Lords, the Elect.
Now, to answer those who will be offended that their fantasies & fallacies are being violated, I'm speaking from a strictly historic viewpoint, a viewpoint of Truth.
I blame every evil man, not God, for the wrongs and evils done in "the Name of God." They have been done by ALL Religions, without exception, because all Religions have attracted men who were willing to use the Religion for their own selfish purposes.
In closing, I look to members of my own family, who've said by way of apology (look up the word, and see what it means) for Al Gore, Prez Obama and all those who wish to feed us the Kool-Aid, "Oh, but they mean well! They just want to save the Planet!"
BALDERDASH! They mean to do the same as all others who resort to Tyranny;
Command & Control, in Service of THEMSELVES by any means necessary.
By using the "Fact" of the now disproved "Man-Caused Carbon Dioxide buildup causes Global Warming" argument, the Elect were justified in their course toward ever wider means of Control over the daily lives of the People. In the revelation that the assertions were based on fraudulent ("cooked") data, their "Scripture" has been proven as false as it was limited.
But why did the Scientists ("Priests") "cook" & "homogenize" the climate data, discarding that which didn't prove their assertions? Well, self interest! They'd lose their funding if they didn't prove what the Elect wanted them to prove! It would be "Off with their HEADS!" (See Alice in Wonderland, written by an Anglican Priest.)
The simple Truth is that the Elect want what They want, no matter what it takes.
They wish, as did the Medieval "Lord with the Sword," to tell us what we can eat, where we can go, what we can grow, who we can see, what we may say, what we must think, etc ...
They desire CONTROL.
It's that simple.
"Climategate" Protest This Saturday!!!
If you don't live in Fresno, start one in your town!
Street Protest
Saturday Dec. 5th
12 noon - 2 pm
Blackstone/Nees at Riverpark
Meet at the In-and-Out Burger Parking Lot
Please create your own sign (or we will have some extras) and join us!!! It will be a short two-hour protest right in the middle of holiday shopping... many people will see us and most will support us... but we must let our voice be heard!!
RSVP with Steve at steve@centralvalleyteaparty. com
If you want to share ideas for a sign please go to
Street Protest
Saturday Dec. 5th
12 noon - 2 pm
Blackstone/Nees at Riverpark
Meet at the In-and-Out Burger Parking Lot
"Climategate" is the name of the latest global warming scandal. It was discovered that leading global warming scientists were falsifying facts about global warming to promote the lie. On top of that... this weekend starts the beginning of meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark that uses this false science to subject the United States to a global international body on all subjects pertaining to energy. It will use "carbon credits" to tax American business and individuals. It is essentially a transfer of wealth from the U.S. to other countries... and the U.S. will lose its own sovereignty over energy production and use. This is unacceptable. Please join your fellow patriots in sending a message!
We will not stand for this!!!
Please create your own sign (or we will have some extras) and join us!!! It will be a short two-hour protest right in the middle of holiday shopping... many people will see us and most will support us... but we must let our voice be heard!!
RSVP with Steve at steve@centralvalleyteaparty.
Prizes for best 3 signs!
If you want to share ideas for a sign please go to
and Join the new
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The (hey, 2 days in a row!) Daily Bug: California's Chief Offender ... Sen. Levin says, "Tax 'em!" ... Back to the trough, Progressives!
Oops! Looks like the "Elites" need some time with Miss Manners ...
Just a week after California's "First Lady" was caught parking in a red zone, guess who's been caught doing the very same thing? Just watch:
Unlike the reporter, I DON'T FEEL BAD! I feel vaguely queasy, and just plain betrayed. I voted for this train wreck of a "Chief Executive," who turned out to be just another Liberal in Republican's clothing.
However, I do thank Arnold and the current crop of Dempublicans for one big helper; they're too arrogant to hide the fact that they expect to be treated as "special" & "privileged." After all, they're much too important to be required to follow the same laws as we "little people" are expected to, right?
Keep up the good work, Arnie!
Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the great link!
Another "Promise" broken ...
Proving once again that there's no one quite as "deef!" as a Democratic Senate "Leader," the "Honorable" (sic) Sam Levin said this about funding further troops for the Afghanistan "Conflict":
Oh, by the way, my handy-dandy Dictionary defines fungible this way:
"fungible |ˈfənjəbəl|
adjective - Law
(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable : money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another."
So, Sen. Levin is telling us that regarding a war tax,"well, the money's fungible, and that would be the stated purpose" of a tax on those making over ... wait, is it 200 or 250 thousand dollars? According to Sen. Levin, "they have done incredibly well!"
Again, the great thing about the Dempublicans is that they provide you with ready, easy examples. No, he's not a hypocrite ... It was President Obama that said "not a penny of new taxes."
And y'know, when Prez Obama signs the Bill, it'll be just like when Prez Clinton sadly told us he'd worked harder than he ever had in his life, and there was no way he could "give" us a tax cut.
And oh, Mr. Levin? We think that it's important that you pay for this, if you possibly can. WEthink that you should at least come out and tell us that your candidate was lying.
Chugging the Kool-Aid by the six-pack ..."
This pithy offering from the Bloodthirsty Liberal shows just how deeply the "Mainstream Media" has guzzled at the trough of Progressivism:
The Fraud Estate
November 24, 2009 at 5:06 pm · Filed under Health Care, Media Morons
I can’t tell you how dispiriting it is to read this exchange quoted by James Taranto at BOTW:
NewsBusters.org captured a fascinating exchange about so-called health-care reform on “Inside Washington.” The panelists were columnist Charles Krauthammer, Newsweek’s assistant managing editor Evan Thomas and National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg:
Krauthammer: The fraudulence of these numbers is absolutely staggering, and I’ll explain to you why. The benefits kick in in 2015, so outlays are only for half of that decade. The taxes and the cuts, the presumed spending cuts, all kick in at the beginning. You’ve got 10 years of money in and five years of outlay, so of course it will produce a deficit–I mean, a surplus. If you start of 2015 and go until the end of time, the amount of deficit added every decade is going to be about half a trillion. So once you start–when the program starts, it will be annually–it will cause a huge deficit annually. That is an absolutely phony number that [Sen. Harry] Reid gave us.
Thomas: Charles is right. This bill is a fiscal fraud. I’d still vote for it, because I think it’s a good thing to extend benefits and start down the road to universal and–because of the health insurance. But we have to be–if we were honest about it, we would say that we have not dealt with the money piece of it, with the cost thing, that we’re going to have to deal with. We’re going to kick that down the road and have to deal with it later.
Krauthammer: How do you do that?
Totenberg: The thing about the health care bill, though, is that–the Senate bill–is that it actually tries to do something about costs. It its starts down that road.
Thomas: It doesn’t! It doesn’t, it’s as fake as a $2 bill [sic]. You don’t get serious about costs.
Totenberg: Unlike the House bill, it tries to do things about cost. I am not saying it’s ideal. But we have to start this. But if we don’t get a health care bill this time, it is probably the last chance.
So here we have an editor of what used to be a newsmagazine endorsing what he himself calls “a fiscal fraud,” and an NPR reporter referring in the first person to partisan advocates of a controversial piece of legislation.
Exactly. And I can’t tell who is worse: the irresponsible fraud who sees bankruptcy looming, but calls to push ahead anyway; or the “true believer” who accepts Reid’s lies, and shouts down any dissent. Both of whom are members of the press.
This is bumming me out.
I was letting it bum me out over the weekend, too. Then I went and spent some time with my friends, and talked to my Mother, and checked in with my best buds ... and found that, to a person, they were feeling the same way. So we talked, reinforced each other in our solidarity, and decided that this too can be changed.
So, keep talking, Patriots!
The Daily Bug appears (2 days in a row! *YES!*) in the NObama County Register.
If you don't like what I write, think I'm a puffed up windbag, or wanna strangle me, there's a lake out back ... GO FOR IT!
If you agree or are amused or simply would like me to keep annoying you, leave a comment & egg me on!
Just a week after California's "First Lady" was caught parking in a red zone, guess who's been caught doing the very same thing? Just watch:
Unlike the reporter, I DON'T FEEL BAD! I feel vaguely queasy, and just plain betrayed. I voted for this train wreck of a "Chief Executive," who turned out to be just another Liberal in Republican's clothing.
However, I do thank Arnold and the current crop of Dempublicans for one big helper; they're too arrogant to hide the fact that they expect to be treated as "special" & "privileged." After all, they're much too important to be required to follow the same laws as we "little people" are expected to, right?
Keep up the good work, Arnie!
Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the great link!
Another "Promise" broken ...
Proving once again that there's no one quite as "deef!" as a Democratic Senate "Leader," the "Honorable" (sic) Sam Levin said this about funding further troops for the Afghanistan "Conflict":
Oh, by the way, my handy-dandy Dictionary defines fungible this way:
"fungible |ˈfənjəbəl|
adjective - Law
(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable : money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another."
So, Sen. Levin is telling us that regarding a war tax,"well, the money's fungible, and that would be the stated purpose" of a tax on those making over ... wait, is it 200 or 250 thousand dollars? According to Sen. Levin, "they have done incredibly well!"
Again, the great thing about the Dempublicans is that they provide you with ready, easy examples. No, he's not a hypocrite ... It was President Obama that said "not a penny of new taxes."
And y'know, when Prez Obama signs the Bill, it'll be just like when Prez Clinton sadly told us he'd worked harder than he ever had in his life, and there was no way he could "give" us a tax cut.
And oh, Mr. Levin? We think that it's important that you pay for this, if you possibly can. WEthink that you should at least come out and tell us that your candidate was lying.
Chugging the Kool-Aid by the six-pack ..."
This pithy offering from the Bloodthirsty Liberal shows just how deeply the "Mainstream Media" has guzzled at the trough of Progressivism:
The Fraud Estate
November 24, 2009 at 5:06 pm · Filed under Health Care, Media Morons
I can’t tell you how dispiriting it is to read this exchange quoted by James Taranto at BOTW:
NewsBusters.org captured a fascinating exchange about so-called health-care reform on “Inside Washington.” The panelists were columnist Charles Krauthammer, Newsweek’s assistant managing editor Evan Thomas and National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg:
Krauthammer: The fraudulence of these numbers is absolutely staggering, and I’ll explain to you why. The benefits kick in in 2015, so outlays are only for half of that decade. The taxes and the cuts, the presumed spending cuts, all kick in at the beginning. You’ve got 10 years of money in and five years of outlay, so of course it will produce a deficit–I mean, a surplus. If you start of 2015 and go until the end of time, the amount of deficit added every decade is going to be about half a trillion. So once you start–when the program starts, it will be annually–it will cause a huge deficit annually. That is an absolutely phony number that [Sen. Harry] Reid gave us.
Thomas: Charles is right. This bill is a fiscal fraud. I’d still vote for it, because I think it’s a good thing to extend benefits and start down the road to universal and–because of the health insurance. But we have to be–if we were honest about it, we would say that we have not dealt with the money piece of it, with the cost thing, that we’re going to have to deal with. We’re going to kick that down the road and have to deal with it later.
Krauthammer: How do you do that?
Totenberg: The thing about the health care bill, though, is that–the Senate bill–is that it actually tries to do something about costs. It its starts down that road.
Thomas: It doesn’t! It doesn’t, it’s as fake as a $2 bill [sic]. You don’t get serious about costs.
Totenberg: Unlike the House bill, it tries to do things about cost. I am not saying it’s ideal. But we have to start this. But if we don’t get a health care bill this time, it is probably the last chance.
So here we have an editor of what used to be a newsmagazine endorsing what he himself calls “a fiscal fraud,” and an NPR reporter referring in the first person to partisan advocates of a controversial piece of legislation.
Exactly. And I can’t tell who is worse: the irresponsible fraud who sees bankruptcy looming, but calls to push ahead anyway; or the “true believer” who accepts Reid’s lies, and shouts down any dissent. Both of whom are members of the press.
This is bumming me out.
I was letting it bum me out over the weekend, too. Then I went and spent some time with my friends, and talked to my Mother, and checked in with my best buds ... and found that, to a person, they were feeling the same way. So we talked, reinforced each other in our solidarity, and decided that this too can be changed.
So, keep talking, Patriots!
The Daily Bug appears (2 days in a row! *YES!*) in the NObama County Register.
If you don't like what I write, think I'm a puffed up windbag, or wanna strangle me, there's a lake out back ... GO FOR IT!
If you agree or are amused or simply would like me to keep annoying you, leave a comment & egg me on!
Oops! Looks like the "Elites" need some time with Miss Manners ...
Just a week after California's "First Lady" was caught parking in a red zone, guess who's been caught doing the very same thing? Just watch:
Unlike the reporter, I DON'T FEEL BAD! I feel vaguely queasy, and just plain betrayed. I voted for this train wreck of a "Chief Executive," who turned out to be just another Liberal in Republican's clothing.
However, I do thank Arnold and the current crop of Dempublicans for one big helper; they're too arrogant to hide the fact that they expect to be treated as "special" & "privileged." After all, they're much too important to be required to follow the same laws as we "little people" are expected to, right?
Keep up the good work, Arnie!
Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the great link!
Unlike the reporter, I DON'T FEEL BAD! I feel vaguely queasy, and just plain betrayed. I voted for this train wreck of a "Chief Executive," who turned out to be just another Liberal in Republican's clothing.
However, I do thank Arnold and the current crop of Dempublicans for one big helper; they're too arrogant to hide the fact that they expect to be treated as "special" & "privileged." After all, they're much too important to be required to follow the same laws as we "little people" are expected to, right?
Keep up the good work, Arnie!
Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the great link!
Monday, November 23, 2009
The (yes, I know I keep promising) Daily Bug ... From Glen Beck, "The PLAN" & once & for all, the Obama, SEIU, ACORN, Stern & Soros connection ... and a few words of thanks
Well, I know that there are some Patriots out there who can't get Glen Beck, so here's my posting of both "The PLAN" & his great program section on "the connection."
For those of you who have to work or sleep during his program, or live at the bottom of a well eating bugs and worshiping hairballs (hey, ya never know ...) Glen Beck is the prime target of the Progressives and the White House and the Op-Media, and ... you know my drift.
Like yours truly, he's dedicating his life to waking up the American voting public.
He's not just stopping there, knowing that we tend to get a cuppa' joe, a bagel and then go back for a nap. Nope, he's serious about helping all of our confused or tired or frightened peers, and making sure that they know they're not alone.
So, without further editorial ado-do ("eeeeewwwww!"), here's Glen:
And "The PLAN"
As Glen suggested, I've gone to his site and am working on getting him to come to the Savemart Center with "The Plan." I hope that you'll join me, and join in planning to be one of those who will attend the August 28, 2010 Rally in D.C.
Now, the second "payoff" piece:
To put your word in for a Fresno site, go to http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/33398/
Any questions? Fine, lets get on with local fun.
Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the leads, and YouTube for allowing freedom of editing, which allowed other users to take Media Matters chopped up take on Glen's announcement , and edit it back together.
See, even Progressive shills can be useful.
Meanwhile, back here in "Dullsville":
Bill Beckham reports on the Central Valley Tea Party social site about this pithy video from the NUHW, posted at Breitbart.tv:
So, another small nail in the SEIU coffin. I've had the pleasure of speaking with "rank & file" members of numerous Unions in the past year, and without fail they're outraged at the continuous offenses committed by Union thugs. We're just waiting for them to rise at their meetings, as we did at the Town Halls, and take their Unions back. I hope it wil happen soon.
Thanks for the help, Bill!
From the Wall Street Journal & Meet the Press, via Drudge, Sen. Joe Leiberman says some interesting things, with Sen. Di-Fi looking on, doing her best "Old Stone Face" impression:
The questions that had persisted, and bugged me and others was exactly "WHY?" Senator Leiberman decided to vote to advance this Bill. This makes it all clear, and allows me to say that the microscope will now be applied to the entire process.
It will allow us to point out to "We, the People" who are finally paying attention, what's actually happening. Instead of simply "punching the pillow & rolling over," or just ordering another latte, we'll be able to "HOWL!" about exactly how screwed up the entire Legislative process has become.
Just as Sen. Mary Landrieu made clear just how eager her Leadership was to advance their "Historic" Bill at any cost to "We, the People," Sen. Leiberman see's a "win-win" in exposing how business as usual is done in the Senate. Remember "I voted for it, then I voted against it"?
"The spin" is what will make your head spin, eventually.
Whatever the spin is, what's actually happening is that the Progressives are showing us just how corrupt their "system" is.
The neat thing is that so many of us are now awake & willing to raise a ruckus!
The final word on this one is that we all have an opportunity to get out there, stand with our signs, call and write and email and ...
(Be sure to follow the WSJ link and read their analysis.)
After what can honestly be pronounced a whirlwind tour, the three Relay Teams met and delivered the donations of patriotic and charitable folk from all over the Nation.
Along with all of the local efforts, the great folks of the Tea Party Patriots and Families Protecting the Valley have made a real difference in gaining National attention to the plight of Valley Farmers, and the Workers who've been so deeply affected. In addition, they've been able to point out how easily any other part of America could become a casualty of Enviro-Hypocrites.
Keep it up, Patriots!
The Daily Bug is available at least a few days of the week at the NObama County Register.
Feel free to comment or reply or make fun of me or give some sort of feedback, since I sometimes get kinda lonely at this nice little keyboard.
I promise that I'll keep trying to annoy you into talking back.
I promise that I'll keep trying to annoy you into talking back.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Date: November 20, 2009
Date of Event: November 22, 2009
Contact: Jared Gordon
Location: Fresno Fair, Commerce Building
Press Inquiries: media@centralvalleyteaparty.com
Time: Noon to 4:00 P.M.
Fresno – The Central Valley Tea Party will be hosting the Farmer Relief Rally on Sunday, November 22 from noon to 4 P.M. in the Fresno Fairgrounds Commerce Building. The Farmer Relief Rally will be an opportunity for the Central Valley Tea Party and the people of Fresno to thank the thousands of Tea Party Patriots across the country that have donated food and funds to help those in need as a result of the government-caused drought on the Valley’s Westside.
For several weeks, Tea Party groups have been relaying across the country to bring donated food and
funds to the Central Valley, holding Tea Party rallies along the way. Three different relay routes, a
Northern route beginning in New England, a Central route starting in Kentucky, and a Southern route
starting in North Carolina, all have caravans scheduled to arrive at the Farmer Relief Rally during the
event. The Central Valley Tea Party has also been collecting food donations at locations around the
Valley for the past two weeks. Donated food and funds will be given to the Community Food Bank, and other supplies will be distributed by Water for All and the Central Valley Tea Party directly on a later date.
“When the other Tea Partiers around the country heard about our plight here in the Central Valley, they
realized that their livelihoods could also be threatened by government overregulation and overreach,”
explained Central Valley Tea Party coordinator Jared Gordon. He continued, “the Tea Party Patriots
really stepped up to help out the Valley farmers, farm workers, and everyone else dependent on farming whose livelihoods have been destroyed by environmental activists and government taking away water they had relied on for generations, and we are extremely grateful for all the help that Tea Partiers from around the country have given to our Valley.”
Doors open at noon with live music. The speaker program will begin at 2 P.M. The list of speakers and
presenters include: the Hon. Congressman Devin Nunes, Larry Naritelli, Piedad Ayala, Andrew Ian
Dodge, Daniel Blackford, Kevin Jackson, Robin Stublen, along with National Tea Party Patriots
Coordinators Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler.
Further information on the event is available at www.centralvalleyteaparty.com. More information on the relay is available at www.savingthevalley.org.
Date: November 20, 2009
Date of Event: November 22, 2009
Contact: Jared Gordon
Location: Fresno Fair, Commerce Building
Press Inquiries: media@centralvalleyteaparty.com
Time: Noon to 4:00 P.M.
Fresno – The Central Valley Tea Party will be hosting the Farmer Relief Rally on Sunday, November 22 from noon to 4 P.M. in the Fresno Fairgrounds Commerce Building. The Farmer Relief Rally will be an opportunity for the Central Valley Tea Party and the people of Fresno to thank the thousands of Tea Party Patriots across the country that have donated food and funds to help those in need as a result of the government-caused drought on the Valley’s Westside.
For several weeks, Tea Party groups have been relaying across the country to bring donated food and
funds to the Central Valley, holding Tea Party rallies along the way. Three different relay routes, a
Northern route beginning in New England, a Central route starting in Kentucky, and a Southern route
starting in North Carolina, all have caravans scheduled to arrive at the Farmer Relief Rally during the
event. The Central Valley Tea Party has also been collecting food donations at locations around the
Valley for the past two weeks. Donated food and funds will be given to the Community Food Bank, and other supplies will be distributed by Water for All and the Central Valley Tea Party directly on a later date.
“When the other Tea Partiers around the country heard about our plight here in the Central Valley, they
realized that their livelihoods could also be threatened by government overregulation and overreach,”
explained Central Valley Tea Party coordinator Jared Gordon. He continued, “the Tea Party Patriots
really stepped up to help out the Valley farmers, farm workers, and everyone else dependent on farming whose livelihoods have been destroyed by environmental activists and government taking away water they had relied on for generations, and we are extremely grateful for all the help that Tea Partiers from around the country have given to our Valley.”
Doors open at noon with live music. The speaker program will begin at 2 P.M. The list of speakers and
presenters include: the Hon. Congressman Devin Nunes, Larry Naritelli, Piedad Ayala, Andrew Ian
Dodge, Daniel Blackford, Kevin Jackson, Robin Stublen, along with National Tea Party Patriots
Coordinators Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler.
Further information on the event is available at www.centralvalleyteaparty.com. More information on the relay is available at www.savingthevalley.org.
Senator Feinstein Calls for National Energy Efficiency Standards for Televisions 11.19.09
From Senator Feinstein's Official Blog:
Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has issued a call for national energy efficiency standards for televisions, one day after the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a measure that will require televisions to reduce current energy consumption by one-third by 2011 and by one-half by 2013.
Television usage accounts for nearly 10 percent of all household energy consumption.
Yesterday, Senator Feinstein sent a letter urging Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of the Department of Energy, to follow California’s lead by setting a rigorous national efficiency standard.
Below is the text of the letter sent by Senator Feinstein to Secretary Chu. Attached are the also the two charts referenced in the letter:
November 18, 2009
Secretary Steven Chu
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585
Dear Secretary Chu,
I am writing to ask you to help reduce American household energy consumption by establishing national energy standards for televisions.
Televisions account for nearly 10% of energy consumption in American households, and their use of energy continues to rise. In recognition of this trend, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has today finalized standards for television energy efficiency. The standards require televisions to use one third less of current energy consumption by 2011 and half of current energy consumption by 2013.
The CEC anticipates that in California these standards will save 6,515 GWh (see first attached graph), enough to power 854,000 single-family homes for an entire year. Moreover, the CEC’s proposal has support from the environmental community, Vizio—one of the largest producers of flat panel televisions in America—and utility companies.
Increasing energy efficiency in American homes is one of the most cost effective ways to reduce energy consumption. The second attached graph from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy demonstrates that efficiency standards work. Energy consumption for appliances with standards has steadily decreased over the past few decades, while consumption for televisions has risen, especially in recent years.
Congress authorized the Department of Energy to set standards for household appliances through The Energy Policy Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA). To date standards have been set for every appliance listed in that Act except for televisions. While I appreciate successful programs such as Energy Star that have helped consumers choose better models, standards can ensure the improved efficiency of the worst performing models and reduce energy use.
California was the first state to enforce minimum efficiency requirements for refrigerators and other products in 1979. Given the success of these programs, I hope the Department will take a serious look at creating national standards for televisions which are as effective as California’s promising program.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss this important issue. I would appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, November 19, 2009 |
Senator Feinstein Calls for National Energy Efficiency Standards for Televisions
-Television usage accounts for nearly 10 percent of household energy consumption-
Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has issued a call for national energy efficiency standards for televisions, one day after the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a measure that will require televisions to reduce current energy consumption by one-third by 2011 and by one-half by 2013.
Television usage accounts for nearly 10 percent of all household energy consumption.
Yesterday, Senator Feinstein sent a letter urging Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of the Department of Energy, to follow California’s lead by setting a rigorous national efficiency standard.
Below is the text of the letter sent by Senator Feinstein to Secretary Chu. Attached are the also the two charts referenced in the letter:
November 18, 2009
Secretary Steven Chu
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585
Dear Secretary Chu,
I am writing to ask you to help reduce American household energy consumption by establishing national energy standards for televisions.
Televisions account for nearly 10% of energy consumption in American households, and their use of energy continues to rise. In recognition of this trend, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has today finalized standards for television energy efficiency. The standards require televisions to use one third less of current energy consumption by 2011 and half of current energy consumption by 2013.
The CEC anticipates that in California these standards will save 6,515 GWh (see first attached graph), enough to power 854,000 single-family homes for an entire year. Moreover, the CEC’s proposal has support from the environmental community, Vizio—one of the largest producers of flat panel televisions in America—and utility companies.
Increasing energy efficiency in American homes is one of the most cost effective ways to reduce energy consumption. The second attached graph from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy demonstrates that efficiency standards work. Energy consumption for appliances with standards has steadily decreased over the past few decades, while consumption for televisions has risen, especially in recent years.
Congress authorized the Department of Energy to set standards for household appliances through The Energy Policy Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA). To date standards have been set for every appliance listed in that Act except for televisions. While I appreciate successful programs such as Energy Star that have helped consumers choose better models, standards can ensure the improved efficiency of the worst performing models and reduce energy use.
California was the first state to enforce minimum efficiency requirements for refrigerators and other products in 1979. Given the success of these programs, I hope the Department will take a serious look at creating national standards for televisions which are as effective as California’s promising program.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss this important issue. I would appreciate hearing from you on this matter.
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
"You'll take my Giant Screen TV from me when you pry the remote from my cold, dead hands, punk!!"
Can you believe this s**t?!?
The Email Has Hit The Fan - Do Hacked Emails Show Global Warming Fraud?, from Townhall.com
Do Hacked Emails Show Global Warming Fraud? |
Posted by: Meredith Jessup at 8:47 PM |
The blogosphere is on fire today with reports that a UK climate change advocacy center had its email hacked and thousands of files have been re-posted online which suggest these activists have been playing fast and loose with scientific evidence of global climate change (or the lack thereof). The director of the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit has reportedly confirmed the re-posted emails are genuine. Meanwhile, Australian media--including the Australian Herald-Sun--are reporting that these emails suggest there's an active conspiracy to hide information from the public that could unravel climate change theories. Via Watt's Up With That: A 62 megabyte zip file, containing around 160 megabytes of emails, pdfs and other documents, has been confirmed as genuine by the head of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, Dr Phil Jones.Keith Johnson has commented on the Wall Street Journal's blog: Some of the old emails from scientists made public apparently make references to things like “hid[ing] the decline,” referring to global temperature series and different ways to slice and dice climate data.ClimateDepot has complete coverage of the story, including all the latest developments as this story spreads. To find comments like "I'll maybe cut the last few points off the filtered curve before I give the talk again as that's trending down as a result of the end effects and the recent cold-ish years" from these climate experts, go here for a full searchable database of the hacked emails. We'll definitely be keeping an eye on this "smoking gun" story to see how it all unfolds... |
My letter to Senator Boxer
Dear Senator,
Having seen many of your recent replies to concerned constituents, I'm very skeptical about the possibility of seeing you and our other Senator act in a responsible and realistic manner.
Earlier this week, your constituents were treated to a preview of what the rabid moves for the "public option' will eventually mean for us all ... that is, except for such elite members of the Government as you, and those who have the foresight to play your game.
The finding by a "Government Panel' that women really don't need those pesky mammograms and pap smears after all was a real wake up call for those who've been holding out hope that we hadn't just been lied to.
Ma'am, as an old salesman, it's illegal in California to pull a "bait & switch." It would be far better for you and Mrs. Blum to council your colleagues to pull back, sit down and really attempt a "bi-partisan," free-market based health care reform bill. You might actually visit your nice Fresno office, and actually talk to some of us "little people" about health care. And, as a final suggestion, you should fess up, tell the Truth, and be real about what the public should actually expect in the future from Medicare, et al.
I know this is a radical departure from your usual course of treating your constituents like dopes, but it might actually save us from booting you out of office next year. In fact, if we're convinced enough, we might actually decide you're through dissing us, and support you.
Imagine that.
Kris Rowe, Fresno
Having seen many of your recent replies to concerned constituents, I'm very skeptical about the possibility of seeing you and our other Senator act in a responsible and realistic manner.
Earlier this week, your constituents were treated to a preview of what the rabid moves for the "public option' will eventually mean for us all ... that is, except for such elite members of the Government as you, and those who have the foresight to play your game.
The finding by a "Government Panel' that women really don't need those pesky mammograms and pap smears after all was a real wake up call for those who've been holding out hope that we hadn't just been lied to.
Ma'am, as an old salesman, it's illegal in California to pull a "bait & switch." It would be far better for you and Mrs. Blum to council your colleagues to pull back, sit down and really attempt a "bi-partisan," free-market based health care reform bill. You might actually visit your nice Fresno office, and actually talk to some of us "little people" about health care. And, as a final suggestion, you should fess up, tell the Truth, and be real about what the public should actually expect in the future from Medicare, et al.
I know this is a radical departure from your usual course of treating your constituents like dopes, but it might actually save us from booting you out of office next year. In fact, if we're convinced enough, we might actually decide you're through dissing us, and support you.
Imagine that.
Kris Rowe, Fresno
Explaining Mrs. Palin.
I wrote this tonight as a reply to agreeing comments given to my last post, reposted at my.Central Valley Tea Party :
Thank you, ladies. My Mom is my Hero, and Sarah Palin is my Hero. I see in Mrs. Palin, "Grace," as it was taught me as a virtue of my Savior. Her directness doesn't ever surprise me ... I "suffer" from that often graceless trait myself.
Directness without Grace & Humor is often a bludgeon, but when tempered by those virtues, I consider it a spiritual gift, disarming in it's Truth and surprising in it's kindness, when Grace is kept to the fore.
In the past few days, I've heard the opinion that Mrs. Palin was being "disingenuous" when she indicated she had not been thinking about a Presidential run. I disagree with those foolish voices. I understand her, since I am not yet looking that far ahead.
We all have way to much to do without falling into the opposition trap of beginning a premature campaign. I feel that's the greatest reason that she's been treated so well by the Op-Media Talk Shows, with Oprah being the one I was able to catch, is that they want to get her to declare that she's as obsessed with "Position & Power" as they are.
What the Op-Media doesn't realize is that "We, the People" are fast losing any "starry-eyed-ness" that had survived the bruising first year of the Progressive Holocaust. Since Sen. Dodd unleashed the power of the Op-Media to crush Indy Bank back in September last year, we've been brutalized by those we elected and trusted.
I KNOW how you feel, my Patriot friends. I see Mothers & Fathers, Grandmas & Grandpas, and all manner of Family surrounding me at Tea Parties. I see the outrage at the sheer, stark betrayal we've been subjected to. I see the anger at the lies that have been told and the glossing over of the promises broken.
What is most shocking is the sheer gall of the Progressive Politicians. When it suited them, they chose to parade "the Polls" as their excuse to spend AND condemn the Conservatives efforts. Now, they dismiss the Polls. Their shameless duplicity exposes them as the frauds they are.
We receive from our Senators ("Mothers" both) self congratulatory letters of reply to our letters of outrage. We get protests that they've "worked so hard" to become Senators, replies that confirm one thing, more than any other ... That they simply get a list from their staff of how many are "for," and how many "against." Then they go ahead and vote as they please. They vote without reading Bills, and without paying any attention to their constituents, and brag of doing so.
So, in answer yet again to their puzzlement & fear over the "Rise" of Sarah Palin ... Why do we LOVE Sarah?
Simple. She's one of us. She's been crapped on, and chewed up, and yet she's back to KICK THEIR BUTTS. They can't beat her. We hear her voice, and hear the hubbub and cries of "she's not even an AMERICAN" from the left, and see that they seek to do to her what they've failed to do with us.
She's ONE OF US! And all the hypocritical accusations of opportunism only make us want to fight harder for her. All of the shrill voices calling her a "quitter" tell us that they'll do the same for us if we don't stay to be their targets. They want ... No, NEED desperately for us to condemn her, for she is all that they know they don't have the guts to be.
So, as we see the Presidency of B. Obama fade into defeat, brought upon himself by his own inaction and craven toadiness, we can look to those who, as Sen. Devin Nunes & Mrs. Palin do: Dare to tell the Truth.
Dear Patriots, be one of those. Tell the Truth, and do so with as great a kindness as you can muster. Make your Moms PROUD.
Thank you, ladies. My Mom is my Hero, and Sarah Palin is my Hero. I see in Mrs. Palin, "Grace," as it was taught me as a virtue of my Savior. Her directness doesn't ever surprise me ... I "suffer" from that often graceless trait myself.
Directness without Grace & Humor is often a bludgeon, but when tempered by those virtues, I consider it a spiritual gift, disarming in it's Truth and surprising in it's kindness, when Grace is kept to the fore.
In the past few days, I've heard the opinion that Mrs. Palin was being "disingenuous" when she indicated she had not been thinking about a Presidential run. I disagree with those foolish voices. I understand her, since I am not yet looking that far ahead.
We all have way to much to do without falling into the opposition trap of beginning a premature campaign. I feel that's the greatest reason that she's been treated so well by the Op-Media Talk Shows, with Oprah being the one I was able to catch, is that they want to get her to declare that she's as obsessed with "Position & Power" as they are.
What the Op-Media doesn't realize is that "We, the People" are fast losing any "starry-eyed-ness" that had survived the bruising first year of the Progressive Holocaust. Since Sen. Dodd unleashed the power of the Op-Media to crush Indy Bank back in September last year, we've been brutalized by those we elected and trusted.
I KNOW how you feel, my Patriot friends. I see Mothers & Fathers, Grandmas & Grandpas, and all manner of Family surrounding me at Tea Parties. I see the outrage at the sheer, stark betrayal we've been subjected to. I see the anger at the lies that have been told and the glossing over of the promises broken.
What is most shocking is the sheer gall of the Progressive Politicians. When it suited them, they chose to parade "the Polls" as their excuse to spend AND condemn the Conservatives efforts. Now, they dismiss the Polls. Their shameless duplicity exposes them as the frauds they are.
We receive from our Senators ("Mothers" both) self congratulatory letters of reply to our letters of outrage. We get protests that they've "worked so hard" to become Senators, replies that confirm one thing, more than any other ... That they simply get a list from their staff of how many are "for," and how many "against." Then they go ahead and vote as they please. They vote without reading Bills, and without paying any attention to their constituents, and brag of doing so.
So, in answer yet again to their puzzlement & fear over the "Rise" of Sarah Palin ... Why do we LOVE Sarah?
Simple. She's one of us. She's been crapped on, and chewed up, and yet she's back to KICK THEIR BUTTS. They can't beat her. We hear her voice, and hear the hubbub and cries of "she's not even an AMERICAN" from the left, and see that they seek to do to her what they've failed to do with us.
She's ONE OF US! And all the hypocritical accusations of opportunism only make us want to fight harder for her. All of the shrill voices calling her a "quitter" tell us that they'll do the same for us if we don't stay to be their targets. They want ... No, NEED desperately for us to condemn her, for she is all that they know they don't have the guts to be.
So, as we see the Presidency of B. Obama fade into defeat, brought upon himself by his own inaction and craven toadiness, we can look to those who, as Sen. Devin Nunes & Mrs. Palin do: Dare to tell the Truth.
Dear Patriots, be one of those. Tell the Truth, and do so with as great a kindness as you can muster. Make your Moms PROUD.
In support of "Mom" ... Or, "Why we love Sarah Palin." - an article from July 3rd, 2009
This post was originally published on my super-secret, no-peeky personal Blog, which has been superseded by this and other Blogs. It gives you my perspective on Sarah Palin, and why the Progressives, Dems and just about everyone who's trying to "get away with something" is flat out scared of her.
"Daddy, what did you do when President Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska?" asked little Suzy.
Daddy just grinned.
"Cmon, Daddy! What'd you do?"
Still, Daddy just grinned.
Still simply grinning, Daddy lifted his finger and pointed to his face ...
"OH!" exclaimed Suzy, "You just grinned!"
In a time when many in the "Free" Press are still swooning over the "Smartest President Ever (sic)," today Sarah Palin caused more wet underwear in Washington than even the Mayflower Madam. That "Drip, drip, drip ..." sound was the Statists (Kudos to M. Levin) peeing their pants.
Guess what?
"Shes' baaaaaaaackkk ... Be afraid, be very afraid" would be my suggestion to them, because they clearly don't have a clue.
The Statists, and all of those we've seen playing musical opinions like Colin Powell have already begun to make vacuous comments that imply some sort of weakness on the part of Governor Sarah, as though she were one of their weak Dempublican toadies.
R. Gibbs is giggling, Colin Powell is "scared." After endorsing "Trainee" Obama, after lecturing all and sundry on how Conservatives must "move toward the middle" to be attractive to Minorities, he's now begun to swing back to the Right. It's always good to hear Gen. Powell, he's such a consistent supporter of whoever seems to be most popular at any given moment.
Now he's following good Conservative thought and decrying "the cost to our children" that has been charged up by those he chose to support last October.
Now, back to Gov. Sarah ... Or, as I think of her, "Mom."
Why "Mom?" Because that's who she reminds me of, my Mom.
I hear her voice, and I think of my Mom. I see the look in her eye, and see my Mom's eyes ... Fiery when her ire is aroused, scornful of those who would self indulgently whine & cry, soft & sympathetically practical in her pride and love for her children & Country ... yet always direct, and always Mom.
Her mission done in Alaska, it's clearly time for her to prepare for whatever's next. Some cried today, some said she was "bailing out" ... Though that's never been her M.O. ...
Hey! Aren't "Bailouts" what our "Trainee" President favors? How can the Statists possibly object to someone who "bails out?"
But that's not her M.O., it never has been.
She's accomplished what she set out to do, and has a fine Lt. Gov to carry on in her shoes ... though he can't possibly fill her heels. ( BTW, how DO you lovely ladies walk so well on those stilts? However you do, please keep it up, ok?)
My comparison to my Mom is solidly based upon her indomitible spirit and will.
My Mom raised 4 kids, graduated college with honors, spent her career in the most harrowing & challenging area of teaching, Special Eduaction, and sent us all into the world as never say die individuals. Through all of our traumas & sorrows, she's always been there for us. Even when I was weak and disappointing, she forgave my failings without letting me off the hook. She made me see my responsibilities, and the privilege that serving truly is.
I see that Mother in Gov. Palin's eyes. I see honesty and a will for the truth of what we Americans are and can be. She sees our weaknesses and failings, and our strengths and abilities, and believes in our future.
In her eyes can be seen the warmth of nurture, and I hear her words of encouragement, truly the flipside of the Statists overwhelming wish & need to punish us all for our imperfection.
My Mother never gave up. We, her loving children and Sister wouldn't let her. I remember being told lof how my Aunt Mimi held her hand in the Emergency Ward as the Dr. said she was dead, gripped her hand and told her she couldn't go, that we needed her. Mom came back, she came back for us.
I see that person in Gov. Palin. I see a spirit that others have joked about and made fun of, a strength that frightens them to their core.
The idea of being "governed" by a woman who could shoot and dress a moose to feed her family, a woman who isn't afraid of, or impressed by them makes them deathly afraid. And, be assured, when these people are afraid, they're far more dangerous than a bed full of rattlesnakes.
As we all saw ( those of us who have eyes to see, that is ) during the camapign, they will say anything to further their own lusts for power & control.
They will, as we saw when they attacked "Joe the Plumber," say and do anything to destroy those they fear. Yet, what they crow of as their own "strengths" become faults when applied to those who hold opposing views.
They crave our adoration, and the worlds adoration, and will do and say anything they must to get what they desire. They will destroy anyone and everyone they must.
Exactly the opposite of Gov. Palin. Just look at her dignified, yet sternly humorous replies to Matt Lauer on the Today Show. We sat and laughed as she chided Matt, then discussed our pride at her dignity. Funny, that was just last evening.
Gov. Sarah knows the truth, the truth of a Mother. She knows that when things are what they are, running away or declaring them "not so!" is meaninglessly destructive to all we and our forefathers have striven to build and keep.
She knows that to beat someone down is simply wrong, and to beat them when they're down, criminal. She knows a Mothers Truth.
Most of all, she knows the joy of bearing a child, no matter that child is "special." If you don't know anyone with Downs Syndrome, you simply can't understand the sorrows and joys their parents will know. The strongest folk I've known were Downs parents, though their feet were always clay.
And therein lies her greatest strength. She knows her "feet of clay," and ours, and chooses to acknowledge and forgive herself and us, rather than making endless excuses and hypocritical "apologies." I can guarantee you that she will always tell her son the truth, since Downs kids don't forget promises easily, or suffer liers gladly.
Let the hypocrites in the Press try their best, they will not destroy her. Folks like myself will see her eyes, hear her voice, see her Mother's Wisdom. We will root for her, we'll campaign for her, we'll speak of her.
For we believe in her, as we believe in our Country.
'Nuff said.
"Daddy, what did you do when President Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska?" asked little Suzy.
Daddy just grinned.
"Cmon, Daddy! What'd you do?"
Still, Daddy just grinned.
Still simply grinning, Daddy lifted his finger and pointed to his face ...
"OH!" exclaimed Suzy, "You just grinned!"
In a time when many in the "Free" Press are still swooning over the "Smartest President Ever (sic)," today Sarah Palin caused more wet underwear in Washington than even the Mayflower Madam. That "Drip, drip, drip ..." sound was the Statists (Kudos to M. Levin) peeing their pants.
Guess what?
"Shes' baaaaaaaackkk ... Be afraid, be very afraid" would be my suggestion to them, because they clearly don't have a clue.
The Statists, and all of those we've seen playing musical opinions like Colin Powell have already begun to make vacuous comments that imply some sort of weakness on the part of Governor Sarah, as though she were one of their weak Dempublican toadies.
R. Gibbs is giggling, Colin Powell is "scared." After endorsing "Trainee" Obama, after lecturing all and sundry on how Conservatives must "move toward the middle" to be attractive to Minorities, he's now begun to swing back to the Right. It's always good to hear Gen. Powell, he's such a consistent supporter of whoever seems to be most popular at any given moment.
Now he's following good Conservative thought and decrying "the cost to our children" that has been charged up by those he chose to support last October.
Now, back to Gov. Sarah ... Or, as I think of her, "Mom."
Why "Mom?" Because that's who she reminds me of, my Mom.
I hear her voice, and I think of my Mom. I see the look in her eye, and see my Mom's eyes ... Fiery when her ire is aroused, scornful of those who would self indulgently whine & cry, soft & sympathetically practical in her pride and love for her children & Country ... yet always direct, and always Mom.
Her mission done in Alaska, it's clearly time for her to prepare for whatever's next. Some cried today, some said she was "bailing out" ... Though that's never been her M.O. ...
Hey! Aren't "Bailouts" what our "Trainee" President favors? How can the Statists possibly object to someone who "bails out?"
But that's not her M.O., it never has been.
She's accomplished what she set out to do, and has a fine Lt. Gov to carry on in her shoes ... though he can't possibly fill her heels. ( BTW, how DO you lovely ladies walk so well on those stilts? However you do, please keep it up, ok?)
My comparison to my Mom is solidly based upon her indomitible spirit and will.
My Mom raised 4 kids, graduated college with honors, spent her career in the most harrowing & challenging area of teaching, Special Eduaction, and sent us all into the world as never say die individuals. Through all of our traumas & sorrows, she's always been there for us. Even when I was weak and disappointing, she forgave my failings without letting me off the hook. She made me see my responsibilities, and the privilege that serving truly is.
I see that Mother in Gov. Palin's eyes. I see honesty and a will for the truth of what we Americans are and can be. She sees our weaknesses and failings, and our strengths and abilities, and believes in our future.
In her eyes can be seen the warmth of nurture, and I hear her words of encouragement, truly the flipside of the Statists overwhelming wish & need to punish us all for our imperfection.
My Mother never gave up. We, her loving children and Sister wouldn't let her. I remember being told lof how my Aunt Mimi held her hand in the Emergency Ward as the Dr. said she was dead, gripped her hand and told her she couldn't go, that we needed her. Mom came back, she came back for us.
I see that person in Gov. Palin. I see a spirit that others have joked about and made fun of, a strength that frightens them to their core.
The idea of being "governed" by a woman who could shoot and dress a moose to feed her family, a woman who isn't afraid of, or impressed by them makes them deathly afraid. And, be assured, when these people are afraid, they're far more dangerous than a bed full of rattlesnakes.
As we all saw ( those of us who have eyes to see, that is ) during the camapign, they will say anything to further their own lusts for power & control.
They will, as we saw when they attacked "Joe the Plumber," say and do anything to destroy those they fear. Yet, what they crow of as their own "strengths" become faults when applied to those who hold opposing views.
They crave our adoration, and the worlds adoration, and will do and say anything they must to get what they desire. They will destroy anyone and everyone they must.
Exactly the opposite of Gov. Palin. Just look at her dignified, yet sternly humorous replies to Matt Lauer on the Today Show. We sat and laughed as she chided Matt, then discussed our pride at her dignity. Funny, that was just last evening.
Gov. Sarah knows the truth, the truth of a Mother. She knows that when things are what they are, running away or declaring them "not so!" is meaninglessly destructive to all we and our forefathers have striven to build and keep.
She knows that to beat someone down is simply wrong, and to beat them when they're down, criminal. She knows a Mothers Truth.
Most of all, she knows the joy of bearing a child, no matter that child is "special." If you don't know anyone with Downs Syndrome, you simply can't understand the sorrows and joys their parents will know. The strongest folk I've known were Downs parents, though their feet were always clay.
And therein lies her greatest strength. She knows her "feet of clay," and ours, and chooses to acknowledge and forgive herself and us, rather than making endless excuses and hypocritical "apologies." I can guarantee you that she will always tell her son the truth, since Downs kids don't forget promises easily, or suffer liers gladly.
Let the hypocrites in the Press try their best, they will not destroy her. Folks like myself will see her eyes, hear her voice, see her Mother's Wisdom. We will root for her, we'll campaign for her, we'll speak of her.
For we believe in her, as we believe in our Country.
'Nuff said.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
*News Flash!!!* Obama proclaims self "Lame Duck!"
Or at least that's what it sounded like, according to Sean Hannity on KMJ-AM. Paraphrasing freely, here's what was reported:
Upon hearing of his ever falling poll numbers, Mr. Obama talked of how, if his numbers didn't go up, he probably wouldn't run for re-election in 2012.
Now, there's a whole bunch of questions to be asked here, but one really comes to the fore; Does Mr. Obama realize that the Presidential Elections aren't like "the People's Choice Awards" or "American Idol?" Does he even realize that he's not in Jr. High anymore, and this isn't about how "dreamy" he is? Does he even understand that the "We, the People" (or at least those who voted for him ... DON'T BLAME ME, BUBBA!) elected him to "Lead?"
The pants were pulled down this week, in so many ways. The Gov't loved the study that said mammograms were "unnecessary" for most women. Naw, there won't be rationing, we'll just tell you that you "don't need care, anyway." (BTW, my dear Aunt, the Family Matriarch, just had her life saved by a mammogram & surgery this year. Go figure.)
Mr. Obama declared that he "might" be close to a Afghanistan decision in the "coming weeks."
Goodness, don't you agree with him that it would be premature to take less than 5 months to decide what to do in a WAR?
Obama's Attorney General, in the latest passive aggressive move, decided that "The Courts" should try the 9/11 hijackers and plotters. This was to assure that, rather than being responsible for upholding a military tribunal's decision, Mr. Obama would put the decision of guilt or innocence for self declared terrorists in "the People's" hands. Do I need to ask where they're gonna find an "impartial" jury?
And today, Mr. Obama stated that "if we keep spending the way we are, we're likely to see a double-dip recession." This comes from a "Chief Executive" who is readying ANOTHER "STIMULUS PACKAGE," reported to be of at least $700 billion.
Mr. Obama, it might be time to come home, put on the sackcloth & ashes, and GET REAL.
You're on a very fast train of your own making, straight into the annals of History as the least effective and most openly vain & foolish American President.
Now, I don't want you to get me wrong, Mr. Obama. I DON'T "WANT" you to be a "failure." What you're not "getting" is that you're going to fail, as long as you try to keep up this stupid course of action. Go look up "passive-aggressive", and the diagnostics. Look for famous examples. And if you do, you'll notice that the person they usually damage the most is themselves.
At least, that is, the "average" " passive- aggressive." There's nothing average about you, sir.
It looks like you're gonna take us all with you.
It appears that our greatest National Deficit is a RESPONSIBILITY DEFICIT.
And sadly, the Buck never stops in the Obama White House.
And if I sound angry, it's because I am. I'm pissed at the never-ending parade of dweebs who keep trying to make the same things that failed for Mom & Dad, or their last marriage, or the last Administration, WORK.
Spending our way to prosperity won't work.
Upon hearing of his ever falling poll numbers, Mr. Obama talked of how, if his numbers didn't go up, he probably wouldn't run for re-election in 2012.
Now, there's a whole bunch of questions to be asked here, but one really comes to the fore; Does Mr. Obama realize that the Presidential Elections aren't like "the People's Choice Awards" or "American Idol?" Does he even realize that he's not in Jr. High anymore, and this isn't about how "dreamy" he is? Does he even understand that the "We, the People" (or at least those who voted for him ... DON'T BLAME ME, BUBBA!) elected him to "Lead?"
The pants were pulled down this week, in so many ways. The Gov't loved the study that said mammograms were "unnecessary" for most women. Naw, there won't be rationing, we'll just tell you that you "don't need care, anyway." (BTW, my dear Aunt, the Family Matriarch, just had her life saved by a mammogram & surgery this year. Go figure.)
Mr. Obama declared that he "might" be close to a Afghanistan decision in the "coming weeks."
Goodness, don't you agree with him that it would be premature to take less than 5 months to decide what to do in a WAR?
Obama's Attorney General, in the latest passive aggressive move, decided that "The Courts" should try the 9/11 hijackers and plotters. This was to assure that, rather than being responsible for upholding a military tribunal's decision, Mr. Obama would put the decision of guilt or innocence for self declared terrorists in "the People's" hands. Do I need to ask where they're gonna find an "impartial" jury?
And today, Mr. Obama stated that "if we keep spending the way we are, we're likely to see a double-dip recession." This comes from a "Chief Executive" who is readying ANOTHER "STIMULUS PACKAGE," reported to be of at least $700 billion.
Mr. Obama, it might be time to come home, put on the sackcloth & ashes, and GET REAL.
You're on a very fast train of your own making, straight into the annals of History as the least effective and most openly vain & foolish American President.
Now, I don't want you to get me wrong, Mr. Obama. I DON'T "WANT" you to be a "failure." What you're not "getting" is that you're going to fail, as long as you try to keep up this stupid course of action. Go look up "passive-aggressive", and the diagnostics. Look for famous examples. And if you do, you'll notice that the person they usually damage the most is themselves.
At least, that is, the "average" " passive- aggressive." There's nothing average about you, sir.
It looks like you're gonna take us all with you.
It appears that our greatest National Deficit is a RESPONSIBILITY DEFICIT.
And sadly, the Buck never stops in the Obama White House.
And if I sound angry, it's because I am. I'm pissed at the never-ending parade of dweebs who keep trying to make the same things that failed for Mom & Dad, or their last marriage, or the last Administration, WORK.
Spending our way to prosperity won't work.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Cloward-Piven Srategy: Here's the Answer you've been looking for ...
Every time I get together with fellow Patriots, someone will eventually ask "Don't they KNOW this will ruin the Capitalist System?" I generally just look at them with a sympathetic smile and say, "Tut-tut ... there-there..." because, the answer is, "Yes, they do know, and yes, that's exactly what they're trying to do."
The saddest part of that realization is not that "They" are quite willing to cause death & destruction to achieve their ultimately self serving goals, it's that so few people, even amongst our Patriots, are willing to believe that "They" are serious.
Oh, sure, "They" squall on and on at their game of "doing nothing" while allowing the "useful fools" in the Congress to "Rie the Horse to Hell." That's the strategy of the "passive-aggressive." We also know this to be the strategy of the Coward.
And I could squall on & on about "Them." But, Why do the work over, when it's been done so ably by Nancy Coppock in the American Thinker piece:
The saddest part of that realization is not that "They" are quite willing to cause death & destruction to achieve their ultimately self serving goals, it's that so few people, even amongst our Patriots, are willing to believe that "They" are serious.
Oh, sure, "They" squall on and on at their game of "doing nothing" while allowing the "useful fools" in the Congress to "Rie the Horse to Hell." That's the strategy of the "passive-aggressive." We also know this to be the strategy of the Coward.
And I could squall on & on about "Them." But, Why do the work over, when it's been done so ably by Nancy Coppock in the American Thinker piece:
The Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery
Read it, dear Patriot. And after your chills subside, decide whether you're going to be party to this sabotage of our Nation. Make clear in your own mind the fact that, whether you step forward or not, the majority of those who've been elected to amnage & run our Nation are willingly riding the Horse.
As much as any junkie, they're addicted to spending and spending and spending, and do know that this will lead to a collapse. They will lie, steal & cheat to keep power.
You've seen it in your own State. Good men elected, then threatened, cajoled & battered into negotiating away their own future roles. Whether Villines, Cogdill, or Radanovich, the Republicans of today have proven that, above anything else, they have a spine deficit.
Rea, dear Patriot. And after you dry your tears, write, call, stand up and scream, if you must.
But, above all, don't go down in silence. Don't shame the Founding Fathers.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
On Trial Now - Attorney General Eric Holder - from C. Brooks Nielsen
Are we crazy?
Are we, the American People, even capable, anymore, of rational thought? We're bringing Gitmo to NYC, scant inches from 9/11 Ground Zero, for a "civilian" trial?
Is that really okay with the multitudes? I hope not!
Are we, the American People, even capable, anymore, of rational thought? We're bringing Gitmo to NYC, scant inches from 9/11 Ground Zero, for a "civilian" trial?
Is that really okay with the multitudes? I hope not!
It is beyond me to even imagine the further pain such a decision is inflicting upon the families of the 3,000 who were killed by Muslim jihadist terrorists, but I can say for sure that I don't like it at all! Why? Because I have seen enough evidence of governmental malfeasance lately to be distrustful of current administration of our rule of law.
As for an estimated likely 5 to 10 year pre-trial domestic incarceration of convicted terrorists, what about the current penal system convinces the powers that be that this is a sane move? Or - are we just looking at another of the political tribunals of our American Way now being conducted by the hope-and-change gang? I suspect the latter, and therefore suggest immediately addressing the protection and preservation of the American Republic from the top down.
For starters, I suggest that if U.S.Attorney General Eric Holder truly seeks justice, he will find an impartial trial venue far from American shores. Meanwhile, "We, the People," may consider how our jury system might play out in our favor in the court of public opinion.
As for an estimated likely 5 to 10 year pre-trial domestic incarceration of convicted terrorists, what about the current penal system convinces the powers that be that this is a sane move? Or - are we just looking at another of the political tribunals of our American Way now being conducted by the hope-and-change gang? I suspect the latter, and therefore suggest immediately addressing the protection and preservation of the American Republic from the top down.
For starters, I suggest that if U.S.Attorney General Eric Holder truly seeks justice, he will find an impartial trial venue far from American shores. Meanwhile, "We, the People," may consider how our jury system might play out in our favor in the court of public opinion.
For now, I'll leave the further diagnosis of malignant political correctness to Dr. Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist I can trust as long as he's permitted to practice medicine independent of governmental control.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Medicalizing Mass Murder
by Charles Krauthammer
WASHINGTON -- What a surprise -- that someone who shouts "Allahu Akbar" (the "God is great" jihadist battle cry) as he is shooting up a room of American soldiers might have Islamist motives. It certainly was a surprise to the mainstream media, which spent the weekend after the Fort Hood massacre downplaying Nidal Hasan's religious beliefs.
"I cringe that he's a Muslim. ... I think he's probably just a nut case," said Newsweek's Evan Thomas. Some were more adamant. Time's Joe Klein decried "odious attempts by Jewish extremists ... to argue that the massacre perpetrated by Nidal Hasan was somehow a direct consequence of his Islamic beliefs." While none could match Klein's peculiar cherchez-le-juif motif, the popular story line was of an Army psychiatrist driven over the edge by terrible stories he had heard from soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
They suffered. He listened. He snapped.
Really? What about the doctors and nurses, the counselors and physical therapists at Walter Reed Army Medical Center who every day hear and live with the pain and the suffering of returning soldiers? How many of them then picked up a gun and shot 51 innocents?
And what about civilian psychiatrists -- not the Upper West Side therapist treating Woody Allen neurotics, but the thousands of doctors working with hospitalized psychotics -- who every day hear not just tales but cries of the most excruciating anguish, of the most unimaginable torment? How many of those doctors commit mass murder?
It's been decades since I practiced psychiatry. Perhaps I missed the epidemic.
But, of course, if the shooter is named Nidal Hasan, whom National Public Radio reported had been trying to proselytize doctors and patients, then something must be found. Presto! Secondary post-traumatic stress disorder, a handy invention to allow one to ignore the obvious.
And the perfect moral finesse. Medicalizing mass murder not only exonerates. It turns the murderer into a victim, indeed a sympathetic one. After all, secondary PTSD, for those who believe in it (you won't find it in DSM-IV-TR, psychiatry's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), is known as "compassion fatigue." The poor man -- pushed over the edge by an excess of sensitivity.
Have we totally lost our moral bearings? Nidal Hasan (allegedly) cold-bloodedly killed 13 innocent people. In such cases, political correctness is not just an abomination. It's a danger, clear and present.
Consider the Army's treatment of Hasan's previous behavior. NPR's Daniel Zwerdling interviewed a Hasan colleague at Walter Reed about a hair-raising Grand Rounds that Hasan had apparently given. Grand Rounds are the most serious academic event at a teaching hospital -- attending physicians, residents and students gather for a lecture on an instructive case history or therapeutic finding.
I've been to dozens of these. In fact, I gave one myself on post-traumatic retrograde amnesia -- as you can see, these lectures are fairly technical. Not Hasan's. His was an hour-long disquisition on what he called the Koranic view of military service, jihad and war. It included an allegedly authoritative elaboration of the punishments visited upon nonbelievers -- consignment to hell, decapitation, having hot oil poured down your throat. This "really freaked a lot of doctors out," reported NPR.
Nor was this the only incident. "The psychiatrist," reported Zwerdling, "said that he was the kind of guy who the staff actually stood around in the hallway saying: Do you think he's a terrorist, or is he just weird?"
Was anything done about this potential danger? Of course not. Who wants to be accused of Islamophobia and prejudice against a colleague's religion?
One must not speak of such things. Not even now. Not even after we know that Hasan was in communication with a notorious Yemen-based jihad propagandist. As late as Tuesday, The New York Times was running a story on how returning soldiers at Fort Hood had a high level of violence.
What does such violence have to do with Hasan? He was not a returning soldier. And the soldiers who returned home and shot their wives or fellow soldiers didn't cry "Allahu Akbar" as they squeezed the trigger.
The delicacy about the religion in question -- condescending, politically correct and deadly -- is nothing new. A week after the first (1993) World Trade Center attack, the same New York Times ran the following front-page headline about the arrest of one Mohammed Salameh: "Jersey City Man Is Charged in Bombing of Trade Center."
Ah yes, those Jersey men -- so resentful of New York, so prone to violence.
They suffered. He listened. He snapped.
Really? What about the doctors and nurses, the counselors and physical therapists at Walter Reed Army Medical Center who every day hear and live with the pain and the suffering of returning soldiers? How many of them then picked up a gun and shot 51 innocents?
And what about civilian psychiatrists -- not the Upper West Side therapist treating Woody Allen neurotics, but the thousands of doctors working with hospitalized psychotics -- who every day hear not just tales but cries of the most excruciating anguish, of the most unimaginable torment? How many of those doctors commit mass murder?
It's been decades since I practiced psychiatry. Perhaps I missed the epidemic.
But, of course, if the shooter is named Nidal Hasan, whom National Public Radio reported had been trying to proselytize doctors and patients, then something must be found. Presto! Secondary post-traumatic stress disorder, a handy invention to allow one to ignore the obvious.
And the perfect moral finesse. Medicalizing mass murder not only exonerates. It turns the murderer into a victim, indeed a sympathetic one. After all, secondary PTSD, for those who believe in it (you won't find it in DSM-IV-TR, psychiatry's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), is known as "compassion fatigue." The poor man -- pushed over the edge by an excess of sensitivity.
Have we totally lost our moral bearings? Nidal Hasan (allegedly) cold-bloodedly killed 13 innocent people. In such cases, political correctness is not just an abomination. It's a danger, clear and present.
Consider the Army's treatment of Hasan's previous behavior. NPR's Daniel Zwerdling interviewed a Hasan colleague at Walter Reed about a hair-raising Grand Rounds that Hasan had apparently given. Grand Rounds are the most serious academic event at a teaching hospital -- attending physicians, residents and students gather for a lecture on an instructive case history or therapeutic finding.
I've been to dozens of these. In fact, I gave one myself on post-traumatic retrograde amnesia -- as you can see, these lectures are fairly technical. Not Hasan's. His was an hour-long disquisition on what he called the Koranic view of military service, jihad and war. It included an allegedly authoritative elaboration of the punishments visited upon nonbelievers -- consignment to hell, decapitation, having hot oil poured down your throat. This "really freaked a lot of doctors out," reported NPR.
Nor was this the only incident. "The psychiatrist," reported Zwerdling, "said that he was the kind of guy who the staff actually stood around in the hallway saying: Do you think he's a terrorist, or is he just weird?"
Was anything done about this potential danger? Of course not. Who wants to be accused of Islamophobia and prejudice against a colleague's religion?
One must not speak of such things. Not even now. Not even after we know that Hasan was in communication with a notorious Yemen-based jihad propagandist. As late as Tuesday, The New York Times was running a story on how returning soldiers at Fort Hood had a high level of violence.
What does such violence have to do with Hasan? He was not a returning soldier. And the soldiers who returned home and shot their wives or fellow soldiers didn't cry "Allahu Akbar" as they squeezed the trigger.
The delicacy about the religion in question -- condescending, politically correct and deadly -- is nothing new. A week after the first (1993) World Trade Center attack, the same New York Times ran the following front-page headline about the arrest of one Mohammed Salameh: "Jersey City Man Is Charged in Bombing of Trade Center."
Ah yes, those Jersey men -- so resentful of New York, so prone to violence.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Help Save "The Valley That Hope Forgot' - Food, Clothing & Fund Drive, Nov. 8 - 22nd
Dear Reader, please send this on to every kind, loving involved American you know. People's very lives & livelihoods depend on your activism!
Central Valley Tea Party
Our donation drive runs from November 8-22 in conjunction with the Tea Party Patriots Farmer Relief and Freedom Relay taking place across the United States during the same time period. Both of these events are supporting the Saving the Valley that Hope Forgot coalition.
2. Bring donations to the Thank You America Rally at the Fresno Fairgrounds, 1 pm on Sunday, November 22nd.
3. Contribute online using the Donate Button below:
4. Send checks payable to "Saving the Valley that Hope Forgot" to:

Contribute what you can, whether it's $100, $50, $20 or even $10.
Tea Party Call Center 559-412-5056
Join the Central Valley Tea Party Mailing List:
Central Valley Tea Party
Food Drive
To help provide relief to farming communities on the west side of the valley, the Central Valley Tea Party is collecting canned and dry food as well as warm clothing (especially winter coats and jackets) and new/unwrapped toys for those in need.Our donation drive runs from November 8-22 in conjunction with the Tea Party Patriots Farmer Relief and Freedom Relay taking place across the United States during the same time period. Both of these events are supporting the Saving the Valley that Hope Forgot coalition.
1. Drop off food, clothing or toys at one of the following locations November 8-22:FRESNO
Outlet Fasteners
4767 E McKinley (NW corner of Chestnut & McKinley)
BRE Software
132 W Nees #106 (NW corner of Blackstone & Nees)
Clovis Janitorial Supply
2331 Villa (just south of Shaw)
Amdal Home Care Services
318 South M Street
See http://www. centralvalleyteaparty.com/ index.php?id=230 for additional drop-off locations. If your business can help as a drop-off location, please call Steve at 255-8855 or pickup a donation barrel at Outlet Fasteners, 4767 E McKinley.
2. Bring donations to the Thank You America Rally at the Fresno Fairgrounds, 1 pm on Sunday, November 22nd.
3. Contribute online using the Donate Button below:
4. Send checks payable to "Saving the Valley that Hope Forgot" to:
Saving the Valley that Hope Forgot
c/o Central Valley Tea Party Food Drive
P.O. Box 26131
Fresno, CA 93729-6131
Support the Central Valley Tea Party
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or send checks to:
Central Valley Tea Party
PO Box 26131
Fresno, CA 93729
or send checks to:
Central Valley Tea Party
PO Box 26131
Fresno, CA 93729
Fundraising Program
Tea Party Call Center 559-412-5056
Join the Central Valley Tea Party Mailing List:
Central Valley Tea Party, PO Box 26131, Fresno, CA 93729, USA
"Give 'em heck, Preacher Pelosi!"
"Pithy" gender based analysis, by C. Brooks Nielsen:
"I just figured it out ... the Health Care debacle, that is ..."
It is brought to us by Preacher Pelosi who is convinced that she must convert "We, the People" into a machine that feeds her husband's global commercial interests. And why not? She's just being the good wife, blending her talents into the grander scheme of things where her man can keep making more money so he won't fall into a funk and wonder if that's all there is and run off with some other broad.
Her message is now clear. With her carefully tutelage, "We, the People" can all take care of each other and stay out of her hair while she drags all the big boys around by their ears.
Yes indeedy, this is "a great day in American History," where business as usual is all about Nancy.
How do I know that? Because she just announced that she and her colleagues have crafted a Health Care bill that makes sure being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. Poor thing, I had no idea how she's been suffering. No wonder she's been working so hard on Health Care for all. After all, if you can't help yourself, you can't be of use to anyone else!
How do I know that? Because she just announced that she and her colleagues have crafted a Health Care bill that makes sure being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. Poor thing, I had no idea how she's been suffering. No wonder she's been working so hard on Health Care for all. After all, if you can't help yourself, you can't be of use to anyone else!
"In Recognition of his hoped for achievements" or ... "The Three Monkey's Presidency."
(C. Brooks Nielsen sent along the first part, and as usual, I take it "over the cliff" to finish up - Editor)
I still think the best thing a fella can do for himself is keep his ear to the ground.
I still think the best thing a fella can do for himself is keep his ear to the ground.
. . . just saying . . . with the help of a mix of other people's wise metaphors:
I'm beginning to see the light, and I think we're far enough through the tunnel, now, to know it's not a train coming the other way.
There truly are none so blind as those who will not see, but fortunately there are many, now, who are eager for the truth of things. And, it's much easier now that just about everybody is in survival mode - each to his own, doing his own thing so obviously that the wheat is separating from the chaff:
Congress is obsessed with reaping the benefits of its majority before the cows come home.
Obama is horrified by the cow bells ringing in his ears.
The cows are bellowing, "Hey, what is it you guys don't get? Political correctness just got 13 soldiers killed on their own soil!"
I keep having to remind myself, "Of course, it's all about the money, stupid." But I also take heart in knowing the smart money's always on the kids! After all, the kids are the ones who pointed out the problem and the George Soros Chicago Mafia is no longer untouchable. Why, because FOX is making hay on the news.
This train is bound for glory!
You think maybe not? Hear the whistle blowing way back down the track:
Newsmax Oct. 28, 2009
If there is anything more bizarre than the decision to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize, it was his administration’s decision to wage war on Fox News.
The Obama administration has been warning cable networks not to follow up on Fox News stories, which have included an exposé of ACORN and the radical backgrounds of some Obama appointees, and even attempted to exclude Fox from network pool coverage.
In doing so, Obama and his aides revealed in one stroke the most telling weaknesses of his administration:
Obama is a whiner. At almost every chance he gets, the president whines about the previous administration and how it is responsible for every problem he faces. He neglects to point out that in the examples he cites — as with deficit spending — he has made the problems worse.
Obama is fixated on spin rather than substance. Why else would he and his aides become so agitated about what a network is reporting? Obama’s decision to outsource drafting of healthcare legislation to Congress shows his lack of interest in performing the basic functions of his job.
Obama is ineffective. The spectacle of refusing to let Fox participate in a pool filming, then backing down when the other networks objected, shows that Obama is over his head. That same ineffectiveness prompted him to announce the closing of the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay without having any idea where he would send its prisoners.
Obama has no appreciation for the profit motive and its importance in America’s success. In warning networks not to follow Fox, Obama adviser David Axelrod said, “Mr. [Rupert] Murdoch has a talent for making money, and I understand that their programming is geared toward making money.” Never mind that Obama is making millions in profits from book royalties. Obama appears blind to the fact that there is a reason Fox, which was started 13 years ago, now has more than three times more viewers between the prized ages of 25 and 54 than either CNN or MSNBC: Fox provides news and commentary that the other networks ignore.
If Obama and his aides actually watched Fox, they would see that its news coverage — as opposed to its commentary programs — really is fair and balanced. When controversial issues are discussed during news programming, guests from opposing sides are invited on.
If Obama understood the importance of the profit motive, he would have reduced taxes to help small businesses so they could expand and hire more workers, instead of throwing money at government programs as part of the stimulus package. By pushing a public option and failing to include incentives to reduce healthcare costs, Obama demonstrates that same lack of appreciation for the profit motive and the entrepreneurial spirit that has made America great.
Obama is weak. The press ganged up on the Bush administration, but Bush never tried to isolate a news outlet. By showing how thin-skinned he is, Obama reveals his fragility. That is symbolized by his constant need to apologize to the world for imagined failings and by his hand-wringing, while finding time to play golf, about making a decision on his own commander’s request last August for more troops to fight the war in Afghanistan.
Despite his claims during the campaign that he would bring people together, Obama is the most partisan president in recent memory. As one example, Obama and the Democrats have entirely shut out the Republican leadership from participation in drafting healthcare legislation that will affect one-sixth of the economy. The White House crusade for fairness works in one direction: against Republicans. Asked by Campbell Brown on CNN if Fox News is biased, Obama aide Valerie Jarrett said Tuesday evening, “Well, of course they’re biased. Of course they are.” But when Brown asked if MSNBC, whose Keith Olbermann recently accused Fox of being filled with racists, is biased, Jarrett did not answer the question.
Obama and his aides have a blatant disregard for the truth. They openly demonstrated that by saying that Fox is not a news organization, when anyone who has watched the network knows that it is. Criticizing Fox, Obama told NBC that if “media is operating, basically, as a talk radio format, then that’s one thing. And if it’s operating as a news outlet, that’s another.” In the same breath, despite his aides’ orchestrated attempts to isolate Fox, Obama pretended he is really unconcerned about Fox, saying he is not “losing sleep” over the issue.
Rather than being of no consequence, Obama’s outlandish attempt to muzzle Fox News and discourage others from picking up its stories vividly reveals Obama’s failings—and why he will prove to be a one-term president.
Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of Newsmax.com. View his previous reports and get his dispatches sent to you free via e-mail. Go here now.
The Obama administration has been warning cable networks not to follow up on Fox News stories, which have included an exposé of ACORN and the radical backgrounds of some Obama appointees, and even attempted to exclude Fox from network pool coverage.
In doing so, Obama and his aides revealed in one stroke the most telling weaknesses of his administration:
If Obama and his aides actually watched Fox, they would see that its news coverage — as opposed to its commentary programs — really is fair and balanced. When controversial issues are discussed during news programming, guests from opposing sides are invited on.
If Obama understood the importance of the profit motive, he would have reduced taxes to help small businesses so they could expand and hire more workers, instead of throwing money at government programs as part of the stimulus package. By pushing a public option and failing to include incentives to reduce healthcare costs, Obama demonstrates that same lack of appreciation for the profit motive and the entrepreneurial spirit that has made America great.
Rather than being of no consequence, Obama’s outlandish attempt to muzzle Fox News and discourage others from picking up its stories vividly reveals Obama’s failings—and why he will prove to be a one-term president.
Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of Newsmax.com. View his previous reports and get his dispatches sent to you free via e-mail. Go here now.

With every twist and turn in the warped saga that is the Obama Administration, I mutter to myself, "it can't, it just can't get weirder." And every God - blessed day I awake to an ever stranger political climate.
I've been trying to figure out just who Mr. Obama IS ... y'know, in a sort of "Hey, remember back in school ..." sort of way. And y'know, I've pinned it down.
President Obama is that kid we all knew who'd come up at recess (after making faces behind the Teachers back to get you in trouble by laughing) and slug you in the back, then go and whine and cry to the Teacher when you hit him back, and get you sent to the Principles office.
President Obama is the guy who'd win Class President, then give you a "wedgie" in front of the "popular girls," ensuring your continued failure with them. If you ignored him, he'd call you a "chicken" and dance around you. If you slugged him, he'd whine & cry to the Instructor and get you sent to the Dean's Office. And all of the Counselors thought he was "a great guy," ensuring some prime-time in detention for you.
President Obama is the guy who laughed when you fell down or tripped, the guy with the chip on his shoulder that everyone else paid for, the guy who'd say anything to get what he wanted, then turn around and claim he never said "that," and if he had, he'd actually meant something else.
President Obama is that Boss you had who promised you a bonus if you made quota, then cut your hours so you never had a prayer.
President Obama is the guy who spent years soaking up every word in a madrassa ... Oh, excuse me ... Islam-oriented "secular" school in Indonesia, then came to study in the U.S. as a "foreign student," and eventually showed that the one lesson he'd learned was to cozy up (yup, that's a euphemism, all right!) to whoever flattered him and made him feel powerful. And all this time, what he learned as his most important lesson was to CMA, and never make a decision you're not forced to.
This explains his current reluctance to actually make a decision on a Health Care package, instead leaving it up to the Felons ... oops, 'scuse me, the Solons in the Congress to write his Bill for him (echoing, in a strangely twisted fashion Bill Cunningham's assertion that Bill Ayers wrote his books.)
And his putting off for THREE MONTHS any decision in re: Afghanistan, and the pesky 'lil man-made disaster (Obamacode for 9/11) driven conflict his predecessor "incited" there.
It explains his first jumping to conclusions about how Cambridge, Mass. Cops are racists, and his exhortations for us not to do so when an admitted follower and open expositor of Radical Islamic ideals massacred his own "comrades in arms," an act which the murderer had apparently been taught was an accepted Koranic value.
As a person who has actually read the Koran (albeit an apparently flawed English translation) and has counted followers of Muhammad as friends, and had the privilege of asking them point-blank about such behavior, I can confidently confirm that most conscientious followers of Islam would consider the Major a "LOON."
And so, what we seem to have is a "yes-man," a malignant narcissist and racialist, who will say anything and do nothing (remember his Illinois "present" record?) to get whatever it is he thinks he (or his "handlers," buddies, idols, etc.) want.
He will assassinate the character of any opponent, and apparently feels confident to claim the righteousness of that tactic in his "own" writings. Anyone remember that golden oldie, "The White Man's Greed Fuels a World in Need!"??? (Clue: I didn't write that!) Add to that his slavering penchant for hanging around with Bullies & Tyrants, AND his constant hiring of their "admirers," and well, I'm done saying nice things about him.
And yes, dear Reader, we're stuck with him, the President who never met an indecision he didn't like. At least, that is, until we get a Congress that has the stones to impeach him, or at least require something with a greater level of veritas than a "rough outline," soon conveniently forgotten by the puppy-dog Press.
After all, if they don't soon receive Federal Funding, they might have to go and get real jobs.
This truly is the "3-Monkey's Presidency." (Well, maybe except for the one who had sense enough to watch his mouth.) And, if some ignoramus thinks that's a racial slur, Google it, dweeb.
This is my opinion, and at last check, the First Amendment made it
as valid as the President's ongoing apologies for America. 'Nuff said!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
"While Rome is BURNING ..." Congressman Nunes states the obvious
Fellow Citizens, I've been told in the past week that I should be in despair. That, after the amazing political turnaround in so many States last Tuesday, "it wasn't a statement about Obama." Strange, strange indeed, since the same sort of turnaround away from an "Opposition" Administration is ALWAYS trumpeted as a "statement." Obviously, Democrats can also breathe in a vacuum and eat dirt. We already know that they can vote from the grave. That is, at least in Chicago.
So, Nancy Pee was able to, barely, rally her MAJORITY to "pass" the gargantuan "Pelosi Health Bill." Strange, that. You'd think that she'd want to put her name on something GOOD. She was even able to find a "Republican" to sign on to her Bill. Wanna bet he changes Party before the next election?
For those who still aren't getting my drift, let me be blunt: Nancy Pee HAS A MAJORITY. We were fighting A MAJORITY. It took Nancy Pee & Company 4 & 1/2 months to bring this load of tripe to a vote.
Truth is, WE WON. There won't be 60 votes to pass this in the Senate.
Unless we decide we've been beaten.
That said, here's the most sensible statement I've heard on the Pelosi Health Care Bill. From Rep. Devin Nunes:
That, my Friends, is all that needs be said. Send it to everyone you know.
So, Nancy Pee was able to, barely, rally her MAJORITY to "pass" the gargantuan "Pelosi Health Bill." Strange, that. You'd think that she'd want to put her name on something GOOD. She was even able to find a "Republican" to sign on to her Bill. Wanna bet he changes Party before the next election?
For those who still aren't getting my drift, let me be blunt: Nancy Pee HAS A MAJORITY. We were fighting A MAJORITY. It took Nancy Pee & Company 4 & 1/2 months to bring this load of tripe to a vote.
Truth is, WE WON. There won't be 60 votes to pass this in the Senate.
Unless we decide we've been beaten.
That said, here's the most sensible statement I've heard on the Pelosi Health Care Bill. From Rep. Devin Nunes:
That, my Friends, is all that needs be said. Send it to everyone you know.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
From the Water Wars desk - We're not the only ones fighting for a drink.
It's always great to see Enviro-Hypocrites referred to as "Conservationists," isn't it?
The truth is, the folks who've located themselves in "environmentally sensitive" regions have done so mainly for selfish "lifestyle" reasons. I love "whitewater" as much as the next fella, but I don't see these selfsame "Conservationists" screaming for the restoration of Hetch Hetchy.
Hey Oakland! They're after YOUR water supply, too! - Editor
Contact reporter Dana M. Nichols at (209) 607-1361 or dnichols@recordnet.com.
The truth is, the folks who've located themselves in "environmentally sensitive" regions have done so mainly for selfish "lifestyle" reasons. I love "whitewater" as much as the next fella, but I don't see these selfsame "Conservationists" screaming for the restoration of Hetch Hetchy.
Hey Oakland! They're after YOUR water supply, too! - Editor
Critics vow to fight proposal for new Pardee dam
Board OKs plan that could flood white-water sites
SAN ANDREAS - Conservation groups are considering legal action after East Bay Municipal Utility District's Board of Directors approved a long-term water supply plan that includes possibly building a new dam to raise the level of Pardee Reservoir by as much as 32 feet.
Raising the dam that much would inundate all of the Middle Bar reach of the Mokelumne River as well as 1,000 feet of the Electra Run east of the Highway 49 bridge, both of which are popular with white-water boaters. The higher dam would also allow the utility district to capture and store more water in wet years, thus increasing water supply for its East Bay customers and possibly allow San Joaquin County water agencies to use water for proposed groundwater recharge efforts.
A number of recreational and environmental groups oppose the plan.
"Destroying rivers should be off the table," said David Nesmith, facilitator for Environmental Water Caucus, an organization that advocates restoration of the San Joaquin Delta and Central Valley rivers.
"The Delta is obviously in crisis. I can't think of a justification for taking one more drop of water away from the Delta."
The EBMUD board vote came around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday after a six-hour session that included protests outside its Oakland headquarters and repeated deadlock votes on compromise proposals that would have either eliminated or reduced the scope of the proposed dam raising. In the end, the board did eliminate one option that called for raising Pardee Reservoir by 46 feet, which would have inundated about 4,000 feet of the Electra Run east of Highway 49.
Other elements of the now-approved plan for supplying the utility's growing customer base through the year 2040 include:
» water conservation
» rationing during droughts.
» construction of desalination plants that would allow the district to treat sea water.
The East Bay MUD planning staff, however, said that to assure an adequate water supply even during droughts, the district should consider all options. And revisions directors made will urge future EBMUD boards to seek consensus with foothill communities before they build a new Pardee dam and commit EBMUD to cooperate with groups such as the Amador County-based Foothill Conservancy on efforts to secure protected wild and scenic river status for portions of the Mokelumne farther upstream.
If Pardee is enlarged, that wouldn't happen until at least 2023.
District spokesman Charles Hardy said the board wants to ensure that foothill communities benefit from and are consulted on any Pardee expansion. And the board designated a wide list of groups including business, government, environmental and conservation entities and other water agencies whose cooperation would be sought, Hardy said.
The exact details of how much Pardee will be raised and when won't be determined until detailed project studies are done years from now, Hardy said.
Conservationists are unlikely to simply wait and see.
"Of course we are not happy with their leaving the dam options on the table," said Katherine Evatt, president of the board of the Foothill Conservancy. "They ignored all the opposition from their own local officials and their own local constituents and everybody in the foothills. We are weighing our own options with how to deal with that."
One option would be a lawsuit charging that the environmental studies done for the 2040 water supply plan were inadequate.
Several environmental organizations might file such a suit, representatives said.
"I believe the fisheries impacts have not been fully considered," said Chris Shutes, the project director who advocates hydroelectric dam licensing for the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance.
River advocates were pleased that the board committed to help them win federal wild and scenic river designation.
"On the positive side, I am encouraged that East Bay MUD has gone on record as favoring wild and scenic protection for a substantial portion of the Mokelumne River," Shutes said.
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