Wednesday, November 18, 2009

*News Flash!!!* Obama proclaims self "Lame Duck!"

Or at least that's what it sounded like, according to Sean Hannity on KMJ-AM. Paraphrasing freely, here's what was reported:

Upon hearing of his ever falling poll numbers, Mr. Obama talked of how, if his numbers didn't go up, he probably wouldn't run for re-election in 2012.

Now, there's a whole bunch of questions to be asked here, but one really comes to the fore; Does Mr. Obama realize that the Presidential Elections aren't like "the People's Choice Awards" or "American Idol?" Does he even realize that he's not in Jr. High anymore, and this isn't about how "dreamy" he is? Does he even understand that the "We, the People" (or at least those who voted for him ... DON'T BLAME ME, BUBBA!) elected him to "Lead?"

The pants were pulled down this week, in so many ways. The Gov't loved the study that said mammograms were "unnecessary" for most women. Naw, there won't be rationing, we'll just tell you that you "don't need care, anyway." (BTW, my dear Aunt, the Family Matriarch, just had her life saved by a mammogram & surgery this year. Go figure.)

Mr. Obama declared that he "might" be close to a Afghanistan decision in the "coming weeks."
Goodness, don't you agree with him that it would be premature to take less than 5 months to decide what to do in a WAR?

Obama's Attorney General, in the latest passive aggressive move, decided that "The Courts" should try the 9/11 hijackers and plotters. This was to assure that, rather than being responsible for upholding a military tribunal's decision, Mr. Obama would put the decision of guilt or innocence for self declared terrorists in "the People's" hands. Do I need to ask where they're gonna find an "impartial" jury?

And today, Mr. Obama stated that "if we keep spending the way we are, we're likely to see a double-dip recession." This comes from a "Chief Executive" who is readying ANOTHER "STIMULUS PACKAGE," reported to be of at least $700 billion.

Mr. Obama, it might be time to come home, put on the sackcloth & ashes, and GET REAL.
You're on a very fast train of your own making, straight into the annals of History as the least effective and most openly vain & foolish American President.

Now, I don't want you to get me wrong, Mr. Obama. I DON'T "WANT" you to be a "failure." What you're not "getting" is that you're going to fail, as long as you try to keep up this stupid course of action. Go look up "passive-aggressive", and the diagnostics. Look for famous examples. And if you do, you'll notice that the person they usually damage the most is themselves.
At least, that is, the "average" " passive- aggressive." There's nothing average about you, sir.
It looks like you're gonna take us all with you.

It appears that our greatest National Deficit is a RESPONSIBILITY DEFICIT.
And sadly, the Buck never stops in the Obama White House.

And if I sound angry, it's because I am. I'm pissed at the never-ending parade of dweebs who keep trying to make the same things that failed for Mom & Dad, or their last marriage, or the last Administration, WORK.

Spending our way to prosperity won't work.


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