Friday, November 20, 2009

My letter to Senator Boxer

Dear Senator,
Having seen many of your recent replies to concerned constituents, I'm very skeptical about the possibility of seeing you and our other Senator act in a responsible and realistic manner.

Earlier this week, your constituents were treated to a preview of what the rabid moves for the "public option' will eventually mean for us all ... that is, except for such elite members of the Government as you, and those who have the foresight to play your game.
The finding by a "Government Panel' that women really don't need those pesky mammograms and pap smears after all was a real wake up call for those who've been holding out hope that we hadn't just been lied to.

Ma'am, as an old salesman, it's illegal in California to pull a "bait & switch." It would be far better for you and Mrs. Blum to council your colleagues to pull back, sit down and really attempt a "bi-partisan," free-market based health care reform bill. You might actually visit your nice Fresno office, and actually talk to some of us "little people" about health care. And, as a final suggestion, you should fess up, tell the Truth, and be real about what the public should actually expect in the future from Medicare, et al.

I know this is a radical departure from your usual course of treating your constituents like dopes, but it might actually save us from booting you out of office next year. In fact, if we're convinced enough, we might actually decide you're through dissing us, and support you.

Imagine that.
Kris Rowe, Fresno

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