I wrote this tonight as a reply to agreeing comments given to my last post, reposted at my.Central Valley Tea Party :
Thank you, ladies. My Mom is my Hero, and Sarah Palin is my Hero. I see in Mrs. Palin, "Grace," as it was taught me as a virtue of my Savior. Her directness doesn't ever surprise me ... I "suffer" from that often graceless trait myself.
Directness without Grace & Humor is often a bludgeon, but when tempered by those virtues, I consider it a spiritual gift, disarming in it's Truth and surprising in it's kindness, when Grace is kept to the fore.
In the past few days, I've heard the opinion that Mrs. Palin was being "disingenuous" when she indicated she had not been thinking about a Presidential run. I disagree with those foolish voices. I understand her, since I am not yet looking that far ahead.
We all have way to much to do without falling into the opposition trap of beginning a premature campaign. I feel that's the greatest reason that she's been treated so well by the Op-Media Talk Shows, with Oprah being the one I was able to catch, is that they want to get her to declare that she's as obsessed with "Position & Power" as they are.
What the Op-Media doesn't realize is that "We, the People" are fast losing any "starry-eyed-ness" that had survived the bruising first year of the Progressive Holocaust. Since Sen. Dodd unleashed the power of the Op-Media to crush Indy Bank back in September last year, we've been brutalized by those we elected and trusted.
I KNOW how you feel, my Patriot friends. I see Mothers & Fathers, Grandmas & Grandpas, and all manner of Family surrounding me at Tea Parties. I see the outrage at the sheer, stark betrayal we've been subjected to. I see the anger at the lies that have been told and the glossing over of the promises broken.
What is most shocking is the sheer gall of the Progressive Politicians. When it suited them, they chose to parade "the Polls" as their excuse to spend AND condemn the Conservatives efforts. Now, they dismiss the Polls. Their shameless duplicity exposes them as the frauds they are.
We receive from our Senators ("Mothers" both) self congratulatory letters of reply to our letters of outrage. We get protests that they've "worked so hard" to become Senators, replies that confirm one thing, more than any other ... That they simply get a list from their staff of how many are "for," and how many "against." Then they go ahead and vote as they please. They vote without reading Bills, and without paying any attention to their constituents, and brag of doing so.
So, in answer yet again to their puzzlement & fear over the "Rise" of Sarah Palin ... Why do we LOVE Sarah?
Simple. She's one of us. She's been crapped on, and chewed up, and yet she's back to KICK THEIR BUTTS. They can't beat her. We hear her voice, and hear the hubbub and cries of "she's not even an AMERICAN" from the left, and see that they seek to do to her what they've failed to do with us.
She's ONE OF US! And all the hypocritical accusations of opportunism only make us want to fight harder for her. All of the shrill voices calling her a "quitter" tell us that they'll do the same for us if we don't stay to be their targets. They want ... No, NEED desperately for us to condemn her, for she is all that they know they don't have the guts to be.
So, as we see the Presidency of B. Obama fade into defeat, brought upon himself by his own inaction and craven toadiness, we can look to those who, as Sen. Devin Nunes & Mrs. Palin do: Dare to tell the Truth.
Dear Patriots, be one of those. Tell the Truth, and do so with as great a kindness as you can muster. Make your Moms PROUD.
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There you go again, dear Editor, getting us all right down to focus What has some folk running so scared is that Sara Palin is not for sale!
That's right! Just like we Patriots, she can't be bought off. That's why we're going to her in droves, because she has the guts to look us in the eye, and the guts to look the "Dealers" in the eye and say. "NO!"
Thanks for dropping a comment. Sometimes, I feel like I can "hear the crickets."
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