Every time I get together with fellow Patriots, someone will eventually ask "Don't they KNOW this will ruin the Capitalist System?" I generally just look at them with a sympathetic smile and say, "Tut-tut ... there-there..." because, the answer is, "Yes, they do know, and yes, that's exactly what they're trying to do."
The saddest part of that realization is not that "They" are quite willing to cause death & destruction to achieve their ultimately self serving goals, it's that so few people, even amongst our Patriots, are willing to believe that "They" are
Oh, sure, "They" squall on and on at their game of "doing nothing" while allowing the "useful fools" in the Congress to "Rie the Horse to Hell." That's the strategy of the "passive-aggressive." We also know this to be the strategy of the
And I could squall on & on about "Them." But, Why do the work over, when it's been done so ably by
Nancy Coppock in the American Thinker piece:
Read it, dear Patriot. And after your chills subside, decide whether you're going to be party to this sabotage of our Nation. Make clear in your own mind the fact that, whether you step forward or not, the majority of those who've been elected to amnage & run our Nation are willingly riding the Horse.
As much as any junkie, they're addicted to spending and spending and spending, and do know that this will lead to a collapse. They will lie, steal & cheat to keep power.
You've seen it in your own State. Good men elected, then threatened, cajoled & battered into negotiating away their own future roles. Whether Villines, Cogdill, or Radanovich, the Republicans of today have proven that, above anything else, they have a spine deficit.
Rea, dear Patriot. And after you dry your tears, write, call, stand up and scream, if you must.
But, above all, don't go down in silence. Don't shame the Founding Fathers.
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