Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Give 'em heck, Preacher Pelosi!"

"Pithy" gender based analysis, by C. Brooks Nielsen:

"I just figured it out ... the Health Care debacle, that is ..."

It is brought to us by Preacher Pelosi who is convinced that she must convert "We, the People" into a machine that feeds her husband's global commercial interests.  And why not?  She's just being the good wife, blending her talents into the grander scheme of things where her man can keep making more money so he won't fall into a funk and wonder if that's all there is and run off with some other broad.

Her message is now clear.  With her carefully tutelage, "We, the People" can all take care of each other and stay out of her hair while she drags all the big boys around by their ears.

Yes indeedy, this is "a great day in American History," where business as usual is all about Nancy.
 How do I know that?  Because she just announced that she and her colleagues have crafted a Health Care bill that makes sure being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition.  Poor thing, I had no idea how she's been suffering.  No wonder she's been working so hard on Health Care for all.  After all, if you can't help yourself, you can't be of use to anyone else!

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