Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"While Rome is BURNING ..." Congressman Nunes states the obvious

Fellow Citizens, I've been told in the past week that I should be in despair. That, after the amazing political turnaround in so many States last Tuesday, "it wasn't a statement about Obama." Strange, strange indeed, since the same sort of turnaround away from an "Opposition" Administration is ALWAYS trumpeted as a "statement." Obviously, Democrats can also breathe in a vacuum and eat dirt. We already know that they can vote from the grave. That is, at least in Chicago.

So, Nancy Pee was able to, barely, rally her MAJORITY to "pass" the gargantuan "Pelosi Health Bill." Strange, that. You'd think that she'd want to put her name on something GOOD. She was even able to find a "Republican" to sign on to her Bill. Wanna bet he changes Party before the next election?
For those who still aren't getting my drift, let me be blunt: Nancy Pee HAS A MAJORITY. We were fighting A MAJORITY. It took Nancy Pee & Company 4 & 1/2 months to bring this load of tripe to a vote.
Truth is, WE WON. There won't be 60 votes to pass this in the Senate.
Unless we decide we've been beaten.

That said, here's the most sensible statement I've heard on the Pelosi Health Care Bill. From Rep. Devin Nunes:

That, my Friends, is all that needs be said. Send it to everyone you know.

1 comment:

cbn said...

Immediately sending my thanks to Devin Nunes for being our voice in the wilderness.
and btw, dear editor, your supersoaker remedy for the CA caldron of witchy brewers Nan, Babs and Di is a show stopper!