This post was originally published on my super-secret, no-peeky personal Blog, which has been superseded by this and other Blogs. It gives you my perspective on Sarah Palin, and why the Progressives, Dems and just about everyone who's trying to "get away with something" is flat out scared of her.
"Daddy, what did you do when President Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska?" asked little Suzy.
Daddy just grinned.
"Cmon, Daddy! What'd you do?"
Still, Daddy just grinned.
Still simply grinning, Daddy lifted his finger and pointed to his face ...
"OH!" exclaimed Suzy, "You just grinned!"
In a time when many in the "Free" Press are still swooning over the "Smartest President Ever (sic)," today Sarah Palin caused more wet underwear in Washington than even the Mayflower Madam. That "Drip, drip, drip ..." sound was the Statists (Kudos to M. Levin) peeing their pants.
Guess what?
"Shes' baaaaaaaackkk ... Be afraid, be very afraid" would be my suggestion to them, because they clearly don't have a clue.
The Statists, and all of those we've seen playing musical opinions like Colin Powell have already begun to make vacuous comments that imply some sort of weakness on the part of Governor Sarah, as though she were one of their weak Dempublican toadies.
R. Gibbs is giggling, Colin Powell is "scared." After endorsing "Trainee" Obama, after lecturing all and sundry on how Conservatives must "move toward the middle" to be attractive to Minorities, he's now begun to swing back to the Right. It's always good to hear Gen. Powell, he's such a consistent supporter of whoever seems to be most popular at any given moment.
Now he's following good Conservative thought and decrying "the cost to our children" that has been charged up by those he chose to support last October.
Now, back to Gov. Sarah ... Or, as I think of her, "Mom."
Why "Mom?" Because that's who she reminds me of, my Mom.
I hear her voice, and I think of my Mom. I see the look in her eye, and see my Mom's eyes ... Fiery when her ire is aroused, scornful of those who would self indulgently whine & cry, soft & sympathetically practical in her pride and love for her children & Country ... yet always direct, and always Mom.
Her mission done in Alaska, it's clearly time for her to prepare for whatever's next. Some cried today, some said she was "bailing out" ... Though that's never been her M.O. ...
Hey! Aren't "Bailouts" what our "Trainee" President favors? How can the Statists possibly object to someone who "bails out?"
But that's not her M.O., it never has been.
She's accomplished what she set out to do, and has a fine Lt. Gov to carry on in her shoes ... though he can't possibly fill her heels. ( BTW, how DO you lovely ladies walk so well on those stilts? However you do, please keep it up, ok?)
My comparison to my Mom is solidly based upon her indomitible spirit and will.
My Mom raised 4 kids, graduated college with honors, spent her career in the most harrowing & challenging area of teaching, Special Eduaction, and sent us all into the world as never say die individuals. Through all of our traumas & sorrows, she's always been there for us. Even when I was weak and disappointing, she forgave my failings without letting me off the hook. She made me see my responsibilities, and the privilege that serving truly is.
I see that Mother in Gov. Palin's eyes. I see honesty and a will for the truth of what we Americans are and can be. She sees our weaknesses and failings, and our strengths and abilities, and believes in our future.
In her eyes can be seen the warmth of nurture, and I hear her words of encouragement, truly the flipside of the Statists overwhelming wish & need to punish us all for our imperfection.
My Mother never gave up. We, her loving children and Sister wouldn't let her. I remember being told lof how my Aunt Mimi held her hand in the Emergency Ward as the Dr. said she was dead, gripped her hand and told her she couldn't go, that we needed her. Mom came back, she came back for us.
I see that person in Gov. Palin. I see a spirit that others have joked about and made fun of, a strength that frightens them to their core.
The idea of being "governed" by a woman who could shoot and dress a moose to feed her family, a woman who isn't afraid of, or impressed by them makes them deathly afraid. And, be assured, when these people are afraid, they're far more dangerous than a bed full of rattlesnakes.
As we all saw ( those of us who have eyes to see, that is ) during the camapign, they will say anything to further their own lusts for power & control.
They will, as we saw when they attacked "Joe the Plumber," say and do anything to destroy those they fear. Yet, what they crow of as their own "strengths" become faults when applied to those who hold opposing views.
They crave our adoration, and the worlds adoration, and will do and say anything they must to get what they desire. They will destroy anyone and everyone they must.
Exactly the opposite of Gov. Palin. Just look at her dignified, yet sternly humorous replies to Matt Lauer on the Today Show. We sat and laughed as she chided Matt, then discussed our pride at her dignity. Funny, that was just last evening.
Gov. Sarah knows the truth, the truth of a Mother. She knows that when things are what they are, running away or declaring them "not so!" is meaninglessly destructive to all we and our forefathers have striven to build and keep.
She knows that to beat someone down is simply wrong, and to beat them when they're down, criminal. She knows a Mothers Truth.
Most of all, she knows the joy of bearing a child, no matter that child is "special." If you don't know anyone with Downs Syndrome, you simply can't understand the sorrows and joys their parents will know. The strongest folk I've known were Downs parents, though their feet were always clay.
And therein lies her greatest strength. She knows her "feet of clay," and ours, and chooses to acknowledge and forgive herself and us, rather than making endless excuses and hypocritical "apologies." I can guarantee you that she will always tell her son the truth, since Downs kids don't forget promises easily, or suffer liers gladly.
Let the hypocrites in the Press try their best, they will not destroy her. Folks like myself will see her eyes, hear her voice, see her Mother's Wisdom. We will root for her, we'll campaign for her, we'll speak of her.
For we believe in her, as we believe in our Country.
'Nuff said.
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