Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rep. George Miller: King of Compassion, Bringer of Health Care

Just a note to comment on that "oh so" compassionate philanthropic misanthrope, Rep. George Miller.
Who knew that George, who has made clear his blind rage and spite for anyone living in California's Central Valley who dares to make a living off of the Land, was so concerned about anyone who doesn't work for the SEIU?

As reported on CBS Radio News, George declared that "Now, no one will have to go without Health Care!"
As if anyone has had to, anyway. Even illegal immigrants and welfare mothers know that no Emergency Room is allowed to turn anyone away. That's illegal.

The truly shameful thing about Health Care is how the Legislative Branch of Government and their Bureaucratic lapdogs have engineered an ever increasing cost spiral, while insuring that their Allies in the Unions and other "Special Interests" like the AARP & AMA , as well as "Ambulance Chasers," get an ever increasing paycheck from the Government.

Shame on you, George, and shame on every one of your fellows who engages in this bald deception.

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