Thursday, November 5, 2009

News from CVTP Patriots in Washington DC today ...

I just got a call from Connie Brooks (one of our Central Valley Tea Party Patriots). She and Kelly are back in Washington, DC for the Health Care protest and wanted to pass along the following:

* (To be Conservative) Upwards of 50,000 people protesting Government Run Health Care today and they are surrounding the Congressmen's and Senators' offices

* Many of the protesters are going to Pelosi's office to tear up the Heath Care Bill in front of her

* Michele Bachmann said all of the Republicans are together in the House opposing the Health Care Bill but there are enough votes on the Democratic side to pass the bill.

* There are only 5 hours scheduled for debate of the Health Care Bill with the vote on Saturday. We need to contact the BLUE DOG DEMOCRATS in the HOUSE and tell them to vote NO on the Health Care Bill. See for a complete list of representatives and call those marked as Blue Dogs.

The following picture is from another source in Washington DC, but Connie said that she'd pass along their own pictures later tonight.

Brad Roltgen, Coodinator
Central Valley Tea Party

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